Chapter 22: The Construction

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Swifter change in Juliet's life had never happened. Now that Juliet was a known entity, with her existence known by the Council and therefore by the rest of the Kyrions, Dee showed no restraint or remorse in moving things around to fit her fancy. 

She wanted Juliet to sell her apartment and come live with her, but Juliet adamantly refused. There were many conversations about Juliet's agency as her own person which Dee entertained but always countered with fears of safety. Every single night, Juliet was greeted by an alien woman begging her to stay the night. Sometimes even on her knees, sometimes between Juliet's knees. Dee was a persuasive alien. 

Where Juliet previously didn't pay attention, it seemed that Dee was trying to persuade Juliet to quit her job as well- conjuring luxuries with a simple snap of her fingers. 

"You won't ever need anything again," Dee would exclaim emphatically as Juliet continued to write and turn in articles. Out of spite, she even started to freelance and earn even more. She hated the idea of never paying for anything ever again. Not to mention to tussle over any bill that came to them when they were out. Dee was none the wiser to the oldest tricks in the book- going to restroom and footing the bill in the process. Or simply swiping a credit card before Dee could find hers (who never knew exactly where hers was). 

The primary reason Juliet was able to escape these advances was simply because Dee had her own responsibilities, which would sometimes take her away for days at a time. After the initial conversation about her plans, Juliet did not ask what was going on. She tried to convince herself she didn't care. She tried to deny that it was her fault it was happening.

Her fault for existing in the same universe as Dee. Her fault for taking that class, for not running away from Dee even faster the first time they met. Her fault for having an undeniable curiosity about what it would be like to love this deeply. 

Many weeks passed in this fashion, Juliet dancing around Dee's demands while also caving to them. She stayed at Dee's every night. She rarely left the vicinity of the condo without Dee. Dee even called her a house-girlfriend. It was like housewife but they weren't married. Interestingly enough, when Juliet asked about marriage, Dee was not interested. It was a custom she found highly redundant. Why get married when Juliet already has a lorakaikonek? 

"Well, I didn't choose to have this on me."

"It would not have attached to an unwilling participant," Dee replied. 

"I cut it off!"

"Can you say you didn't feel the daeestra?"

"Well, no. But do you think you could have thought the timing out a little better?"

"And give you reason to doubt my commitment to you," Dee reached out to touch the necklace. 

"You left for two years without warning, I think anyone would doubt any commitments."

"Every moment I was away,  I thought of you. I wanted you. I yearned-"

This would be met with a swat of a pillow, and a blushing Juliet. Despite it all, she loved being with Dee. Every morning, Dee would make Juliet coffee. Juliet would make Dee popcorn, her favorite breakfast food. Different kinds of foods didn't make any sense to Dee, who loved to eat anything at anytime. Then, either Dee would leave, or cuddle her all day as she wrote. In the evening, they would venture out into the city. To walk, to eat or to make out in the most risky places they could find. A simple run to the grocery store was an adventure. 

Juliet stuck her head in the sand. The sand was so comfortable, so lovely, that it was easy to ignore the fact that Dee was now deciding to take over Earth. Well, take it over more than it already was. Was it even so bad that Juliet just accelerated that process? She would convince herself that if she didn't exit, Dee would have found a Juliet equivalent. Some other blonde haired, skinny, nerdy girl. Even in these thought processes, she hated the idea- often calling pseudo-Juliet a bimbo. 

It was one of these days that Juliet could no longer keep her eyes closed and ears shut. Dee set down the coffee in front of Juliet as she frantically typed away at an assignment that was late due to last night's antics. The laptop was gently closed. She found Dee standing before her, a very regal yet happy expression on her face. 

"My palace finished construction yesterday. We will go see it today, and you will choose how your want our chambers to look." 

Juliet sipped at the coffee, saying nothing. Already done? She thought  that palaces took longer than a month to complete. 

"You seem troubled," Dee said, her happiness faltering. 

"It's just going to be a big change. I don't want to leave...this. What we got going," Juliet made a feeble gesture around the room. 

"It will be better. Bigger, with servants and luxuries you could not possible imagine. Let me give you what you deserve for once! I can give you the world, Juliet, the universe."

"Love, I don't need any of that. I just want you. You...are my world and universe," Juliet said things like this quite often now, but could never shake the shyness. Dee was just so beautiful, strong and sexy. It was a dream, it had to be. 

"This is me," Dee said. "I am The Ruler, a Kyrion. I am powerful and live my life in this way."

Juliet knew that. 

"And I am sure I will love your palace. Just remember that this is my planet your taking over." Dee tucked a piece of hair behind Juliet's ear, who had not yet even brushed her hair. 

"It hasn't been yours for a little while," Dee said. 

"I know," Juliet replied. "I know." 

Now, it would be even less hers. 

dun dun dun! the palace! and a lil character development for u!

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