Chapter 45: Metal

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tw: idealization of death, suicide. take care of yourself. 

A moment passed before she stood up. Her hands trembled ferociously, not sturdy enough to prop herself up. The Kulon liquid sloshed about, emitting soft lapping noises. The smell of blood overtook her nostrils every time she inhaled. Metal lined her mouth.

The remnants of the necklace stared up at her. Painful. A part of her identity was shattered, laying in pieces on the floor. Nothing connected her to this place anymore, save for that little piece of interwoven metal. How stupid was she to think this would work? She knew nothing about politics, war, and the universe. That familiar feeling coursed through her. The moment she believed in something, it broke.

Her father's face flashed before her eyes. The moment she forgave him for what he did to her, he forgot her. He loved her, did he not? A stupid question asked by a stupid little girl. In reality, he had used her for innocence and her body. How stupid she was to think that Dee was different. Only a body, only a body, nothing but a body.

Finally, her legs unlocked and took the opportunity to sprint out of the room. The orb of light above her followed diligently, oblivious to the inner turmoil. It did not hear the sobs of terror that shook through her. The castle was a tiny universe created to trap her. It mocked her in its size, her insignificance.

How dare you, it laughed. How dare you think you mattered. Did you really think there was something here for you?

The hallway was infinite before her. Her legs screamed at her to stop. She refused to stop. A while ago she promised she would not listen to these kinds of thoughts. The evidence for her worthlessness was not nearly as great before. Those kinds of thoughts had almost killed her once before. Would she finally listen and surrender?

She leaned her back against the wall. It was perfectly smooth and it always would be. There would never be any history in it other than the ghosts that haunted it. Her form became corporeal under her, shining like mist above water. She wanted to disappear and being a ghost sounded nice to her. Purgatory bore no responsibility and yet there was Dee who is the lover, the asshole, the warrior, the beauty, the enigma, and hers. Juliet's Dee, the thing that they created when they were together. Could she part with it? Part with the magic?

"Wall," She panted softly as she spoke tiredly, "take me to Dee."


They stood together before the Kulon on opposite sides of the vat. Juliet simply led Dee down using the tablet whilst saying nothing. They entered a completely different scene. The Kulon was not luminescent anymore, just white. The room was illuminated by the doorway.

"How did you manage to do this?" Juliet's heart sank as she registered the anger in the Kyrion's voice. Dee stared at the shattered necklace.

"I didn't. It shattered when I touched the side of the container."

"You expect me to believe this?"

"Dee, listen, it was shining. It was moving about it was boiling or sloshing about."

"Kulon does not shine." Dee snorted in return. Her face then smoothed out, concealing any emotion. "I never took you for a liar." Juliet's throat went dry. There was a dangerous edge to those words.

"I am not a liar." She whispered.

"Kulon has never shined."

"Do you really know what it is capable of?" She challenged.

"You have been angry with me and now the necklace is broken. You have broken one of my necklaces before. Why should I think you are not capable of finding a way to break another one, again?" There was no denying that logic, it was cold and brutal.

"I would never do it again." Juliet replied. She hated the tears which spilled over, burning her eyes.

"You will learn your lesson eventually." Dee crouched down and started to pick up the pieces. The sight was humiliating. What passed between them was ugly and unspeakable. It felt like shards of glass moving down her esophagus. They were wavering, losing trust.

She is right. That ugly worm spoke in her ear. Do you not think she deserves to find someone better than you? Someone far more capable than you?

Dee's face shot up as a cry of pain escaped from Juliet. The room was cursed, filled with an unknown kind of evil. She wanted to be far away like a corpse in a field of daisies. The sunshine would be soft and the breeze would be more beautiful without the sounds of her breaths intermingled in it.

She bolted.

Dee caught her in a matter of moments whilst saying something that Juliet did not register. The Kyrion's arms wrapped tightly around her, enveloping her. Her cheeks were scrunched into two biceps, surprisingly soft and warm.

"You are so cold." Dee whispered.

Juliet was blinking in and out of existence, an error message on an antiquated computer screen. Her breaths were ragged and repulsive. She could not calm down, would not calm down. "Juliet, Juliet, Juliet." Over and over, a prayer.

"How could you say that to me?" She blubbered around like a flopping fish.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry." Dee continued the embrace. She held Juliet until the ice inside her body melted. Until she melted. "Something came over me."

"What is wrong?" She cried from within. If Dee let her go now she was sure she was going to disappear. "Explain! Tell me! You must know what is happening." They rocked from side to side.

"I do not know, my love." Dee wailed, shocking Juliet to her marrow. "I became Ruler before I was read and now? I am losing everything. Do not let me lose you too. Do not let me, please. You are the only thing I know for sure."

"I am not going anywhere." Juliet looked up and placed a hand on Dee's cheek. The blood was returning to her, her edges solidifying. "Not going anywhere. I will figure this out."

For you. 

only cozy vibes past here <3 <3 

Edited kindly by -MissElle


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