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The espresso between Juliet's fingers was hot. She sat in a small wicker chair at a tiny table, barely big enough for two. Past a sea of similar tables was a large orange overhang with the word "L'Amant" swinging at the end of it. Astonishingly, life was normal. There was no way to know how long it could remain this way.

A while ago, Dee asked her where she would want to travel. Juliet mistook the nonchalant tone for humor. Paris, she answered, thinking of the most generic place she could Nothing more was said on the topic. Until, that is, one morning when Dee had two suitcases packed for them.

They spent a week crawling about the city. She watched her lover become increasingly nervous. Dee was determined to propose. It was unnecessary. Juliet was ready to be married, ready to start navigating a new life by Dee's side. This was frivolous. After some time, she understood how much this meant to her partner and agreed to go. After a week of an overly attentive Dee, Juliet got a moment of peace. A nice little espresso in a nice little shop. From here, she would get her hair and nails done, with careful instruction from Dee on which shops to visit. Everything had to be perfect.

Someone watched her, in that little bubble of peace. She could kill people by thinking! A fact that passed right through her obstinate Kyrion overlord. The bodyguard stood in the shadows, doing an awful job of not drawing attention to himself. Juliet turned and gave him a stare. He jumped slightly, a cold shiver raking his spine. She beckoned him to sit down in the second wicker chair at the table.

He was a Kyrion soldier wearing a generic human disguise. The force of him sitting down almost broke the chair.

"Is there anything I can give you to make you stop following me?"

"No," he unblinkingly looked forward.

"Then do your job better," Juliet took a sip. "You're tailing me too close and I would like to be alone." The espresso was rich, chocolate and oranges.

"Yes," there was that barely concealed distaste. Niceties were wasted on Kyrions. They lacked cultural shame. They could be diplomatic but not polite. On Dee, it was hot. On everyone else? Annoying. She walked off to be pampered.

Back at the hotel room now, her nails were painted a creamy white and her hair was in a swirly updo. On the way back from the salon, she stepped into a boutique specializing in 1940's inspired fashion. She chose a simple white dress, consisting of a corset with spaghetti straps and a long skirt reaching mid-calf. The top was dusted with a very fine powdered sparkle, sure to shine in low light. Dee was not there, only leaving a note to hop into a car which would take her to a mysterious place. She hoped it was a restaurant, only because the long day had left her hungry. Her outfit would be a lovely surprise. Dressing in excited silence, she felt refreshed and ready for the night ahead.

Dee had a thing for hidden doors. Just like Lux Cosmos, the entrance to the restaurant was a trek down stairs. There was nothing but the wall to grab on the way down. A tiny, medieval door opened to a small chamber. The walls were nothing but stone, and the furniture followed the medieval theme. Low lights were placed in hidden spots. It was surprisingly tasteful. She stood, barely noticing Dee sitting in the darkest corner.

"Human, you are going to be the death of me. I was going to be civil, but with that on," Dee took in a long inhale. "I might have to fuck you like an animal." She sat with one arm splayed over the table, one leg crossed over the other. A crisp formal suit molded to her form perfectly. It accented the delicious way her shoulders tapered down to her hips. Her hair, which she had been keeping in a tight ponytail, fell around her shoulders in soft waves. It even clung to her breasts.

"Maybe animal can be on the menu tonight," she said this while blushing profusely. Dee was dressed to mobster perfection. Juliet was ready to be ruled over.

"By design. Sit, my love."

They continued to stare at each other as she sat down. The restaurant specialized in a certain kind of meat which she did not bother to pay attention to, only devour. She was questioned relentlessly, as though Dee wanted to step inside her body and spend the day with her. It was intense and lovely.

"What a wonderful night, thank you," Juliet said earnestly.

"Alara, if I could, we would spend every night like this. I would change my status, my birthright, for us to live our lives the way we want to. The way you deserve," this mournful utterance made Juliet flinch.

"If I could make myself be born of noble status, and be given the knowledge to rule the world," she countered. Her biggest fear was how unfit she was. She knew nothing. Her face betrayed her.

"Do not say that," Dee gently unwrapped Juliet's tight fingers from her wine glass. "You are exactly what I need, as you are, now." She was not sure Dee understood the point. "But humor me, for just a second, what would our lives look like if I was not a royal?" Juliet tilted her head to the side, thinking for a long moment before speaking.

"A cottage in the middle of a lush forest. We'd fall asleep every night to the sound of wind through the leaves, sometimes gentle, sometimes howling." Dee was enraptured, her mind taking her to their imagined paradise. "A little garden to tend to, which would grow whatever we wanted. I've always wanted to learn to bake bread at home, so I would probably be doing that. There would be little ones covered in flour, tugging at my apron strings." This was a little foolish. Even for a human, it was absurd. Dee, however, hurtled to her knees and placed her head on Juliet's lap.

"Where would I be," she asked.

"Oh, you would be tending the garden, I think. I probably sent you out there to keep an eye on any child which ran to play outside. You would have dominion over our little plot of land."

A mix between a wail and a chitter escaped Dee.

"Please marry me, Juliet, please, tell me you will" she whispered. The Kyrion ruler overlord was afraid of rejection. Juliet encircled her lover's face with her hands.

"Yes, yes," she whispered back. "Yes, I will marry you."

Dee rummaged through her pockets, not used to the pants. She delicately took out a small black box, concentrating on not dropping it.

"I'm doing it wrong. One knee, ring, question," she shifted her legs to get on one knee. Juliet was hiccuping from forcing herself not to cry.

"No," she hiccuped. "No, I'm also not doing," another hiccup, "great." She was supposed to be acting surprised and making adorable little gasps. A rose gold band sparkled from between white fabric.

"It's made of a precious metal from Kyria. It will never lose the sparkling quality." It fit perfectly. "Kiss me, please."

Please. Juliet cupped Dee's face and kissed her with such force that they both fell to the ground. 

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