Chapter 6: The Necklace

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Juliet watched Dee from over the top of her tea cup as the Kyrion placed an order. The internal part of the coffee shop was small and comfy while the external part was tucked in between a bar and an iPhone repair shop. Noise from the bar occasionally floated through, but was neutralized by a soft jazz playlist.

Dee's style and appearance had changed from the last time she was seen. Juliet remembered her long flowy black hair that was tied back into a tight ponytail. Now, her hair was cut very short and curled delicately. Before, she dressed in distinctly feminine clothing. The clothes she wore now were simple jeans and a dark t-shirt, accentuating a very stern and essentially, powerful silhouette. Yet, there was no shortage of muscle.

Dee turned back and shot Juliet a charming smile. This woman had control of every single butterfly in Juliet's stomach. If she didn't know any better, she'd say this was a date and no way around this said date.

"You are not as scared of me this time." Dee sat down across from Juliet. "Quite a pleasant change of pace, but I will say that I adore your little gasps."

"Should I be scared of you?"

"There is nothing to be scared of. I am here to protect you."

"Sure!" Juliet snorted, '' but don't worry about me, I stay to myself most of the time."

"You aren't as much of a hermit as you say." Dee said with a half upturned smile.

"How so?" She was curious to know what kind and plenty of information Dee had of her. It was obvious that Dee found her after moving cities. She was reasonably sure that other tabs were being kept on her judging by the strange way her phone worked.

"You dared to move away from a place that you established as a dwelling-"

"For a job, yes." Dared was a harsh word.

"You also continue to meet with new and strange people outside of your home for what I figured out were romantic endeavors. You did this much too often for my liking."

"Not all of them were romantic." Juliet said. She did have a couple friends, but work had erratic hours. People online were usually more flexible if that was what one was in the mood for.

"Irrelevant to my point. You do not stay home even when you don't have to go out." She said.

"So what? I am an eligible bachelor. Doesn't anyone my age date around like I do? I live alone."

Dee was silent for a moment. Juliet sat straight up, and sipped her tea. She refused to be embarrassed by her "romantic endeavors". The cashier called Dee's name for her order the moment she opened her mouth to speak. Mechanically, the mouth shut.

Juliet found it particularly interesting that Dee had ordered a London Fog. When she came back, she lifted the chair and placed it as close as she could by Juliet. She downed her drink in a sip, almost as though it was a pint of beer.

"Let me get one thing straight Juliet." She said not particularly quietly. "You are mine. You are not eligible in any sense of the word. Not to anyone in any world nor in this and any other dimension out there. I tire of fending off your suitors and if I find one more in that pocket of yours Juliet, I will kill them. It is simply my instinct, yet I did no such thing because your human morals were my better judgment."

A Kyrion was an apex predator.

"You fended them off?" Well that made things make sense.

"Yes, most weren't serious anyways, but there were a couple that piqued my interest so to speak. The woman near the other ocean needed a little bit of persuasion though."

Sarah did love her after all.

"How did you find me?"

"It would have been for the necklace that I gave you to wear if I had not found it in the garbage instead."

"That must have been literally the day after I left." Juliet laughed. "The day I stopped pining after a specter."

"A specter?" Dee laughed, but her tone remained serious. "You have never gotten over me, girl. How many times have you laid in bed and felt aroused by the idea of me? How many times have you found yourself thinking about me in moments where I should not have been? How many times have you thought about looking for me?"

Dee's hand inched onto her thigh. The thoughts jumbled in her skull and her ears refused to comprehend what was being said.

"Well..." Juliet traced the rim of her cup. She suddenly felt too shy to look at Dee's face anymore. Though this, it did not stop Dee from leaning in closer to the point where they were almost touching each other's foreheads.

"I say this because these are things I feel for you. It is the law of the Daaestra. What one feels, the other does too. Whether it be pain, love, or anything else. I knew you were mine because this is common in my kind. I do not fully understand how it will function in you, but I know it is real."

All that Dee had said was unmistakably true. She had felt all those things and possibly more. That is why she held onto the idea for a whole damn year no matter the time that passed. Despite this, she knew that she couldn't simply be in love with an idea and even though It hurt her immensely to move on, it would have been worth it eventually in the future to be normal again, by doing so.

The idea of Dinairresin and normal were not compatible in the slightest. There were incomprehensible forces at play.

"This is all going so fast and I don't know you. The attraction is undeniable and whatever the destra-"


"Yeah, that! Still, I really don't know you, which means I won't trust you until you give me something that proves you are trustworthy. You threw this on me and then you disappeared. You disappeared! Now you are back and you tell me I am hitched with you for life? Like, Christ! Plus, you have been meddling in my personal life. What the actual fuck? Oh and let's not forget how you will kill the next person I catch feelings for?"

Dee leaned back, sensing Juliet's tone.

"I acknowledge this is crazy to you.'' Dee replied with a pained expression on her face.

"Batshit crazy! You have a lot to make up for, woman. Two years worth of making me feel this Daeestra thing without guidance. I will drag you through properly getting to know each other. Look, it was great seeing you today and I am glad you are in town. I suggest you take a look around. Maybe take a historical tour or something of the place and I will text you when I have processed enough of what you just told me. I will see you again when I am ready,''

Juliet stood up abruptly and clutched her purse close. Dee swigged up the rest of the tea and also stood to follow her out while nodding apologetically to all of the people that looked up to see what was happening.

"Juliet!" Dee yelled. She jogged to catch up to fast pacing figure ahead of her. "I understand there is much that we have to work through."

"It's called a relationship, Dee. I refuse to let this come out of nowhere."

"I may have said too much at once."

"That's not the point." Juliet huffed, crossing her arms. She appreciated the honesty.

"You must wear this no matter what." Dee held out a necklace. It was a golden chain adorned with small pink life like roses. There was a click and whirring sound as the necklace adjusted to the length of Juliet's neck without a chance of her refusing. The powerful woman then sheepishly backed up as Juliet stood silently glaring at her. 

Graciously edited by the lovely -MissElle

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