Chapter 41: The Truth

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"She is telling the truth." He stammered every consonant, falling to the ground like a sad bouncy ball. Juliet wanted to reach out and console him, but any movement in her friend's direction prompted an equal and opposite reaction in Dee.

"We were here only to enjoy the outside and collect data on fossils."

"What interest do you have in the fossils of Earth?" The disdainful tone hinted at a conqueror's malice.

"Specifically the dinosaurs. They were types of creatures that dominated-"

The black weapon was shoved towards Eros which made Juliet lunge towards him, but Dee pushed her back again. Eros plopped down on his ass.

"Luckily for both of you-" Dee looked between the two of them, her eyes close to murderous, "I have every one of your interactions monitored. I shall have someone go through all of them and if you have even so much as looked at Juliet, the Ruler's alara, in an untoward way you shall meet the same end as Aloran."

Something unpleasant bloomed in Juliet's stomach.




Juliet was forced to spend the evening alone while Dee had matters to attend to across the world. This became a typical thing as the world shifted, bending completely under Kyrion power. The only reason Juliet could even gauge what was happening was due to the fact Eros would drop tidbits.

She watched the night sky in the bedroom, hoping she could fall asleep and avoid further interaction. The sky moved slowly and the trees rustled with the wind passing through them. A knock on the door broke her reveries.

"The Ruler has summoned you to the throne room. She advises you to wear what is prepared for you."

She almost did not respond. After an unpleasant beat, she lifted herself up and trudged over to the wall. It handed her the same outfit she used to lure Dee out of the negotiating room for a blowjob, absolutely inappropriate. She cursed and snatched it away, but walked out in her normal clothing.

"You don't want to play tonight?" Dee sat in her throne, thighs pointed toward each corner of the room. She leaned back with one hand holding her face and the other resting on a knee.

Petulant queen.

"No, your majesty. We are not engaged in child's play." She stated, causing Dee's nostrils to flare up and her eyes narrowing in the process. Her muscles looked larger than ever, undoubtedly contracted with anger.

"Child's play? Is that what you prefer to engage in with the little Archivist?"

"Eros and I are just friends. You can't be jealous of me having friends or spending time with them. Who do you spend all these evenings with? Have you replaced Aloran so soon?"

"Do not speak that name to me."

"Do you think I was so stupid as to not understand that there was something between the two of you?"

"No." Dee placed her hands at her temples.

"Why didn't you just tell me? He still loved you. You did not shut him down even after I started living here and then you come here to what? Talk to me of faithfulness?"

"I know there was nothing between him and I."

"Just as I know with Eros. This thing will only work with a little bit of trust."

Juliet stood at the bottom of the three steps that led up to the throne. She threw the outfit down on them. A range of unknowable emotion coursed through her. Dee shifted forward to lean down with both arms on her knees.

"Come here." Dee commanded yet Juliet stood there silent as ever. "Juliet-"

Her body was somehow already there, pulled. She was close enough that Dee could grab her.



"Listen to me."

Juliet's face flushed.

"Things changed. You used to live an inconsequential existence. Nothing you did mattered."

Dee leaned back on the throne. "Now, you are my alara. I govern the present and you create the future. There is no Kyrion-Human without you."

"I don't give a damn about a Kyrion future. I am not a fucking Kyrion!" Juliet hissed, finally boiling over. She wanted no part in any of this decision making. She was simply not ready. "As far as I am concerned, you can just use me to create your offspring and leave me be. That is all I am to you anyways."

At this point, Juliet was standing over Dee, almost pointing her finger at the alien. A silence passed between the two.

"How Kyrion of you to speak of such a cruel and logical thing," Dee smiled ruefully. "Who could possibly have given you such an idea? Perhaps a little Archivist who sleeps peacefully only because you begged me not to kill him."

"You know how stupid you sound when you say that? Fine. Go kill him, but do not pretend it's because you love me."

"Love? Jules-"

"Fuck you." She said at the sound of that nickname. A rose made out of glass shards.

"You are so naive to think love is the only thing the daeestra is capable of producing. Like it or not everything on this planet is mine. You, your body, and everything fucking else. I do not need you to love me because we are linked forever, cosmically branded."

"You are so full of yourself." She took a step back while Dee stood up. The Kyrion pushed Juliet's body against hers while lifting a knee and dipping her.

"It's all thanks to you, baby."

They kissed and it was different. There was no more softness and no more exploration as there once was. Dee sought complete control and Juliet would gladly give it. She turned around, that feeling in her stomach growing louder.

"Don't fucking sleep with me tonight," she called to the space behind her. It did not hold the Dee she thought she knew.

"I will not be home tonight anyways." Dee replied with an unflinching and uncaring tone that made everything crystal clear. The feeling inside her stomach was hate. She was so preoccupied with her own role in all of this that she did not notice that maybe, just maybe, Dee was the clear villain all along. Even worse, this fact did not make Juliet love her less.

It just made things more... complicated. 

Edited by the lovely -MissElle

May I present, lovers to enemy-lovers? Muahahaha >:))). 

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