Chapter 32: Aloran's Vice, Part 1

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Juliet walked into the Archive, alone. It was completely silent. There were Kyrions moving about, making not discernable sound to the human ear. Her shoes echoed loudly as she moved forward, causing everyone to take a pause. She waved awkwardly. Everyone went back to what they were doing, pretending nothing had happened. 

She was here to figure out how to use the transportation technology to get Sarah back home. 

"Ah, so strange to see you here. The Archive is not a place where anyone affiliated to the Ruler dwells," Aloran spoke from somewhere to her right. A bookshelf molded back into the ground, and he walked towards her. 

"You're affiliated with the Ruler and you're here," she pointed out. 

"The nature of our partnership now is strictly political." 

"And what was the nature of your partnership before?" Juliet raised a questioning eyebrow. 

"She has not told you? We used to be lovers," Aloran motioned for Juliet to sit down. 

"I knew  it," she hissed, plopping down on an alien bean-bag. 

"I would assume that the daeestra would make you incredibly perceptive about this sort of thing. I don't know why she would hide such a thing from you." 

"I trust her, it's her business." A business that caused a considerably amount of tension. She wanted to lie to herself, and say that it was only because she refused admit to it. Yet, if she was honest... she wondered what happened between the two of them. 

"We were going to be married, to rule Kyria together. She, however, had a realization about what humans call sexuality. We split amicably." 

 It wasn't an amicable split. Juliet could see that the Kyrion was uncomfortable and decided not to probe the topic further. Married? The Kyrions had such notion? 

"I want to learn how to use the door things to get out of the castle," she said, abruptly. She didn't want to continue into the topic of Dee's previous relationship. 

"Oh, I shall simply authorize you to do this. It will be exactly like using any other one to get around the palace. However, you must have another transporter on the other side."

"Is it possible to go to a non-transporter?" 

"I don't believe that I should give you this- Dinairessin would be very angry with me." 

"Does she have to know everything? Don't you think it would be too much on her plate, with the war and all?" 

Aloran gave her a long look, as though he was trying to figure out why he was speaking with Juliet in the first place. 

"I will, but only if you tell me your reasons first. And you promise to be back right away." 

"I want to bring Sarah home, she did not want to be here. She can be replaced, right?" 

"Yes, of course. I see her presence is causing you distress?" 

"Not something that you're unfamiliar with," Juliet crossed her arms. Aloran stood up, giving Juliet a look that seemed vaguely of disgust.

"I shall get the device to you. You may only use on walls that are at least four feet in height, and six feet in width." 

"Thank you so very much," Juliet said. She did not mean it at all. Aloran came back in a matter of minutes, holding what looked like a watch. 

"We cannot have Dee knowing what it is, can we? Now, you will have to take it off to use it. Place it against the intended wall, and think of where you want to go. I have programmed it to take you back here if you are not clear enough." 

"And could you tell Sarah to find me?"

"Yes." Aloran smiled at this, as though things were going accordingly to plan. 

Juliet gave him a salute, and walked away as quickly as she could. The watch was extremely cold to the touch, as though it had been placed in dry ice before it was given to her. She had to wrap it in the fabric of her shirt for a couple moments before it was safe to place on her wrist. 

She knew that things could go horribly wrong. This was a big leap to trust the man who was still hopelessly in love with Dee- or at least, hopelessly in love with the power she had. Juliet was never one to leave things to chance, or to the behest of someone else. She had to see Sarah home. There was a debt to repay. All she had to do was open a little portal and push her through. She wouldn't even have to take a foot outside the castle. 

It sounded too goddamn easy. As she was pacing the halls, walking nowhere in particular, her necklace started to warm. Soon enough, it was so hot that Juliet wanted to scream.

"Stop," she whispered. The necklace cooled instantly. For a moment, she had to catch her breath from the pain. A pulse became prominent from within the metal. The Kulon! She could sense great fear coming from the tiny, liquid creature. 

"Are you trying to warn me of something," she asked, placing a hand on it. All of it seemed to be bunch under her fingers. "I know this is dangerous, but you know I have to do this." 

It did not agree. It did not think she had to do this. Suddenly, the necklace unclasped, and the Kulon seeped out into a little pool in her hand. Instantly, she felt that the connection was stronger. Then, it spoke to her in her brain.

My protection capabilities will be greatly decreased if you leave the castle. 

"We'll figure it out, it going to be fine," she felt so much less sure now that the Kulon was trying to warn her. The thought of having to endure Sarah's presence for much longer filled her with an equal amount of discomfort. "Plus no one said anything about leave, just give her a little shove through the portal and done. I will give the watch back Aloran this evening." 

The Kulon melted back into the metal, and flew back around Juliet's neck. It hit her squarely in the in the center of the throat. 

"Gah, be gentler," she coughed. The Kulon only thrummed in disagreement. 


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