Chapter 53: Roses

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"It's settled. A wedding," Dee stood up.

"No," Bonirrain replied. "The wedding was merely a suggestion. This is a vulnerable time for this new world. You must lead it. "

"This meeting is over."

Everyone bowed their heads. They rushed after her as she walked out the door. The ear of the Queen was precious.

Juliet stared at the ceiling, lost. The abyss stared back. The creamy white faded into a gray, then into black. Her forearms pressed against the black table. A gentle touch on the shoulder broke the reverie.

"I would like to take a walk out in a garden."

"Let us go there," Dee waved a wall portal open.


Dee's face contorted with confusion. The air was filled with the strong scent of lavender, and something else. Something Kyrion.

"No," Dee said slowly. "Do not turn away from me like this. We must be together."

"I just need to think alone for a little bit," her voice wavered. Dee tucked a strand of hair behind Juliet's ear. Her legs went weak. 

"Think alone," a tone as soft as a butterfly wing, "but with me besides you, please?" When the one you love asks like this, it goes against the grain of the soul to refuse.

"Fine," Juliet muttered. There was no point in separation anymore. Dee led her into a garden of red, pink and blue roses, stretching out as far as the eye could see. Their scent, which should have been overwhelming, was gentle. A small path winded through them, opening to a little clearing with a strangely utilitarian bench, a rectangular monstrosity which only had space for two.

The silence stretched as they each stared in opposite directions, lost in the infinite roses.

"Do you enjoy having sex with me," Dee asked. It was an aimless thought, a droplet escaping from a river. "I mean, if you enjoy having sex with me, why do you not want to have children with me?"

"Children are a different matter." On a basic level, Dee saw no difference between having sex for procreation, and having sex for fun. Juliet could deduce that Dee did engage in sex just for fun, but it was only because she thought it was impossible for them to create children.

"You've told me before how much you want children, why act the opposite in front of everyone? Who are you lying to, me or them?"

"It's not so simple," she placed a hand on the Kyrion's chest, it hummed under her touch. Juliet placed a tiny kiss on the sharp nose which should have been pointed, but came to a perfect snub at the end.

"Don't try to distract me. Explain to me," Dee pulled away abruptly.

"My choice is being taken away. I want to have children because I chose to."

"I fail to see. You want children, your position demands you have children. Is it not serendipitous?"

"There is a difference between freely having children and being demanded to have them," there was no more diplomacy to be had on this topic.

"Kyria will not allow a future without our children existing," Dee said.

"Kyria threatened to impregnate me herself."

Dee's eyebrows shot up. Juliet only leaned back on her palms, the weary responsibility settling in her chest like a nesting bird.

"How dare she," a low throated hiss, barely English. "Why didn't you tell me?"


"Do not hide such things from me! What else have you been hiding? How long have you known that we could have children?"

"A couple months ago Eros told me. He also said that it would be my sole purpose in this society."

"What that mother-fucker! I'll kill him for this," Dee shouted into the roses, turning away.

"Was he wrong," she asked and placed a hand on the broad, heaving back. "Would I be bestowed with this new body if it was not to intertwine human and Kyrion blood? To bear your children? Kyria has no interest in me otherwise. It could have been me, it could have been any other"

Dee bowed her head and started to weep. A silent weeping which brought her hands up to her face. It was an unforgettable, heartbreaking sight.

"I hoped you would be spared. Kyria triumphed, again," Dee's voice held no indication that she was crying. It was calm, unwavering.


"You speak of choice. A Kyrion knows no choice. I was born a future Ruler, and was in rigorous training every single moment of my childhood. When my parents were granted Divine Choice, I was left alone. A Ruler with no connection to Kyria. I decided then that I would act only over my own will, it was an opportunity to be free. There is no such thing as a free Kyrion, every action I ever thought mine turned out to be her. Always her. I tried rebelling, I tried to escape her. I was selfish, I commanded my armies into an unwinnable war. A Kyrion is always victorious. I wanted to fail. Now, I see that even my deliberate failure was only a part of her plan."

"I was not a part of her plan," Juliet said. "But I am now."

"Juliet, this was not my intention, I am so-"

"No," remorse swelled in her body. "I won't accept an apology for this."

"The only way to protect you was to not engage with you at all," Dee whispered.

"Don't you dare even think that," Juliet wiped Dee's cheek, only to realize that her own eyes had spilled over.

Suddenly, Dee laughed.

"I chose you! Not Kyria, me!" Dee swooped an arm under Juliet's seated legs, and pressed their heads together.

"I chose you as well, Dee. I will always choose you," her vision was pink, red, blue, love.

"Then let us be separate. From everything and everyone, especially from Kyria."

"That would be wonderful," Juliet said. "Kyria cannot take this from us. She never will."

"If I was not the Ruler, if I was a mere very rich human woman, would we have children?"

"How rich?" Juliet could not help the tease. The next moment, she was among the roses. Dee was holding her by the chin, a ferocious look on her face. Something throbbed between their hips, a delicious pulse that Juliet had not felt in so long.

"Rich enough to give you the world."

"Yes, I would have your children. I would have them if you were poor, if you were a man, if you were all of the above."

"Even if I was a rich, poor, man and woman?" Dee moved her hips in a torturously slow circle. The blush moved into Juliet's chest.


"A human would never be good enough for you. I can give you the fucking universe."

"Please marry me," Juliet whispered, through a moan. "I want to get married right now. Make me yours."

"No," Dee said, an evil grin on her face. "You'll have to wait for my proposal. Making you mine is not, as they say, a short process"

"No one says that," was all Juliet could say as she barrelled headfirst into bliss. 

Watch out for an epilogue, but if not, it will be the first chapter of the next book :) 

I sincerely hope you enjoyed Juliet's Tryst. I am so grateful that you are here, and have read this creation of mine. I hope you come back for Juliet and Dee's next adventure, which I can already preface by saying that it will deal with some very adult themes (some fun and spicy, others not). It will focus alot more on a bigger picture of the situation in the world, and in the larger relationship of Kyria and Earth as entities. Also, Juliet's powers lol. However, the main focus will remain on our dear lovers, and on how a relationship grows in adverse times. 

Just like in JT, the path will not always be straightforward. After all, there is a whole world to rule now. 

Once again, thank you for being here, 

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