Chapter 52: Responsibility

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Once Dee was out of the infirmary, Juliet curled into her lover's body and slept. Many days and nights passed in such bliss. Juliet was completely "other" now, the transformation Kyria triggered inside her was complete. She no longer responded to conventional treatment, healing at a slow, non-linear pace. A team of learned people studied her daily, their task was to figure out how to make her live forever.

In the aftermath of the attempted coup, the castle mended within hours. The silent mechanical beast was not affected.

The rest of the world changed. Within a couple days, news of Juliet's power spread. The world did not yet care, or know, what to do with this information. Reports of Kulon popping up in empty reservoirs flooded to their bedside. After that, trees began to pour out Kulon like sap. This was the beginning of a change in constitution for Earth, like the one Juliet endured. At first, the Kyrions tried to guard it. They tried to close off any reported discovery. It was fruitless to try. Kulon was everywhere. It flowed into Earth's systems and reinvigorated her like a pep tonic. The greens became greener, the blues bluer...

The Kyrions taught humans how to use Kulon for medicinal purposes. Soon after, humans were using it for almost everything. It was magic shared between everyone. For now, on account of the very fabric of reality changing, fighting ceased. In this temporary state, the balance of power shifted. The Kyrions were refugees from war, not conquerors. This lack of choice opened new space for desperation, competition and hatred.

Even Juliet, the face of the future, felt paranoia. Who could she trust in this new world? The bloodthirsty, violent Kyrion tired her. She had to see the good in them to usher in a new era. Dee was the exception to a brutal rule.

Her brain quieted. That voice, the other-knowingness, the presence she knew to be Earth, was silent. The electrical signals inside her were under constant surveillance. Everything was "normal".

Her world became a confusing kaleidoscope of energy, emotion and power. Pushing it out and curling into Dee was the only thing that kept her sane.

One morning, many days after the conflict, Dee washed and dressed her.

"Our meeting is today," she murmured to the exhausted human girl.

"What meeting?" She knew, but hoped pretending it did not exist would make it go away.

"The meeting, little one, the meeting where we figure out where you and I stand."

"I want to go back to bed," Juliet begged, knowing this was impossible. Dee wrapped a large, fluffy towel around her.

"After, after," she pressed her face into Juliet's wet hair.

The wall transported them into the room. It was completely bare, and colored a creamy white. A black round table sat in the middle. Three Kyrion, three humans sat around it. A council, of sorts. The chess game began.

Juliet could feel their life-energies and the myriad of memories that came with. Her ability to decipher her power had sharpened. Dee sat down in one of the two chairs waiting for them.

She remained standing, eyeing each of them like a feral animal. The humans bowed their heads to her. The Kyrion only stared at Dee.

"What have you done to earn my trust?" Fear and power pulled stringent notes out of her vocal cords, she was unrecognizable.

Dee raised a hand, trying to sit her down. Instead, she walked over to the nearest Kyrion. She felt the female Kyrion warrior shiver. Her spikes protruded through her human façade. Juliet placed a palm on her shoulder.

"What is your name?"


With that, Juliet looked for the intention to betray inside her. Ke'astra lived a whole lifetime on Earth, and betrayed many. But, she never betrayed the Ruler. She had hunted many members of the old council, and killed them.

"Welcome, Ke'astra."

Dee jumped up, indignation pouring out of her body. Juliet could barely focus because of it.

"This is unnecessary," Dee tried to sound soothing.

"I decide what is necessary," Juliet snapped back in Kyrion. A wind walked through the room, forcing Dee to find refuge in a seat.

"Remember," she shot a scathing look across the table. "If I think too hard about killing you, you will die."

She had everyone's rapt attention now. Juliet finished her round across the room.

Cunning Ke'astra. Wise Ashrrain. Bold Bonirrain. Soldier Mike. Quiet Leona. Technical Christopher. Each had long and enduring loyalties to the institution of the Ruler. Finally, Juliet sat down.

Ke'astra began.

"Following the betrayal of the Ruler, the Council is no more. This puts the task of many faculties of governance back to the Ruler. The districts are in disarray, and we have many returning from home."

"There has to be a new unified face," Mike said, reverence crossing his tone when he looked at Juliet.

"The Kyrions have to begin anew. No more home planet, and thirty percent loss of total population from the war," Ashrrain spoke in monotone. Only a crease in his eyebrows betrayed his stress.

"Why not go somewhere else," Juliet demanded.

"The Kulon has marked this as our home," Dee replied. "Some may leave, but most would rather die than be away from Kulon. This is why there were casualties in the war at all."

The invaders had permission to stay, and she was the source of this permission. Funny that Kyria did not mention that.

"On many fronts, it is for the benefit of the planet and future that we work together," Leona spoke. Her voice was dainty, a daisy rubbing against the cheek. "Both humans and Kyrions have much to teach each other. It has become clear that we can be made more sexually compatible than we already are."

"Already?" The intrigue in Dee's voice made Juliet smile.

"There have been many instances of pregnancies but no viable births. Using technology to create an impure Kyrion has long been blasphemy. But now?"

"Kyria wishes to meld with Earth," Juliet said. "She has nothing against human-Kyrion children."

In fact, Kyria wills it. Juliet shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she remembered Kyria's threat to make her a Virgin Mary.

"Ours must be first," Dee said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What about Mars? We could send some people there?" No one was game to change the subject.

"It is a matter of time before they create the technology on their own," said Ke'astra.

"Let them do it," Juliet replied.

"This will condemn a generation of children to be ostracized, or even killed. It must be accepted by the Ruler." Ke'astra slammed a hand, albeit gently, on the table as she said this.

"Tell them that the ruler accepts it." She did not even know why she was arguing.

"No," Ke'astra leaned back. "It must be done by the ruler first."

"It will be so," Juliet waved a hand non-committally. Dee shot her an indescribable look, like Juliet was becoming more mysterious to her by the second.

"Also, a coronation must take place. Dee is no longer the ruler, you are," Ashrrain said this with great pain.

"That," Juliet said through gritted teeth, "will not happen."


"You are correct, I am something, but I am not that."

"You speak directly to Kyria," was the incredulous reply.

"I believe Dee is more than capable of continuing her duties. I am simply a vessel for Earth and Kyria's messages."

"A wedding then," boomed Bonirrain. His voice clapped like thunder against the quiet voices. The room went silent, all eyes on him. "A ruler for the Kyrions, a ruler for humans."

Thanks for reading! One more after this :).

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