Chapter 25

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"Kim!" Godt was pulling Kimmon right into his tight hugs when the guy was coming closer to him and his boyfriend Bas, after promise to see each other again at the restaurant. They were seeing each other after a year.

During those time apart, Kimmon would always called Godt and sometimes makes video calls to make sure they were keeps updated on each other's life. But all those times, Kimmon keeps Copter to himself, waiting for this right moment to tell them himself. "I miss you brother." Kimmon was just laughing hearing Godt and he could see Bas behind Godt, giggling watching how his boyfriend react.

"I miss you too, Godt. But I need to breath and your boyfriend might kill me if you hugs me longer than necessary." That's for sure making all of them laughing, and Godt was dissolve the hugs while laughing. He really missed his brother.

Don't misunderstand him. His life was happy with his cutie Bas beside him, but at some point, he could feel the emptiness without his best friends. He tried asking Tae for a drink once in a while, but the guy was actually refused him, when he thought it was suppose the other way around. But, well, whatever.

The three of them was taking the seat in that private room in the restaurant. "P'Godt really miss you, P. He thought you never want to come back here anymore, that he was worried so much all this time." Bas was started once they were settled in their seat.

"Well, actually, that was my original plan, Bas. I want to settle down there, for as long as I can. But, things happen, and my plans change, just like that." Answer Kimmon and for that, Godt could see the change in Kimmon's expression. Was it in his eyes, or is he actually looks like a person in love?

"Are you coming back for good? What about your clinic there?" Godt was asking. He knows he didn't see wrong, he was quite confident but he will want for Kimmon to tell him about it without him asking.

"Yes, I plan to be back here for good, if everything went well. I hope I don't have to go back there, at least not alone. Well, my clinic wasn't actually my clinic, it belongs to my family's hospital, but I have a very competent and enthusiastic doctor and nurse taking over. So, I don't have to worry about it." Godt and Bas was smiling widely hearing Kimmon, glad that everything went well for their friend even though there was a part making Godt's frowning.

"I'm happy that you look happy P'Kim. I was so afraid for you. You are a very great man, you deserve to be happy." Bas's statement somehow makes the surrounding felt awkward somewhat gloomy, and Godt didn't want to remind Kimmon of the dead Copter, so he change the topic, saving his boyfriend and best friend from falling deeper into the sad topic.

"I already order for us, Kim. But, why are you ask me to order extra for two or three? Will someone else join us? Who? Did you contact Tae?"

"He did." The familiar voice suddenly appear from Kimmon's behind, coming closer to all of them, making Godt and Bas turns to that voice, while Kimmon was taking his time smiling, recognizing the owner of the voice, before turning around.

Tae was coming closer and took one of the empty seat at their table. "Suddenly, out of the blue. With a request." Godt was frowning hearing Tae, while Tae staring straight at Kimmon who had his hand clasping together on his nose, before putting away the hands and turn to Tae, facing him face to face.

"The favor you ask from me and my brother, was it for him? How? Why? Did you plan all this to torment me? Or what?" Kimmon just blinked his eyes, hearing Tae, while Godt and Bas was frowning, not understand a single things happening right now or who that person Tae was referring to.

"Are you kidding me right now? Or are playing with me? What is it Kimmon? What?! Tell me!" Tae's tone was harsh, but it wasn't a loud one, more like rough, guttural and gravelly tone when at the end of his words, he pulled the collar of calm Kimmon, shocking Godt and Bas. Godt was fast trying to break the hold of Tae while Bas was covering his mouth with his hand, shocking to see this unexpected turn of events. And that, after the whole year seeing each other.

"Tae, what are you doing? Let go of him, and this is how you are going to react after meeting each other after the whole year? Let him go!"

With the same harsh tone, Godt was demanding for Tae to let go of his hand while pulling Tae's hand from Kimmon's shirt collar too. Seeing Kimmon straight face, Tae release his hold, while pushing Kimmon, making Kimmon hit the back post of chair. Tae was still glaring at Kimmon, waiting for the guy to say something. Still, Kimmon didn't really gives any reaction to Tae's action, which making Godt astonished to it.

"What is it, Tae? Why are you so angry at Kimmon? What favor are you talking about? We are best friends for f*cksake. Talk to us, Tae."

Tae then turns to Godt, and his gaze got soften. Truthfully, he miss his best friends, especially Godt. The guy had been the most matured one and had been a very supportive brother all these years. He couldn't help that his eyes get teary.

"Why don't you ask him, Godt? You will be shock, and I couldn't imagine how your boyfriend would feel. I already have my share of shocked and stunned, but I still couldn't understand of how and why. Kimmon knew, but he won't say anything. I tried looking, no, running after him after our meeting had ended, but he just gone, like that. I still couldn't believe what I saw."

Godt was frowning more and more, and moreover, Tae even had mention his boyfriend, and he just gets frustration more and more for he couldn't understand a thing this guy was saying. Bas too, was more than astonished, because Tae was referring to him while saying things he didn't understand. They weren't even start eating, or drinking, but was this guy already drunk, or what?

"Kimmon, what is this guy rambling about? It seems ridiculous yet it seems...I don't know. I already felt frustration here, so before I gets more upset with you both, you better start talking, Mingkwan. What is this all about?"

Godt was already upset, but he was trying to control himself, until he gets to know the things that happened right now. And why the hell his boyfriend even involved in everything that what was supposed to happen. Okay, he knows he was already getting more upset and his mind keeps thinking nonsense, but he needs to know. Now!

Kimmon was looking at Godt, then turns to Bas and finally turns to Tae, who was still glaring at him. "I was asking a favor from Tae and P'New to help a friend in their shareholders meeting today. All I told him was that, he will know who I talked about. Which in the end, the guy didn't need the help of Tae and P'New at all. And Tae came rushing at me, because he already knows who I refer to, and demand answer for that."

"Your company's shareholders meeting? Who is that person, and why would you react so big over a meeting Tae? Was he someone wasn't good for your company or what? And what my boyfriend had to do with all of this anyway?!" Bas was holding Godt's hand trying to calm him down. Bas know Godt would explode any moment now if Kimmon was still didn't tell them the whole damn thing.

"Actually, you both needs to see him in person. Only he had the right to tells, I mean to say anything about himself. I......."

"It's okay, P'Kim. I'm here." Upon hearing the very very familiar voice, Bas had turn to the voice right away, only been face to face with his dead friend. Suppose to be dead. Eyes wide open and teary, mouth slightly open, and he was slowly standing up from his seat, not believing his own eyes right now. Was his own vision deceiving him, like it always do even after months of the supposedly his friend's death?

Murmuring, and calling the name he missed to call all this time, he says,

"Copter..." and his lone tear dropped.

End of Chapter 25

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