Chapter 17

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"Of course I am. I'm hungry...I'm going to look, I mean help dad prepare the dinner." Kit was fast getting up, leaving Kimmon dumbfounded.

Though the guy had left him behind, Kimmon was still think that Kit was acting weird minutes ago, but somehow, he was just brush it off, thinking that Kit might have other problems he probably didn't know about. He couldn't know every single thing about the guy, right?

He took the view in front of him a while more before he himself standing up, walking back to the tent area. Maybe he could help preparing dinner too. Coming closer, he could see Kit and Knock was whispering talking to each other, but when he gets close, the two of them stop talking. He frowned to that.

"Doc, can you give me that water bottle?" Prem had asked him, taking away his attention from both brothers to the box of water bottle not far from where his standing. He took one bottle out and was giving it to Prem who would just open it right away and pouring it into the pot on the stove. He is cooking some tomyum soup and the delicious aroma already filling the air, making his stomach growl, suddenly feeling hungry.

"Your stomach knows food really well." Kit's statement makes four of them giggle. Well, that was not far from the truth.


"Are you always camp out, doc? I see you have complete equipment for camping." Knock was asking while all of them enjoying dinner in front of a campfire.

"Sometimes. When I felt stressful when club and drinks doesn't help enough, so I will dragged both my best friends out for a camping. We weren't going far though. Those two weren't up for any expedition. They were there just to make sure I didn't kill myself, I guess."

Kit was frowning hearing Kimmon. "What kind of things would make you feel so stressful to that extent?" He can't help but to ask. He hopes Kimmon doesn't have any big problem in his life. He sincerely hopes that Kimmon have a happy life. Guy as nice as him deserved that.

Kimmon then look at Kit and their eyes met. He was staring the eyes he fell in love with for some time before opening his mouth to answer. "A few things. After my mother died, It was hard for me to actually face the truth of losing her, and when my study was so hard for me to cope. You know, being a doctor wasn't really my choice, but don't misunderstand my family, it wasn't a force either. I choose to be in this line of work for my family, though I prefer engineering. My friends are like brothers I don't have, they had helped me going through a lot of things."

"Sorry to hear about your mom." Kit was replying while looking down at his plate. Somehow, he felt guilty making Kimmon talking about it.

"It's been years. I've missed her most of the time, but I'm okay. So, don't be. Besides, you must be facing the same things as I do, too, right? Enough about this topic, so, what's next? Any idea? Any of you know how to sing? I can play the guitar."

Prem and Knock turns to Kit. "He's good." Knock was saying while pointing his finger to Kit, making the guy scowling to his brother. He was giving his warning to his brother with his mouth though no voice coming out from it. Knock was just stick out his tongue at his brother.

"Really? I'll take the guitar. Meanwhile, Kit, think about a song to sing, okay?" Kit didn't have a chance to response when Kimmon was just getting up right away, walking fast to his car. Prem and Knock both looking at him and was nodding their head, telling him it was okay.Copter was sighing to that. He didn't feel confident to sing in front of Kimmon, really.

Kit was looking down, fidgeting with his hand, didn't really know what to say, or was this a good idea. When he looks up, he could see Kimmon was sitting opposite to him, with guitar on his lap, looking at him with full anticipation. Somehow, he didn't want to disappoint the guy.

"Right here waiting, Richard Marx."

Kimmon was searching the guitar key in his phone right away. Once he found it, he exercise his fingers a little bit before start playing with it. Kimmon was focused to his fingers and the guitar in his hand, until he could hear Kit's voice starting on the song.

Though he still playing the guitar, Kimmon knew he was hooked, no, he was actually mesmerized by the soothe voice of Kit, that he thought the night couldn't be any beautiful. It was so lovely, so nice and it soothe his soul. He felt calm and peace. He never thought hearing someone else singing could affected him this much. He had heard a lot of singing, of course he did. But none had gave him what he felt right now. It was like a nice and beautiful dreams he ever had.

Kit was open his eyes slowly after he finished his last words of the song, only to see a pair of eyes staring straight at him. He couldn't interpret that look, and he didn't want to make an assumption. Still, he didn't feel comfortable with the stare, so he took an empty bottle beside him and throwing it at Kimmon, making the guy shocked, took him out from his trance of thoughts.

"Just say you don't like it, silly. Don't make that face if you think my singing wasn't that good." Hearing Kit, Kimmon was smiling while shaking his head. He dodged the bottle aiming at him by the way.

"Why would you think that? I don't say anything.....yet. If anything, I want to say....boy.....that was awesome! Be confidence of yourself Kit. You are an awesome as a person, and you are breathtaking as a singer. Trust me, you are."

That was unexpected. Really. He never....well, except for guys who close to him, which just a few, nobody ever said that kind of things to him. Nobody ever notice him, what else to give him that kind of compliment. He didn't know how to response to that.

"I'm serious Kit. You should be more confident of yourself. You are going out to the world right? You finish your course already. You need that confident more than anything."

Hearing Kimmon, Kit was looking down at his hands, fidgeting with it once again, making Kimmon frowned.

"P'Kim, I'm sorry I lied to you." Kimmon was frowning hard hearing that. What was this apologizing out of nowhere? Part of it because he didn't understand, and part of it, he was worried for the guy.

"Doc, we should let you both talk to each other. Kit had something important to tell you. He had been thinking about it for some time already. I think it's time for him to open up to you. Kit, we are right here if you need us. Don't worry, everything is gonna be okay." Prem was getting up and was patted on Kit's shoulder before he turn and head to the tent. Knock was getting up and do the same while assuring Kit that everything is going to be okay.

"What is it Kit? Why are you sorry? What did you lied about? And what is the important thing uncle said?" Kimmon was asking right away when Prem and Knock already left both of them with the fire was getting smaller between them.

"Before I start telling you everything, I know I can trust you, P'Kim, but still, can I trust you P'Kim?" Kimmon was more confused. He didn't understand a thing. Where is this coming from even? This was all so sudden.

"I don't understand a thing, Kit. What is this all about? But yes, you can count on me. Whatever that is." Hearing Kimmon, Kit was taking in deep breath. He was contemplating about this from the start. It was just not in him to lie. He just couldn't.

"Another request. Please, don't be so shocked. It's a lot to take, but, I hope whatever you have for me, don't change. Still, if you decide to change, I can accept that."

Kimmon was just felt more confused, and curious too. Still, he just nods his head. Kit is nervous, so he didn't want to make him more nervous than he is now.

Kit is taking in deep breath once again, and was looking straight at Kimmon, deep to his eyes.

With one breath, he said, "I'm not the real Kit, I'm Copter."

End of Chapter 17

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