Chapter 5: The Reunion

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The line went silent with no opportunity for a response. Her stomach churned as she was overcome with the feeling of it all being inevitable. Would she submit to this? Did she have a choice in the matter?

The boiling water escaped from its pot. This caused her to hurry and turn the stove off as the water began to calm down. Pasta was not the palate cleanser she needed after hearing a Kyrion's voice telling her that she was coming after her.

What changed?

Why now?

Why her out of all people?

Juliet ambled over to the nearby grocery store in a complete state of shock, she was suspended in time.

Her existence inhaled a deep breath and waited for the right moment to exhale. This feeling appeared after the last encounter. She could barely remember what the Kyrion looked like. Yet, the memory of how she made Juliet's body come to life was so vivid and tangible that Juliet felt on the brink of madness just thinking about it. These kinds of thoughts stopped a while back.

Now that Dee reappeared, the images and feelings returned at full force. Her body was trying to relive that one moment of contact, the way that Dee's lips had made the axis of Juliet's world tilt.

She read all of the theories. There were more than enough anonymous stories of personal encounters with them. All were in agreement that there was something about the Kyrion that made them completely intoxicating. Some likened it to vampiric fiction because they had a way of enthralling their human counterparts. Some even claimed that the Kyrion drank blood. While some said it was the humans that drank Kyrion blood.

Her romantic encounters since Dee did not have the same intensity. This was no opinion or form of thought, only a fact. She did not need blood to get hopelessly hooked. Who wouldn't be completely infatuated with her?

She could not figure out why Dee would pay attention to a human in the first place. There was nothing in the exchange for Dee because compared to Kyrions, humans were the inferior race. Surely there were better options in her own kind that she could choose from. Of course, there was the possibility that she was a side piece. There was also the possibility that this wasn't a romance at all. The Kyrion probably had ideas of ways to conduct interpersonal relationships that extended far beyond what the human mind could comprehend.

Daaestra is a life bond that can never be broken. It means that you are mine and I am yours. I am your protector and you are my slave.

Maybe Dee viewed her as a pet. She was not on board with this scenario, but also not completely scandalized.

Now back at home, she fell onto the couch and popped a lemonade open. In the interim, there was enough time to think about the implications of a Kyrion in her life. Juliet could not fathom who she was. It would probably be safest to tell someone about what was happening. Though Juliet felt relatively safe, a mysterious woman wanting to contact her and "make Juliet hers" was probably not the greenest of flags. What color flag would it be if the woman was of a race that was slowly imposing rule over yours? Whatever color symbolized an unmarked grave would be great.

She tried to dial her mother yet there was no dialing instead an electrostatic buzz was heard. She thought it strange so she hung up only to dial once again. When nothing happened, she went to try another number. Maybe with this other number she could finally reach her mother. With no intention of divulging information, she called an old childhood friend.

"Hey Juliet! What's up?" Her friend's cheerful voice greeted Juliet's pounding heart.

"Oh, nothing much. Just chilling at the end of a work week." Juliet said.

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