Chapter 27: The King's Court, The Final Part

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"You understand you will be in great pain," Dee asked, placing a hand by Juliet's head and lowering herself.


"You understand that all of it- must be done for my pleasure?"

"Ooo, kinky," she widened her eyes, trying to appear innocent. "Everything for you, only for you."

Dee wrapped a hand around Juliet's neck, putting pressure on the sides. 

"I want silence," Dee whispered. "I want the stars to witness me taking what is rightfully mine." 

Juliet did not need to be told twice. She spread opened her knees, and almost gasped when she saw it. Dee pushed her back into the pillow. 

"Eyes up," she ordered. Her eyes were now wide from shock. It wasn't just a change in height. It was larger, smoother, with veins running up and down. 

"Are you ready?" Dee started rubbing the tip around the entrance, grazing Juliet's teased clit. Even this made Juliet's hips buck with pleasure. She nodded. 

Dee was slow and persistent. Pain and pleasure, intertwined. As she was about to fully sheathe herself, the hand on the neck moved up to her lips. God, it was so glorious and beautiful. The Kyrion tenderly wiped the tears from the human's face. Then, she increased her pace. 

All physical gentleness fled. Dee's pace was unforgiving, her hand keeping a firm hold over Juliet's lips- but she could not get the order out of her head. She did her best to be as quiet as she could, not wanting it to end. It felt so good- to be so full of Dee. Yet, Dee's harshness was also punctuated by softness. She whispered lovely things to Juliet, thanking her, telling her that she was a good girl, and singing praises to how good it felt. 

"You are so sweet and small, my alara. I will conquer every inch of this pussy- you will see. This is only the beginning. Such a good girl, a good girl, there you go- take all of me."

The sweeter the words, the deeper it seemed she went. Every single time she was called a good girl, Juliet's orgasm came closer. It coiled in her abdomen, and tightened her chest. 

"Look at you, that pink chest, you are so ready to cum- aren't you?" Dee was looking straight into Juliet's eyes, palm not moving from the lips. She nodded. The Kyrion suddenly went still, but her cock continued to throb so deliciously inside Juliet that she was pushed over the edge. Her mouth was finally released. 

"You have permission to speak." Nonchalant. 

"Argh! How are you doing that," Juliet screamed as she came. 

"I'm an alien, remember," Dee replied with an amused tone. There was no response as Juliet's  body was finally able to relax. She wrapped herself around her as she came to lay next to her, something occurred to her. 

"Can you cum? Like a human male?"

"Yes. Although, I doubt that the semen is compatible with your reproductive organs."

"It would be strange if it was," Juliet replied. 

"Although one can never be too careful. I can decide whether or not to actually produce the seed."

Juliet crinkled her nose.

"Let's agree to never call it that again." 

"You don't like the idea of my seed growing inside you?"

She stopped at these words. She always did want a family, she did want children. She never dreamed that she could actually have one with her partner. However, children were a far off idea. 

"Not at this moment," she said. "I don't think it's the right time to think about that."

"It would be a fitting solution to the end of my reign, to have an heir."

Juliet's head started to spin. An heir? 

"You mean you want to continue your Kyrion royalty with a human?" 

"You are the only one for me, if it ends with us then so it shall be so. I want you to understand that a child, should it even be possible, will be your decision alone. I conquered your planet- that is enough for me." 

"Let's take a raincheck on this conversation," Juliet murmured sleepily. Dee's fingers were gently running through her hair. 

She dreamt of two women who looked exactly like Dee, two queens ruling over Earth. 


"Open up the ceiling, we need some ventilation," Dee ordered a nearby guard. They were back in the throne room, for what Dee called a "little ceremony". 

The ceiling proceeded up to open up in little slits, which each started to fan back and forth. A cool and playful breeze danced through the enormous room. This time, Juliet was allowed her own seat right next to Dee. This however, did not deter the Ruler from having one hand on her every moment that passed. Whether on her shoulder, neck, or thigh, Dee had it covered. 

"I cannot stand the lustful eyes of men on you, or women for that matter," she muttered at one point. The room was filled with all of the guards that would be working in the castle. Many stared at Juliet. Many pointedly stared in any other direction. Dee said that she could smell rebellion, and this ceremony was just that, to smell the air in the room. Who knew that Kyrions were also needlessly bureaucratic?  

Aloran was guiding the proceedings, saying the names and station of each one. It was all in Kyrion so Juliet was none the wiser to any of the names. It was about halfway through this that Juliet saw Sarah creep up to the side of the throne. At this point, she dared not stare openly at her ex- but her throat burned with something that felt like embarrassment. The only connection that Sarah had to the castle was Juliet. She lived in a territory that was friendly to Kyrions, and let them do whatever they want. 

Finally, after the last guards' name was called, Dee stood up. 

"Would you like some dinner? It has been a while since you've eaten," she spoke as if no one else in the room existed.

"That would be lovely, thank you." 

Dee motioned to Sarah- who walked over to them. Juliet couldn't look anyone in the face, her face flaming red.

"We are ready for dinner," Dee said. Sarah looked to Juliet, who was staring at her feet. Then, she walked away. 

"Why is she  here," Juliet hissed after the woman was out of hearing range. 

"I am the stronger mate, she is the weaker one." 

"But- we weren't even dating when you came back."

"You misjudge what is worth fighting for. She directly disobeyed me and tried to come back for you. Her reasoning it was to save you from me, but unfortunately I do not play fair. It's really fortunate for her that I am Ruler. Any other Kyrion would simply have killed her for such thing."


 "I almost killed her, but ignored these instincts because I knew you would be horrified. Be warned, that is the fate of anyone who shows romantic interest in you."


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