Chapter 34: Aloran's Vice, The Final Part

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Even though Juliet was compliant, the officers tried to jostle her every chance they got. She got thrown into the back of a blindingly white van. Soon enough, one of them decided to hit her upside the head. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but it didn't knock her out. However, she was smart enough to play knocked out to not risk any more head injury. 

"Finally got the little alien-fucker," one of them finally spoke when they were sufficiently sure that she was unconscious. 

"She looks so ordinary- you'd think they would be attracted to someone they base their disguises off of."

"I think she looks pretty fuckable, though. For a human."  Chills ran down her spine thick like a large piece of jello coming down esophagus. 

"Man, you always like girls that look super young. I, on the other hand, love them older."

"Give her a little time with the Sarge and she will look old as hell," there was raucous laughter at this joke. Mercifully, the rest of the trip was spent in silence. Once at their destination, the closest one to her threw her over his shoulder. She closed her eyes, the hand on her ass feeling like a hot piece of coal. 

Why did she decide trust Aloran again? It seemed that there was no one who would truly go against Dee. Everyone kept their opinions about the way she ruled to themselves, most often voicing the fact that they thought she was too soft. Most Kyrion believed humans to be far inferior. A vermin that trashed their own planet. Kyrions believed themselves to be vermin killers. From small conversations with 'staff' at the castle, she learned that many other races had not fared so well. Even Dee, the Kyrion that loved her, wiped out hostile races. It wasn't anything to even mention. For them, it was a culturally normal thing. 

While Juliet could agree with many of the points about the humans treated their planet, she did not agree with their wishes of a human free planet. If the Kyrion race could have its way- then there would only be one human alive. Her. Only because she was Dee's alara. Even that, was a point of contention. She knew from their quiet insinuations that even an alara was not something to be spared. 

Her role was a double edged sword. On on edge of the blade, she was the reason Dee decided she wanted the planet at all. On the other edge, Dee questioned her own treatment of the humans because of their relationship. 

The only question left: what, if any, agency did she have in this situation? 

She was thrown onto the floor of a small room. A table and two chairs nestled themselves into the corner. It was as though they too were cowering from the things that transpired here. Her elbow banged quite viciously, and she rubbed it, grimacing as she surveyed the state of her body. Her head hurt, her elbow was swelling and bruises littered her knees. At least on the knees, she knew it was done for the good cause of breaking Sarah's nose. As she dragged herself up on a chair, the door behind her opened. A big, burly middle aged man walked in. He was dressed like what she guessed was a Marine, with perfectly flat buzzcut shaping his salt and pepper hair. Instinctively, she shielded herself- preparing for some sort of blow. 

"Put your hands down. There won't be any of that, if you cooperate." 

She stared up at him miserably. Other than the things that were plainly obvious, she knew next to nothing about the Kyrions' plans. Dee never talked about it in her presence.

"What can I help you with," she asked, putting her hands down but not relaxing. 

"First, we will confirm your identity. Juliet Macbeth Turner?"

"Correct," she cringed hearing her middle name- her mother's obsession with Shakespeare only extended to the plays she saw in person. There were only two. 


"December 13th, 1997." 

"Where were you born?" 

"Seattle, Washington." 

"What age did you begin to menstruate?" He looked straight into her soul as he asked this. "Don't make me say it again." 

"I was fourteen," she replied. 

"Ok, and lastly when did you begin to have sex?" 

"Uhm, I think I was twenty?" 

"Remember harder," the man scribbled something on what looked like a comically small notepad in comparison to his size. 

"It was July 2017." 

"Was this with a man or a woman?"

"I'm sorry," she exclaimed. "What does this have to do with anything that's happening currently?" 

"There is a gage of sexual and reproductive ability between a human and a Kyrion," the tone was bland. This was simply another day in the office for him. 


"Ah, you were not told. There are a couple instances of Kyrions impregnating their human sexual partners. No viable offspring, however, it seems that it is possible. If viable, these offspring are the only we chance we have against the Kyrion." 

The nausea from the head blow worsened at these words. It was possible to get pregnant from a Kyrion? Dee conjectured that it was possible, but she didn't know of any concrete cases. Not only that, but these offspring were already thought of as a weapon in the 'war'? 

"What chance?" She whispered this. How could they have such optimism?

"We must remain hopeful even in the face of impossible odds," was the reply. 

"Aren't the Kyrion friendly in the U.S. territories?"

"There is no more peace, alien-fucker. By spreading your legs for some alien-dick-vagina-tentacles, you ensured that any pretense of diplomacy was over." 

"And kidnapping me has helped, how? " 

"In the four hours you have been away, all of their advances stateside have halted. And if you think that she's going to come for you-- We've seen this over and over- a Kyrion proclaims their loves, calls you their al-ah-ria or some bullshit or other. Then, when the human is taken from them- they simply move on. Find another pretty little submissive bitch." 

"That's not true," Juliet said.

"That's what all the alien-fuckers say. You have committed a capitol offense sans due process, and we could shoot you on the spot. However, since you chose the head honcho- We're gonna do some little scientific experiments on you, and then throw you away to rot. Should have known better than to engage with the enemy." 

"I didn't know any of this!" 

"Most people don't have a taste for alien dick. Now, shut up and only answer when you are spoken to. Or else, I will give you blow to the head that will either knock you out or make you throw up all over your pretty little dress. Now, was your first time with a man or a woman?" 

Any illusion of agency vanished.

ahhh what a meanie 

tysm for reading! thank you for coming back again and see you in the next one. As always, consider leaving a lil star or/and a comment if you made it here. 

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