Chapter 18: Condescenion, Part 3

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"Well, we have to try out a couple other reflexes that I am sure you do have," Dee said, huskily.

She pushed Juliet into the Kulon. It hardened enough to lay on top of. Juliet supposed that it was strange, a "sentient" thing almost participating in their play. At this moment, she didn't care. She waited so long for this... she didn't care if it happened on top of the Empire State needle.

Dee placed her hands on Juliet's hips. They almost encircled her, strapping her down. Then, she took her tongue and simply placed it down. The contact itself made Juliet contract in the most delicious way. The endorphins were already pumping, and Juliet could hear her heart beating in her chest. Dee made slow work. It felt like a calm ocean beating against a shore. Lazy and consistent. Yet, before she knew it, she was incredibly close to climaxing. 

"Juliet, come," at those words, Juliet fell over the edge. It caught her by surprise, head sinking backwards as she convulsed. There was no questioning the hold this woman had over her body. God, it was so long since she came. She realized that Dee wasn't stopping. She had shifted her tongue inside, searching for the G-spot. 

She moaned deeply as Dee's tongue started to stroke in and out, delicate yet insistent. 

"Dee, I don't think," she moaned. "I don't think I can come like that." 

It was true. All other attempts had been utter failures. 

"It is mine to have, then" Dee said. She placed a hand over Juliet's lower abdomen, pressing gently down. Juliet cried out in ecstasy, a deeper and stronger coil building inside her. 

Dee took her tongue out and placed two fingers inside. They slid in comfortably, and Juliet thought it would be pleasant if they simple rested there for a while. Dee got the information she needed to proceed. 

"This should have been me inside you," she growled. "Next time, you will be so full of me you won't be able to say anything other than my name. You understand?"

"Yes!" Juliet bellowed as Dee increased both pace and pressure. She was so swollen down there, it was like new parts of her were unfurling for Dee. 

"Yes, what?" Dee said, cockily slowing down. Juliet's toes curled and uncurled in anticipation. 



"Yes, Mistress?" 

"No. You are my slave, and I am your-"


Dee pushed Juliet over the edge, and kept her hips stationary as they bucked. Juliet floated off, eyes rolling up into her head as she tried to return back to the present.

"Don't fight it," Dee whispered, "You're safe here." 

Juliet's body shook, everything alight. She could feel everything, from Dee's hands placed gently on her hips, to the air, to the Kulon gently supporting her back. It was as if her electric circuits had been overloaded, and now she had to release the remaining energy. 

"Oh, my, God," she finally said. 

"No God here. Just me," Dee said. 

"And you are more than enough." 

Juliet pulled her in for one final, lingering kiss. 

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