Chapter 26: The King's Court, Part Three

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"Did you change your body," Juliet asked as they made their way down the hallway. 

"I don't understand."

"You're taller." The accusatory tone made Dee chuckle. 

"Yes, I am able to change my form as I please. However, this change in form, to be taller, stronger and more masculine is simply my system's response to being victorious." 

"What is your real form?" She had to start going to the gym to even look a little bit Dee's equal. 

"You're not ready to see it yet. This is something saved for a much older relationship."

"Is it tradition?"

"I created this tradition."

The bedroom door revealed a spacious, lush room. There were plants stuffed in every crevice and corner, but at the same time they looked like they had been growing there. Where the wall was bare, there was a trickle of water. Juliet ran a hand through a nearby plant. Soft. Real.

"You told me how you longed to escape the city, and sleep the nights away under the stars," Dee clapped her hands and the room transformed. Above them was the cosmos, stars shining bright and silent. Juliet's skin prickled with goosebumps as the temperature lowered slightly, and a fresh night breeze tickled her shoulder. The bed, admittedly the simplest thing in the room, was large and white. Dee once told her that she adored seeing Juliet surrounded in light colors. It reminded her of home. She sat down, staring in awe at the night sky. 

"Do you like it?" Dee breathed in her ear. Tears trickled down Juliet's frozen look of awe. In that moment all of the doubts that clouded her mind melted away like ice cream on a hot day. The world was ending. The world was changing. But she? She was loved, loved like no one else had been loved before. In the stars above her, she understood. She understood what Dee meant when she said that she wanted to give Juliet the universe. 

"I-ah," Juliet tried to say something but was interrupted by her own sob.

"Why do you cry? What did I do? Juliet," Dee wrapped her arms around her. In this moment, she was grateful. She was alive for this. All of the pain she had endured, at the hands of others and herself. How could she have missed this love? It was selfishness and purity wrapped into one. 

"Dee," she whispered. "It's perfect, change nothing." 

"Happy tears?" 

"The happiest," Juliet pulled Dee's chin down toward her and planted the softest kiss she could muster. Here, in this room, there was nothing to fear. There was nothing to hide from, and nothing to remember. 

Hungrily, Dee pushed her down on the bed. Juliet responded by wrapping her arms and legs around her body. It was so satisfying to feel Dee's muscle ripple under her in anticipation, something that human bodies did not do. 

"You are the sweetest thing I have ever known," Dee said. She placed her lips on Juliet's neck and gently sucked. She moaned, desperately wishing the kisses were rough. She reached down towards Dee's hips was met with a gentle "ah, ah". 

"Tonight, I am King. You will beg for my cock." Juliet's eyes went wide. 

 She always knew that Dee wanted to be dominant in the bedroom, but was never patient enough to wait. This suited Juliet fine, as she was always eager to make her orgasm. 

"Are you sure," she replied, flashing a naughty smile. "How long can you wait tonight before my lips are wrapped around you?"

"Tonight is different, my alara. Your sorcery will not work on me tonight."

Between blinks, Dee took Juliet's wrists and spread them out in opposite directions. Juliet took that as a challenge. She began to gyrate her hips against Dee's, making the soft sounds she knew were irresistible. Something soft hardened in response. Dee placed a thigh between her legs, raising her body over Juliet. 

"You're being naughty right now. In my kingdom, we do not allow naughty girls," Dee's voice was royal, apathetic and powerful. The tone made her feel twitchy and tingly all over. She knew instinctively that tonight was not the night to play games- but just couldn't help herself. 

"What happens to naughty girls," Juliet asked breathily. Her pussy became wet from the gentle rubbing. Dee flipped Juliet over, propping her ass up towards the ceiling. 

"For one, naughty girls don't get pleasure," Dee placed her palm forcefully against Juliet's ass. "They. Get. Pain." 

Each word was punctuated by a forceful slap. This forced out a small shameful mewl.

"For second, naughty girls don't get penetrated," Dee was now rubbing her fully erect cock against Juliet's hips. God, how she wished that Dee wasn't still clothed. 

"I see," Juliet said. 

"And I know you like to be penetrated, no? By strong, powerful, women- no?"

Juliet hesitated, too turned on to form words. Dee grabbed Juliet's hair at it's base, dear God her palms were large now. Her neck was pulled down, so that she stared up into the Kyrion's face. 

"Silence is not an answer, little, powerless, girl." Dee's other arm wrapped around her breasts, a vice. 

"Ahhh- what was the question?" This new position pulled a completely different energy from Juliet. 

"You like being penetrated by strong powerful women?"


"And what am I?"

"A strong, powerful woman?"

"Correct," The arm moved slowly down, fingers nearing Juliet's clit. 

"And what are you?"

"I don't know," she gasped, as fingers started furiously massaging her. 

"You are mine," Dee whispered.

"Yours, yours, yours," she cried out, nearing climax. 

"Are you ready to beg?" This question was spoken at exactly the same time as her hand went absolutely still. 

"No!" Juliet was thrown against the bed, clit crying in the absolute agony of being denied an orgasm. This was the first time Dee had ever denied her...anything. 


She turned around to see a devilish smile on Dee's face. 

"That's not fair," she cried. 

"Oh, is it? What other injustices are you comparing this to?"

Juliet tried to finish herself off. She was so turned on- she couldn't think. Dee placed a hand lazily on Juliet's chest.  And then, once again, as she was about to cum, her hand was snatched away. Simultaneously, Dee inserted a finger inside her. The new sensation completely killed the momentum. 

"ARgh," Juliet puffed her bottom lip out. 

"Oh, you're so cute. Look at you, tearstained and disheveled," Dee primly pulled the dress back down across Juliet's legs. 

"You're mean," she huffed in reply. 

"Darling, this is nothing compared to how cruel I can be to you."

Juliet placed her hands under her head, trying to appear relaxed as her heart and brain screamed in pleasure. 

"Be cruel to me." 

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