Chapter 25: The King's Court, Part Two

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 A group of humans and Kyrions formed below the throne. Juliet recognized Aloran, and a couple members of the Council. However, there were also some prominent humans. She only recognized the President of the United States, which by now was only a figurehead. It was a pretend democracy. Kyrions took away the privilege of government almost instantaneously after their arrival. However, they quickly realized that without some sort of outward show of power, tribalism became so rampant that it was dangerous. So, the human chess pieces were reinstated- but only the most gullible among the humans were fooled into thinking that they were actually doing anything. 

"Congratulations on a complete conquest!" Aloran raised a glass full of amber liquid. The others around him followed suit. Dee bowed her head respectfully in thanks. The way they smiled at each other made Juliet's stomach crawl again, rife with jealousy and suspicion. 

"It is complete, but it is only the beginning. There are many places we left untouched. As you have been told already, the key to a most peaceful conquest is the support of the leaders. You must all pull any diplomatic strings you have left to make sure you spare as many lives as possible. Only the the most stubborn will be harmed.  The stupid will be killed." 

There was a grave look on the President of the United State's face. When he met Juliet's eyes, he gave her a smile. However, it was a smile of disgust and betrayal. What did it look like to everyone watching her? She sat on the lap of the most powerful being on the planet, a being that was going to take the planet from under their feet. Juliet quickly looked away. 

"Are you sure there isn't any other peaceful way to do this?" Another man stepped forward. 

"And try my patience? Aiyetoro, Nigeria has nothing to worry about. Unless you wish to tell me of any rebellions?"

The man shook his head, retreating to speak to another colleague. 

"May I leave," Juliet asked, under her breath. Dee's hand spread wide across Juliet's thigh, disturbing the fabric of the dress. 

"Not yet, alara," Dee said. "It is custom to celebrate such an event, together. The only conquest that I look forward to is you." 

Juliet resolved to smile and listen, courting the occasional introduction. She had no idea the rulers actually sat on thrones and talked to their subjects like this. Many concerns were raised about different parts of the world, to which Dee always had a solution. She could not help but think of Sarah. She did not choose to come here. Her presence definitely had given Dee some sort of satisfaction. 

She had to find Sarah and get her out. It was the only right thing to do. She had a life, a practice and possibly another love. She could not be taken away from that on account of Dee's conqueror boner. Juliet tried once more to gently steal away, maybe try to look for that familiar face. As if a sixth sense kicked in, Dee let out a soft alien hiss and draped her arm across Juliet's shoulder settling her palm on the small of her waist. Outwardly the position looked relaxed, but it was a clear sign to stay put. 

Finally, the sun lowered and the hall became dark and mostly empty. 

"Go, Aloran, I release you. Make sure everyone leaves or attends their duties. Report back to me the council proceedings. The usual, you know?" 

The Kyrion bowed. Juliet stretched her tired legs and back,  with many cracking noises echoing through the hall. 

"Stop!" Dee worriedly prevented Juliet from cracking her neck a second time. 

"This is what happens when humans sit around for too long, it's alright, " she laughed continuing her stretch-crack routine. 

"Next time your shall be standing then," Dee said. Juliet shook her head. 

"Feet would kill me after four hours."

"Kneeling, then."

"My kne-"

"Precisely. Now, my love. Let us go to our new home." 

For a moment, Juliet felt reality suspend. How did this happen? One moment, she was simply trying to take the subway home and now... she was following her alien soulmate to their new room in a castle that was built in a couple of weeks.

Dee ambled over to the nearest wall. She placed a hand on it, and spoke in Kyrion. It opened to the most luxurious space Juliet had ever seen. The doorway opened up to a stunning view of the surrounding space, with mountains in the far distance. There was a large couch, and big wooden slab table. A fridge and stove were there, but were considerably smaller than the kitchen in the other apartment. Everywhere she looked, there was something to suggest opulence. 

"We will have the wall compatible with your voice soon, you simply have to tell it where you want to go." 

"Ah, no worries," Juliet dazedly replied, cracking open to find the fridge full of every single essential and more. She then walked over to find a long hallway, with many doors. 

"We have a pool, a sauna, an indoor forest oasis, and a bathtub. I wasn't sure what you would like so I got everything. Any kind of room you want, we can fit to this space." 

"A library," Juliet said dreamily, forgetting completely to be humble. Dee kissed her on the cheek. 

"What kind of library? Like an independent bookstore, or like a vampire's lair? Why not both?"

This was when Juliet finally took her focus from looking around to looking at Dee. 

"Are you worrying about what I think of this?" Juliet placed a hand on the Kyrion's cheek. 

"We can redo everything, we can make something entirely new...if you want a new room every single day then it shall be so. If you want something smaller, bigger..."

Juliet stood on her tippy toes and pushed her lips into Dee's. 

"Shush," she said breathily. "It's perfect. Out of all the things you have to worry about- this? This is inconsequential. As long as you are safe, healthy and happy, that is all I care about." 

"You don't understand. You consume me, your comfort, health and happiness is the only thing I worry about."

"Then we have an understanding," Juliet said. "Now, show me to the bedroom."

A dark smile alighted Dee's face. For all her resolve to not care about the aliens, Juliet may be the first human to ever be truly conquered by a Kyrion. 

 It was delicious. 

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