Chapter 9: Lux Cosmos

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Juliet stood by the window above her couch while watching for any sign of Dee. She fidgeted with her dress. It was an interesting fabric, a mix between spandex and rose petals. It was stretchy and light, but surprisingly durable. It had the velvet softness of a rose. She could not stop rubbing it between two fingers. There were no tags or identifying inscriptions.

A black car in the shape of a flattened bullet stopped by the front of the apartment building. Juliet tumbled and bounced down the stairs. She had no patience to wait for the elevator. Before she stepped outside, she had to recollect herself yet her frantic breathing and heart rate refused to cooperate. Dee was leaning against the car, arms casually tucked into her black jacket. The epitome of tall, dark, and mysterious one could say. No one more perfect existed. Juliet smiled shyly as the door closed behind her. The air between them was freezing and refreshing. Dee opened the back door and beckoned Juliet inside.

"Fully automated car," Juliet exclaimed. Dee chucked. This was clearly not something that impressed the Kyrion.

"Yes, my alara. Completely automated."

The car hummed to life.

"Where are we headed to," Juliet asked.

"A club on the west side of the city. It is small and cozy, but always packed. Heavily frequented by both Kyrion and humans. I think it will be perfect for what you had in mind."

"What do they even sell at a Kyrion bar?"

"This is a human bar with a tinge of Kyria. Human drinks as well as Kyrian favorites."

"Are those safe for human consumption?"

"Completely safe. They are much more potent than anything you can experience. For my system, it would result in relaxation of mind and senses. For a human, it is an acid trip that lasts for about thirty minutes before subsiding."

"Only thirty minutes?"

"Of course. It is altered so that it is safe for all attendees."

"Have you been there before?"

"This is simply my research."

"Hey, thank you for organizing this." Juliet said. "Next one is on me."

Juliet kissed her on the cheek. An arm snaked around her waist, closing the gap between their sides. "Do not leave my side for the evening. If you see another Kyrion and you wish to approach, you must let me be the first to do the talking. It is a custom."

It was more than custom from what Juliet understood in Dee's tone. It was for safety.

"What if they approach first?"

"They will do no such thing." Dee growled. "They would not dare." The statement was final. There were customs in place that a human could not understand. This was not the time to worry because she was under Dee's protection.

The car stopped before a short nondescript building. Lux Cosmos, read a neon cursive sign. She practically pulled Dee towards the doorway.

"Are you kidding me?!" She gasped. "The Lux Cosmos? How did you even get us in?"

A drink there would cost more than a month of rent. Maybe they charged extra if you had bad dance moves.

"Stop worrying." Dee whispered into Juliet's ear. She brushed stray hair from Juliet's eye. "Let me take care of you."

The space was a large underground basement. A large circular bar sat in the middle with small tables on the outskirts of the chamber. People danced everywhere, filling up the place. It was completely silent on the sidewalk while in here one could feel the beat rattling their bones.

"Let us start with a drink, shall we?" Dee purred into Juliet's ear.

They made their way through a dancing crowd to the bar. As soon as they sat down, the music stopped. There was quiet jazz music. The bartenders worked diligently while chatting with the others at the bar. One beelined for Dee the moment he saw her sit down.

Madness, complete madness.

"What can I get you two ladies started with today?" He had a faux vintage accent. Juliet was sure her eyes would pop out from how wide they were.

"I would like a Blue Opener and my date would like a Strawberry Daiquiri."

The Kyrion probably hacked into her DNA to figure out her drink order.

"I apologize greatly, but I must I.D. you." The bartender gave an apologetic smile. Dee snickered as she watched Juliet's face fill with pink undertones.

"I will be sad the day that stops." She shrugged, trying to mentally brush away the embarrassment.

"Only a symptom of law abiding bartenders, eh, little one." Dee gently rapped her on the shoulder.

"I am not little! I am average! Look at you! Would you like to be called the giant one?"

"One day that is all you will be able to say about me."

Juliet blushed even harder at the insinuation. Was it even a stretch for her to think that Dee had a dick or maybe some favorite tools?

The bartender set their drinks down. Dee's was a glowing neon blue liquid with a literal flower in the middle. Upon a closer look, this flower seemed to be alive, vibrating, and swaying within the water.

"What is it?"

"This is something that you can only experience when we are alone, my alara."

Dee took one swig and downed her drink. Juliet followed suit.

"Come now, let us dance." Dee said and pulled her into the surrounding crowd.

Edited by the amazing -MissElle

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