Chapter 23

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"I should know it. You too were with them in this." Kimmon was just arrived at the Chaichana's when he saw Sandee was there together with Prem, Knock and Copter. There also one man he didn't know was sitting together with them. It was the next day after the camping that Copter ask them to gather together in Chaichana's.

Sandee was laughing hearing Kimmon and seeing Kimmon's expression, she just couldn't help but to laugh to that. She thought that was funny. "Of course, doc. I need to make sure the stories were believable. Besides, I never tell you lies."

Kimmon was scowling to Sandee's statement while taking his seat beside Copter, draping his hand on Copter's shoulder while pulling him closer. "What do you mean? Then, the real Kit was actually existed? You all wasn't actually made it up?"

Prem was smiling hearing Kimmon while nodding his head. "Yes, though he change his name now. I did adopted him after the accident, and been living with us for 3 years and a half, until his uncle took him to live with him in Canada. We still gets in touch, and in fact, he knew about Copter borrowing his identity and he is cool with it." Sandee and Knock was nodding their head the whole time Prem was talking about his real adopted son.The real Kit

"And like I told you, I have never met with him...yet." Sandee was making up her crying expression making Copter scowling at her.

"Sandee, you know you will met him eventually.....well, online. He will call us later, so, let's not wasting time and get to the business right away. P'Kim, before we start, I want to introduce him. His name is Wuttichai. He was a former bodyguard from one of the security company, but he quit his works for late Mr. Steve. Wutt, this is Dr. Kimmon we were always talked about."

Copter cut Sandee's attempt to utter more words before she dragged on with the topic, making her pouting. Wuttichai who was sitting opposite Kimmon and Copter was standing and stretching out his right hand for a handshake, which Kimmon had standing up and taking the handshake right away.


"Wuttichai. Just call me Wutt."

When Kimmon and Wuttichai had taken their seat back, Copter was taking the attention from every single person that was currently in living room in Chaichana's.

"We need to wrap up fast. The shareholders meeting had been pushed earlier than expected. I need to make the appearance. So far, we have more than enough support from the shareholders outside the family for my appointment in the company. Still, we need to have a backup plans, in case those people could sniff up on us."

"What kind of backup plan, Cop?" Kimmon was the one asking.

"I need you to convince P'Tae and P'New. It's more like backup support. Only if needed."

Hearing Copter, Kimmon was sighing. He knows Tae had every rights on Copter, and seeing how the guy reacts before he came here, Tae might be willing to help. He just will just a help. He knows he had promise Copter he could wait and he will accept any decision Copter will make later on, regarding their relationship, but who was he kidding? At the rate his heart beating for Copter right now, he knows he didn't want to lose him, or risking of losing him.

"P?" Copter's soft voice taking him out from a trance he was fall in, making him look straight at Copter and turning to curious look everyone present before he sigh once again, and turn to Copter.

"I hope it will not come to that, but still, yes, I will. I know you need them both. I know Tae might not get involve with anything that happen, since he is the black sheep of the family, but, can we trust New? He is the eldest and their parents hope of taking over the company."

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