Chapter 37: Being

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Dee pulled back from the embrace, causing Juliet to whimper slightly.

"What does it mean that the Kulon saved you? How could it have done that?"

", came out of the necklace and saved me. I did not make it out of there alone."

"Aloran told me that humans were capable of great feats when they appeared to be in severe danger." Juliet shuddered at the name, wishing that she could mock him instead of cower in fear. He must not have been found out for what he did.

"What is this reaction? You turn pale at the mention of his name."

"He is the one who set me up when he gave me the watch. He told Sarah to report me to the army. None of this was an accident.''

"Aloran?" The utter betrayal made the room feel like it was splitting into two. For a moment, she wished that she didn't have to be the bearer of terrible news. Anything to take away the pain her partner was feeling. Dee sat up in the bed, clutching the blankets around her. For a moment, she seemed lost. Then, her countenance hardened, a carefully crafted shell.

Juliet had no protest to any sort of punishment this time. This was an attempt on her life. The position Aloran held within the Kyrion hierarchy demanded he understood the inner workings of the human army. He knew what the humans thought of people like her, alien fuckers. He knew that her capture would mean imminent death.

She stopped Dee from exiting the bed. "Wait, let me finish my story. The Kulon is able to absorb bullets and control bodies. It carried me out to the entrance despite my bullet wounds and the need for my body to cease all movements."

"I don't think that this is something it is able to do with everything," Dee replied thoughtfully, "I think it's just you." She shook her head. It was preposterous, if it could do it with one human body, then it could do it with many.

"Isn't it worth investigating?"

"No, we are not investigating Kulon. Would you splay your own God out in a laboratory and reduce it to mere experimentations?"

"A human would, yes."

"It is sacred therefore it does as it pleases."

The conversation ended there. Dee filled with purpose. Out of the wall popped a closet. Clothes that Juliet had never seen her wear before appeared before her eyes. They were incredibly colorful and struck fear inside her. She did not know why, but instinctively she understood that these were not for happy occasions.

They were filled with sharp and jagged outlines. Once she pulled the garments on, the patterns began to morph and protrude. The little spikes seemed to respond to her every movement and thought. It was genderless and sexless.

This was power incarnate. This creature was power incarnate. These clothes felt truly alien and they were so beautiful.

"Do not be afraid." Dee smiled. Juliet was struck by the fact she was imitating a human smile and that it was not a gesture that fit with what she was seeing.

"Not afraid." She spoke, both fascinated and enthralled. Maybe she was different from the others. A normal human would not be drawn to such a display. A large part of her was terrified, but she understood that there was so much more to a Kyrion than their power. However, would someone else even dare give it a chance? If so, why would one give a chance as the species that was subjugated?

"You are afraid." Her body recoiled as Dee made her way towards her own. She crawled back towards the far end of the bed.

"I will not hurt you. I am your protector and protector of all that is sacred." The necklace fell to the bed. The Kulon had seeped out and created a film around her neck.

"Touch me." Juliet whispered, even though that was the last thing she wanted such a creature to do.

The Kyrion was unsure. "Go ahead. Touch me on my neck." To prod the alien into acceptance, she crawled forward and offered her neck. The humanoid hand reached out. When contact was made, Dee fell to her knees. Her eyes were no longer seeing as she stared up towards the sky. Juliet relaxed into her touch as a beautiful feeling cascaded down her body. It was consciousness, the feeling of aliveness. She understood acutely why the Kulon was sacred.

They stayed in this position and though it was motionless, it was also fluid. There was some sort of communication happening through the vessel that was Juliet's body. It felt natural.

It was the morning sun on the face.

The gentle wisdom of the stars.

The stars were not violent nor were they needy.

They simply were. 

Graciously edited by the lovely -MissElle  

We are working our way through the rest of the book as well, so peruse through some of the earlier chapters- you may find that things have changed! Follow me to know which ones have been updated. 

See you soon! 

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