Chapter 60

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"Cop!" Kimmon was opening the door of their room fast and hard, shocking Copter and Tee in the room followed by Tae, Godt and Bas who was actually confused with the situation. Copter was sitting on the side bed while Tee was just about to put the plate of fruit with fruit knife on the bedside table. A moment later Tee was ignoring Kimmon and was putting the plate on the bedside table.

Copter was frowning, everyone else was looking alternately to each other while Kimmon keeps on watching Tee and every movement he makes. He watch when Tee was putting the plate on the bedside table. But when he saw the movement of his hand, taking the fruit knife, on the plate that was full of cut fruit, he was running fast, ignoring everyone's confusion.

"No!" Everything happened so fast, that no one else had the time to react, including Copter when he saw Tee was aiming the knife at him, and only Kimmon had fast running or jumping, he wasn't sure, as long as he was fast enough to protect Copter, and he did, but he was the one been stabbed by the fruit knife on his left shoulder, earning the scream from Copter.


Bas was covering his mouth, and Tae and Godt were fast running to Tee. Tae was grabbing Tee, and Godt was taking the knife from his hand.

"Tee, what the hell are you doing?!" Tae then was pushed Tee far away from everyone else. This is going too far. Was he actually trying to kill Copter?

"I'm not Tee! Can't you even once recognized me, Tae? Tee is so weak, I hate him. Because of him you were breaking up with me before. Because of him being so weak, we got beaten up and this filthy guy ended up saving him, and I really hate him for taking you from me. I love you! I love you first! And then Tee said he loves you too and wouldn't let me hurt you, what the heck! I will never hurt you! I love you! I'm Charles, Charles! Not Tee! I'm the one you fall in love with, not him! That stupid guy ruined everything. And that filthy guy taking you from me. Even if you were beside me, you were always talking about him, makes me feel disgusted and all I want is for him to disappear!"

Everyone was shocked to hear things they never thought could possible.

"P'Kim! P'Godt, please, there is so much blood. P'Kim, I'm sorry. P'Kim." Kimmon who was still conscious was rubbing his hand on Copter's face, trying to calm the little guy.

"It's okay. I'm going to be okay. Don't be afraid." Kimmon was saying.

"Tae, you should deal with Tee..."

" dick! I'm Charles!" Tee had screaming his heart out at the words of Godt making Godt turn to him annoyingly and turn his attention back to Tae who still had his hold on Tee.

"Whatever. I will have to bring Kimmon to the hospital. The stabbing was a little too deep, and he was going to lose a lot of blood if we didn't move now." Godt was saying while he was taking Kimmon on his back, followed by Copter and Bas from behind. Tee was about to attack Copter once again but Tae was tighter his hold on him. Tae was making sure they were walking out from the room safely before start his conversation again.

"Tee, no, I mean, Charles, right? Since when?" Tae asked, trying to calm the guy and was afraid he will act violent again.

"From the time I was waking up from the coma. I will never let Tee taking over again. That stupid guy. He ruined everything. And that stupid Pete was enchanted by that disgusted guy at last. It was hard to convince him to take revenge on that guy for his breaking up with New, and he dared to threaten to kill you."

Tae was agape to that. " that why.... you... shoot him?" He asked.

"Of course. What else? And also, he failed. He supposed killed Copter, so I wouldn't have to kill him, and now I wouldn't have to dirty my own hands. Copter was such a filthy guy that trying to take you away from me almost all the time."

Tae was taking in deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"So, it was you. It was all you from the beginning?" Tae asked, still having a hard time believing his ears.

"No, it's you. It was all for you. I talked with your grandpa and I thought he likes me with you, yet he marry you with that filthy guy. I should just kill your grandpa, but then he already had disease, so I just let him be. Who knew he had to go far just to let the guy stay beside you. That's why I need to get rid of him using my way, since I know you can't."

Tae was speechless. "You tell grandpa your name?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? When you left for bathroom, I introduced my real name. I don't want you to keep using Tee's name and I want to give him the good impression. So that we both will not have any problems. But then, when you show so much grief when that guy lost and dead at the time, that's when Tee taking over, telling you he was regret and everything.....huh.....because of him I have to lying down on the bed for months. But Tae...."

Tae was looking strangely at Tee or Charles, when the tone of his voice suddenly changes.

"You will not hate me, right? You said you loves me, and will never left me. You said....."

Tee/Charles words had stopped when he heard the door creaked open behind him.

"Tee Thanapon, you are under arrest for attempted killing of Kimmon Warodom." That stranger guy, who had coming together with Knock and Korn had cuffed Tee, which he was trying to wiggle out from that hold.

" me. Don't let them take me...please, Tae...Please....Tae.." Tee/Charles keeps on begging while he was been dragged away out from the room, and Tae was still having problem to processed all the things he heard and see just now. Korn came near him and was tapped on his shoulder a few times, trying to help the guy calm himself down.

"You knew about him? How?" Tae was asking, quite shocked that Knock and Korn was the one coming with the officer.

"Wuttichai keeps on digging with his profile. He is the heir of Jaruji Empire. But was out of the question when he had certain mental problems. They get help from specialist, but Tee would run away every time causing some problems, in the end, his parents giving up of that mouse and cat games. So they decided not to relate him with Jaruji if anything happened, thus with the cover profile. We had contacted the family, and his brother willing to handle his case, to put him inside with much more secure. They knew about you too. They will contact you if anything. Tee needs you, please don't giving up on him."

Korn was the one telling and Knock was nodding, telling Tae it was all true.

"I know I loves him, but this.... I need more time to understand the situation. Thanks Korn. I thought you will hate him, everyone will hate him."

Knock was shaking his head, telling Tae it wasn't true.

"I talked to Copter, telling him everything. He told me, Kimmon will be okay, and he will be there for him. He told me to bring Korn and come here for you. Then asked me to bring you to the hospital later on. He didn't want to leave you alone at this time."

Hearing Knock, Tae felt weak on his legs and he needs to sit down. Why would Copter be this forgiving? He was the reason for everything. It was him all along, and he dared blame Copter before.

"Hey, Copter is cool. My brother is just that kind of a guy." Knock had said once he saw how confused and guilty Tae's expression is.

"Yes, Tae. Once you had calmed down, let's go to the hospital. They were waiting for you. For everything else, we discuss later. If there is anything else to discuss." Korn said trying to make Tae feel less guilty.

Still, this all was so hard....Tae decide that he needs time before facing the guy he thought he knew and loves so much again.

End of Chapter 60

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