Chapter 38: The Storm, The Final Part

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The walls swam around her. She wandered, completely forgetting the instantaneous system of transport hidden in the walls. Her throat burned as she stifled the sensation of coughing as best she could. The possibility of Dee running back out because of a coughing fit was embarrassing. Despite her body coming to terms with the previous minutes, the root of her confusion was not physical. She expected to feel demeaned.What sane person shows up at their spouse's place of work and demands attention? Instead, she felt confident and loved. Everything had somehow led up to this moment.

Finally, she asked the wall to find her a bath and something to soothe her throat. She expected the bedroom, but instead was met with a large pool. It was eerie in its emptiness, modeled vaguely after an ancient Greek bathhouse. Steam rose in billows from the water. The sides of the room were lined with pillars and large windows from which sunlight came through.

By now Juliet was sure that much of the sunlight was engineered, but her body could not tell the difference.

The architecture begged for inhabitants. The vast emptiness of the castle and its kaleidoscopic amount of amenities were no longer surprising. Ultimately, she was grateful to be alone. Dee's request was long forgotten as she shed her ensemble and melted into the water.

The Kulon offered to heal her throat, but was refused. The steam gently ushered away the pain. She soaked until she could feel her heart pounding against her sternum. The water slowly increased in its fragrance as gentle and sweet oils were released from an unknown source. Her muscles loosened their tensioned knots as a pleasant cross between lilac and lavender danced in her nose and throat.

Juliet gently rested her head on the edge of the basin. The steam that filled the room rose into an infinite ceiling. Suddenly, an overwhelming wave of guilt crept in, as it always did. Sarah was right about one thing, and one thing only. How could she deserve this while the rest of humanity was being taken over by an increasingly violent regime, a regime she was in love with? Anxiety beat painfully in her chest.

There were two warring factions of her mind. One was the ostrich, her willingness to ignore everything around her. She would become a glutton, grateful to be away from it all. The other part raged against this. Dee could be convinced of something. Maybe less violence? Peaceful coexistence between the two species? She knew nothing of how anything operated. She was a human woman, but that was it as she was barely more than a girl.

How she wished she could be holed up in her apartment writing about the salacious secret lives of celebrities. Kyria had told her that she was offered to Dinairessin, like some sort of interplanetary communication. Kyria was sentient, that much was obvious, but so was Earth!

She sat up and slowly lowered herself into the water until only her eyes peaked above. One thing at a time... The water was warm, the room smelled divine, and there was no immediate danger.

A figure emerged from behind a pillar.

"My, my..." Dee said, still fully dressed in her commander's outfit. The cape covered her silhouette except her tactical boots which peaked out with each step. "You have earned yourself a spanking."

Fucking hell! This was a fucking dictator! Her presence took the empty space and choked it.

"How so?" Her voice quivered from both fear and excitement as her body finally understood everything, catching up after many months together.

"I gave you one task. To keep this on." Dee knelt down slowly. The garment was picked up with one finger. Her hands were elegant and strong which was one of Juliet's weaknesses. For the first time, she had nothing to respond with. "The state I find you in is compatible with a gentler punishment."

The cloak fell to the ground with a swish. Dee undid the body tight garment which fell to the floor, seemingly of its own volition. Juliet would never get used to seeing her naked. It was the sight of perfection itself; long and muscular limbs, a gently curving waist, and wide shoulders. Her hair was longer now, falling just below her shoulders. Her penis was usually erect and topped everything off like a bow on a present. It hung limp, a comically smaller size than its erect counterpart. It nestled cutely between two spherical balls while there was no pubic hair anywhere in sight. She was completely hairless, smooth, and perfect in every crevice. Juliet would spend the rest of her life rechecking this fact.

Dee lowered herself into the water, falling into Juliet's awaiting arms.

"I love your dictator outfit." Juliet whispered close to her ear instead of speaking in a louder tone because she felt too embarrassed.

"I know." Dee spoke the words into Juliet's neck."Perhaps, a benevolent overlord or maybe an alien mistress."

"It doesn't have the same ring."

"Or power? Hmm..." Dee completely relaxed, laying her head upon her lover's soft and warm breasts. The fatigue was palpable even though her engineered body did not show it. There was no more thought to a continuation of the corridor.

"Are you doing ok?" Juliet laid back to create a wider space for the Kyrion to crawl on top of her. Two bodies intertwined into one.

"This is not a small talk question, is it?" Dee asked.

"No, I genuinely want to know how you are."

"I am enraged and terrified for what might come into play in the near future. My own council sought to overthrow me, to become more powerful than me. I am the first Ruler in Kyria's history who had to prove herself. The first one born into my family who did not have a direct link to Kyria which led many to see this as the end to the era of Rulers."

"Could Kyria have done it on purpose?"

"Everything she does is on purpose. There is not a single thing in this world or galaxy for that matter, that she does not know already."

This was not true. When Juliet was breaking out of the military bunker, Kyria sounded almost... human? She was just a being trying to find a way forward. Of course, she was a whole ass planet, but still. She could see that Dee's struggles mirrored many of Kyria's own.

"And, why are you scared?" Juliet started to pet Dee's hair soothingly. The tension was melting off of the Kyrion's muscles with each gentle stroke her lover provided.

"You." She said simply before continuing on, "You are my biggest vulnerability, already taken once. I am safe because I have a body which is engineered for war and for survival. I can make you immortal with my technology, but I cannot make you immune to death and that fact is what terrifies me deeply."

"Kyria will protect me," responded Juliet.

"Kyria is powerful, but not omnipotent." The necklace buzzed slightly at those words.

It was unclear whether Kyria was angered by her words or if she agreed.

boom boom pow see you in the next one thanks for coming back!

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edited by the lovely and patient -MissElle

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