Chapter 38: The Storm, Part Three

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Her body was on fire and completely stupefied. Her nipples pricked, responding to the simulated wind. Occasionally, far off rustling scared her.

Her human body could never remember that this was an inside room and not an outside forest. With a frustrated sigh, she gathered all the clothing that was pooled at her feet. How could her body be reacting like this in such a time? What an awful and perverse meeting. The mere thought of continuing proved that the perversion was only beginning.

Dee's power was most enticing. Juliet wanted to be on her knees and beg Dee for pleasure, for pain, and for domination. At first, she wanted only to be seen as an experienced lover. Dee accepted her and allowed Juliet to lead for a while. Lately, she was tired of this. All she wanted was for her body to be ravaged and punished for sweet defiance. She was tired of pretending she wanted anything different than this.

This incident had finally put to bed any desire for decency.

Juliet placed a hand against the wall. It always knew. The sexiest fucking thing a Kyrion could wear, she asked. The clothes or the lack of them presented themselves to her. There was a single red rectangular piece of fabric and a tangle of chains, two large cuffs of metal for each wrist, and two thin pieces of metal for each ankle. Everything was connected by a thin piece of chain. Any manipulation of the chain would prove futile as it was very sturdy despite its appearance. The fabric was connected to a metal collar that ran down between her breasts to chastely cover her hips.

"Alright, put it on." Any consequence would be worth seeing Dee's reaction.

There were five delicate clicks. The neck piece was extremely cold and felt as such.

Some Kyrion words flashed onto the wall without any type of translation for it. The Kulon around her neck warmed her chest, quite satisfied with the proceedings. The intelligent wall led her to a simple beige door. This was where she spoke with her army generals. She shuddered wondering if it was too late now to undo things.

She knocked on the door and waited patiently. For safety reasons, this part of the castle did not have any portal leading back out. She felt like she was about to confess to a crush. It would be a long trek home if she was to be rejected, but it didn't matter because she just wanted to see Dee's face. It would be an honor to surprise the Kyrion and she would do so with no regrets.

"Who is it?" Dee questioned from the other side.

"Housekeeping." Juliet uttered the worst imitation of a posh British accent ever attempted. Suddenly, her stomach dropped and her knees shook terribly. There were other people in there! She would have to find another way to make Dee come out to her.

"Housekeeping?" A chorus of confused voices was heard.

"Yes!" How the fuck had she gotten this horny again? That's right, it was all Dee's fault!

"There is something that the Ruler must attend to. Her Royal Majesty has a mess she, and only she, must clean it up." There was some rustling and some murmuring within the room.

"Your Royal Majesty, now and only you. This is not a trap." The door swung open and it was a Kyrion general. She could tell from the dark red color of his robe that it was the same exact red of her coquettish piece of fabric.

"Oh..." He said delicately while staring her down.

From behind, Dee craned her neck to see around only for her eyes to widen with sudden recognition. The Kyrion quickly scaled the table and shut the door as she smiled down at her little human.

"This is quite the mess, housekeeper." Her hand was on the collar, wrapping another hand around the chain attached to it.

"Look at what you made me do." A pointed accusation to which Dee arched an eyebrow.

"I made you do this?"

"Naturally and it is your job to clean it up." It came out all wrong and nothing as she had planned. She desperately wanted Dee to be in charge like she was in charge of everything else. She was brazen and confident, trying to cede control. Luckily, she did not have to ask.

"Do you know what you are wearing?" Her hard unmerciful tone was capable of shaking many kinds of walls, "I didn't think so. You are a little fucking brat, you know that?" Dee slowly advanced until Juliet could step back no more. The castle was a marvel of technology and architecture, but this corridor was the most delicious thing of all.

"You did not let me cum and that's not fair." Juliet pouted.

"Prim and proper Juliet has an insatiable need for my cock. What would the kingdom think if they knew of this?" Her cheeks warmed at the same time her core did.

"The kingdom would survive." She stuck out her bottom lip petulantly. Dee caught that bottom lip between her fingers and pulled it down, exposing gum and teeth in the process.

"These clothes, and I am putting this politely, are cock sucking clothes." The lip snapped back into place with a pop, "Get on your knees. I will show you a mess to clean." The chains on her started to move on their own. Juliet's head was secured to the perfect height at the hip.

Fucking bonkers!

"Shoulders back. No alara of mine will suck my cock with bad posture, not now, and not ever." Her body righted itself like a puppet.

She then hesitantly took Dee's cock in her hands then in her mouth. It was limp, but responded instantly when it felt her warm and firm touch. It was too perfect of a cock like a copy of a basic sex shop dildo topped with the cutest red head. What was lost in the aesthetic, made up for in fuckability. For one, it was a female alien cock composed of indescribable differences. Second, it was thick and insanely girthy.

It slowly grew past her tongue and well into her throat. Juliet went slowly whilst taking her time to savor the vulnerable connection. She let it slide in and out while widening her mouth. The moment she let it hit the back of her throat, Dee usually melted into a puddle of pleasure.

"Are you ready to sate your protector?" Juliet moaned in affirmation."Are you ready to surrender?"

She responded by wrapping her lips around the base, pushing it as far back as it would go. Dee's long and perfectly formed fingers braided themselves into the hair at the back of her neck.

"Relax your neck and give me control." The softness of her voice sent gentle shivers down the human's spine. Well, this was new...

The chains were released and now hanged normally. She was as still as possible while doing her best to keep her shoulders back. She would be damned if she caused Dee to pause, or worse, stop. Everything was slick with her saliva. Dee pulsated inside her as she drew her hips back only to slam back inside Juliet's throat with such a force that her eyes began to water.

"I want to hear you gag," rasped Dee. Juliet never gagged, but she supposed it was possible.

The pace became blisteringly fast. Stopping only when breaths were given at measured times. It was a game and she was fighting to be silent. The Kyrion was fighting for her voice. Every thrust became a victory and it was a matter of time before Dee found her release.

As her mouth and jaw tired, she wondered if the Kyrion hid away some self control for this moment. Dee never denied herself pleasure as her cock became slightly thicker and harder than before. It was obvious she was holding off. She ignored it and kept on, not wanting to ruin the moment. Her cock elongated ever so slightly, catching Juliet's body off guard to point that she gagged and fought not to bite down. At the sound of her gagging, Dee found her silent release, inevitably filling her up.

This was a new kind of satiety for the both of them.

"I have a little more business to take care of so go wait for me. I will spank you until your eyes believe you are blue if you take off what you are wearing." 

Edited by the ever patient -MissElle


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