Chapter 11: Lux Cosmos, The Final Part

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The alien chick went completely silent, an emotion akin to shock lighting her face. This type of stuff only happened in romance novels! Juliet suppressed a fangirlish scream.

Dee started to walk slowly towards the woman who looked like she wanted to disappear into the ground. The bad side of Dee was a dark and terrible place. Juliet made a mental note to avoid pissing her off in the future.

"Or else what," Dee repeated, louder.

"Or-" The woman switched to Kyrion, which to Juliet sounded like a bunch of clicks and hisses. After a moment, Dee grabbed the woman by the collar and slammed her into a wall. It happened in slow motion.

"Have you not yet noticed the necklace around her neck?" The situation dawned upon the intruder. Dee was about to launch into full fighting mode, but Juliet caught an arm as it swung back. She was nearly knocked back from the force, but her flailing legs caught her.

"Hey, hey, hey, guysssss! It was clearly a misunderstanding. Everything is all good now. No need for politics or whateva." That sounded a lot more sophisticated in her head.

Fighting was pointless but it was nice to know that Dee would run head-first into a fight to protect Juliet's honor. Both Kyrions looked at Juliet with confusion. She interrupted the protocol, the customary fight. They did not speak so Juliet opened her mouth to fill the silence.

"You know what, lets just grab a drink outside and talk it out. Just do not fight."

Finally, the Kyrions relaxed. Juliet kept hold of Dee's arm just in case.

"Who are you here with? I see this is a situation I must make clear to everyone."

The alien chick nodded, her demeanor suddenly very meek.

"I am here with Michael and Sasha."

Dee led Juliet back outside where two more Kyrion, both male, were waiting. They all sat silently down at the bar.

"I did not suspect to find you here." One of them spoke. Dee laughed in response while Juliet waved at the bartender for a drink because she actually needed one now.

"It is a very small planet. However, this is not a coincidence I see," Dee said. She discreetly placed a hand on Juliet's thigh and squeezed gently.

"No, we are here to tie up a couple loose ends as they say. Is the human allowed to be in the presence of this information?"

"Yes, she is my alara. What you wish to say to me, you may also say to her."

The woman simply stared into the details of the bar's finish. The bartender sat a glowing drink in front of Juliet, casting a comical blue light on Michael and Sasha's shocked faces.

"Alara!" Sasha exclaimed.

"Human?" Micheal leaned back as if to process the information.

Juliet took a big gulp of the drink as she felt the atmosphere becoming tense.

"Is there an issue, friends?" Dee's tone was dangerous. Juliet was now sure that the Kyrion had no idea what a friend was.

"You cannot be serious-"

"Michael, she has a lorakaikonak," alien chick said.

"That means she is damn super serious, huh?" Juliet tried to lighten the mood. It did not work. Seems it was a bad joke or perhaps bad timing.

The three Kyrion stared at her. Dee kept her gaze focused on them.

"Aloran wants to speak with you back at the base. However, we no longer wish to share the possible contents of this conversation." Michael said.

"Heard." Dee answered with palpable annoyance. "Aloran can simply send me a message. I have visited him enough. I do not appreciate that you have found me here and interrupted my meeting with my alara."

Juliet rolled her eyes at the word "meeting".

"Heard." Michael said. "We shall leave you two be now as we are not welcome."

"No, you are not." Dee said. Then Juliet finished her cocktail and waved goodbye to them as they left.

"Well, there went the possibility of making new friends."

Dee watched them intently, and then placed her attention back to the date. Juliet's goofy expression softened Dee's mood instantly.

"You handled that quite well, my alara. I must say I am impressed."

"What can I say...I have more experience in alien relations than most." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder and took Dee's hand. "I think I have earned a little meeting in that spacious bathroom over there."

"I am taking you home." Dee said, gruffly. "Your noises, screams, and moans are only mine to hear."

Edited by -MissElle <3

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