Chapter 28: Appetizer

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Juliet chewed on her lip, staring defiantly up at Dee. The other stared down at her, a glimmer both of playfulness and possessive anger dancing upon her face. Did she think this was a challenge? She felt completely foreign in this regard. Juliet could not draw a parallel. There had never been a "possessive" romantic interest in her life, but there also had never been a warring soldier whose idea of romance was to entrap your ex in their conquest palace. 

"You know I can't let this go, right? That I will do everything in my power to help her?"

The Kyrion shifted her weight, reminiscent  of a wolf stepping into their haunches. 

"I know you will, I was betting on this in the process of bringing that human." 

"That human is Sarah, and she does not want to be here," Juliet's voice reached a shrill and feverish pitch. 

"Your Majesty," a voice spoke from their left. Sarah's voice. "Dinner is ready." 

"Understood," Dee replied, making a shooing motion with her hand. Juliet glared. "Come, let's enjoy our first dinner in the actual room for dining." 

"No," Juliet hissed, resisting the gentle pull on her arm. "We are going to talk about this, now. Explain what is happening to me, now."

"I just did, sweetness," she said, having the audacity to laugh. "She is here as a gesture of my undying love to you." 

"Bullshit, your ego trips are fine but not when it involves another human." 

Dee's eyes flared dangerously, but Juliet was too lost in her own indignation for Sarah to care. 

"Human, have you forgotten everything in the face of another woman? Have you forgotten that your planet is no longer yours? Have you forgotten that she is no longer yours?" 

"Don't say that, this isn't about her." 

"Then, pray tell, what is this about?" 

"It's about your treatment of her. She does not deserve to be forced into slavery when she lives in a territory which is friendly and integrated with Kyrions." Dee's eyes carefully traced the arcs of Juliet's hand movements. 

"And the ones that are in hostile territories deserve to be forced?"  

Juliet only stared back, her breathing labored with the fumes of her anger. Dee knew what she doing, she knew that Juliet did not agree. She knew, and yet she refused to listen! She was even enjoying the genuine anger, which was slowly turning in frustration. 

"I was patient, Jules-"

"Don't call me that now," she snapped. 

"I was patient," Dee repeated, taking a measured step forward. Her human body instinctively cowered before the mass of war machine. "I conquered this world, and I found you. I was patient and gave you space. I was patient and let you come to me on your own terms. I was patient, and I did it all for you."

Dee forcefully grabbed Juliet's hips closed the gap between them, before snaking an arm around her neck in a passionate embrace. 

"When I saw you in that bookstore- I almost took you for my own right there and then, my alara. In my eyes, I saw fire and destruction- the cleansing of an imperfect planet and the beginning of our future, the beginning of a new era in this forsaken pocket of space," her voice was barely above a whisper, but each word hummed in Juliet's blood. "But when you took a look into my eyes, my newly formed human-like eyes, I understood that you would never forgive me for this."

Juliet was then pushed on to the throne chair, the woman advancing towards her. The anger had fizzled like a poorly lit match- giving way to shock. 

"This ego you mention, this is the ego that made my ancestors victorious in battle and the most passionate lovers you humans can even conceive of. When a male," Dee sat on top of Juliet, leaning in towards her face. "finds his female. The one he knows, he feels is his own, he will make it known. He marks her, brutally, on her neck." 

She traced gentle circles on Juliet's neck. Goosebumps rose immediately. The gentles gestures and the almost violent nature of Dee's tone made her freeze. 

"Should this female have any other suitors, boyfriends or husbands, he will methodically make an ultimatum. Leave the female you love, or lose your immortal life. Many leave. Of course, there is the unfortunate confluence of two males sure in their possession of this female. There is only one in the end. However, I am not a male. I am a female, which is far worse. " 

A gentle peck on the mouth. 

"God, how I wished I could mark your neck- your pale skin would scar so beautifully." 

Juliet gulped and the Kyrion lowered her face to neck level. She was frozen, a prey animal in the hands of a predator. Dee grazed her teeth against Juliet's skin. Something 

"I tire of being patient," Dee said with a chuckle, lifting herself up. Juliet followed suit, eyes glazed and breathing labored (but for an entirely different reason than anger). "Do what you will, little one, but I will always catch you. It is my pleasure to see you run from me. Each time you do, you will pay the price." 

Dazedly, she walked through the wall into a dining room. It was a small and intimate space, like one of an upscale restaurant. Juliet almost cried in relief and when she saw wine being brought out. 

"Antipasti from Sicily tonight," Dee said. Suddenly, it was as if nothing happened. "Then pizza." 

"That's awesome," Juliet took two gulps of wine, and finished the glass. "Do you have anything stronger? Like tequila?" She said this to the man who had barely finished pouring Dee her drink. 

"Yes, Miss." 

"Thank you so much," she smiled as sweetly as she could, ignoring the falter in Dee's calm demeanor. 

She refused to believe in her powerlessness. However, she owed Sarah a huge debt. If breaking her out of the palace would pay back the debt- then so be it. If she could get drunk enough, she was sure a solution would come to her. 

> girl finds her ex imprisoned by her current lover
>lover is a hot alien possessive woman
>piss of hot alien girlfriend

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