Chapter 4: The Hiatus

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*Two Years Later*

Juliet slammed her hands on the computer keyboard in frustration. Her boss promised her that this task would only take a couple hours. A preliminary search uncovered that "The Fashion Fads of the Kyrion" was something humans did not have knowledge of. The Kyrion did not want human minds anywhere near their culture. She had no choice, but to send an email asking for another article topic.

College went by in a blur.

She graduated with a degree in Communications and Business. Without experience, it turned out that the degree was close to useless. There was nowhere she would be hired as an employee, yet she needed the experience to be hired. By a stroke of luck, she stumbled upon an ad for a ghostwriting agency which produced articles for top online magazines. She emailed them and her current boss responded.

It took a couple courses and a lot of reading for Juliet to hone down the style of writing for the click bait mill. When she finally got the hang of it, she was able to churn out more articles than anyone else. It helped that she lived alone and did not have many friends. In addition, after the burden of keeping a high GPA for a scholarship, this was a vacation.

Juliet's boss allowed her employees to take on any freelancing as well when they needed to make ends meet. Why was her boss making her research the Kyrion anyways? It was a large jump from "Write about this photo of X celebrity and make it sound smart.''

In the past couple of years the Kyrion slowly expanded their influence upon the lives of ordinary people. There was a documentary that showed prominent politicians engaging in "mysterious" practices with Kyrion diplomats and expats. Later, it was uncovered that the politicians had consulted on how to run a democracy better. They also accepted funds to help push their agendas into more humanitarian directions. Juliet believed none of it. No politician would help their people of their own free will.

For many, this pushed the idea of Kyrion presence on Earth into a more favorable direction. They were the angels which the world so desperately needed. They took the human race away from the brink of self destruction. Juliet did not have any reason to care. It was very rare for the Kyrion to engage casually with humans. Well, except Dee, but it was only a strange coincidence.

She was pulled out of her musing by the familiar ding of an email popping up.


Make something up. This client has been incredibly pushy. For some reason, they will only accept a piece done by you. They have been respectful and polite, but pushy. Please get it done.


She chuckled. The client would pay good money for a tiny article. While Juliet loved taking on projects that required her to do extensive research and become a mini expert on a new topic, it was far more common to be tasked with writing a couple paragraphs, destined to be cogs in an eternal gossip machine.

From Lori's unusual response, Juliet was not sure this article would be published anywhere. The Kyrion did a pretty good job on censoring all of the information about themselves. Humans knew next to nothing about Kyrion technology. Any information was disseminated strategically.

She decided to write two pages to say that there was a lot of mystery surrounding how the Kyrion dressed. She conjectured that their advanced technology was embedded into their clothing. Dressing up like a human would be a great strategy to blend in, which is what they probably did.

Of course, Juliet didn't mention Dee. Oh yes, I have seen one. She wore jeans and a red flannel. No one would believe that, even now, when alien dominance was status quo. They were too enigmatic to be generalized.

Juliet sent the article off.

"You are mine. I will give you time, but then when I cannot bear being away from you any longer, I shall take you. You will feel the sacrifice I am making, my alara."

The words floated into Juliet's head, a mirage in the desert of her life. She did wait for Dee. Hell, she even tried searching for the mysterious woman. The necklace stayed on her neck for a whole year! She felt so silly when she realized a year had passed. The sane reaction would be to not wear it at all. Dee could have easily been just a dream. It was Juliet's brain telling her to re-evaluate her sexuality.

Ding dong! Women are so stupid sexy.

Dee had disbalanced Juliet. It took a whole year for her to date again. Nothing panned out. There was one girl, but she was too far away and too busy for a relationship. Juliet was not a priority to a surgeon.

All connections nearby faded to nothing. She chalked it up to her weird tendencies and inexperience in relationships. There was always time to try again and there was always time to gain experience so It didn't bother her much.

The email dinged again as Juliet was preparing dinner. It was uncharacteristic of Lori to reach out past work time.


Sorry to bother you, but the client said to pass along her phone number. I gave her your contact. She really liked your article. I wouldn't usually do this, but I don't think that I could refuse this client if I wanted to. Listen, if this person is in any way unprofessional towards you, you must report it to me right away.

Have a great evening,


Her heart skipped a beat when her phone screen lit up with one word, Dinairresin.

How did the contact even get in there?

With trembling hands, Juliet picked up the phone hesitantly. "My hiatus is over, my alara. I shall see you very soon."

Graciously edited by -MissElle

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