Chapter 19: Condescension, The Final Part

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Juliet was wrapped in a towel, resting on a large white bed.  Dee threw some clothing at Juliet, which landed gently by her side. 

"These are traditional clothing. The climate on Kyria is always temperate, since Kulon is an insulating force. It protects us from seasonality, while providing enough sustenance to the plants year round," Dee spoke from inside a closet looking room. They were preparing to meet Aloran in the Archive, the database of all Kyrion knowledge.

"Wow, you got pretty lucky with your planet," Juliet said. There were pants, a shirt garment and a cape-like construction which draped over her back and arms. All were a lavender color. 

"Not luck. We made pathways for Kulon a long time ago, Kyria wished it so. You will not need those," Dee said as Juliet reached for her shoes. "The floor will regulate the temperature based on your preference."

A door materialized to the left of the closet. The wall looked for a moment to be made of liquid, and then it hardened. It was exactly like the door Juliet had taken out of the strange hospital room with Riyuklanin.

"After you," Juliet said, and followed Dee into the door.

The Archive looked like a library. Seating cushions were scattered around a large rounded space. There were shelves, which were constantly materializing and disappearing. Four people walked around, dressed similarly to Juliet. Dee's clothes were very different. A black, tightly fitted jumpsuit hugged her body. Her cape was shimmering with blue, gold and white specs. Juliet wasn't even sure that the material was touchable, as it look mostly translucent.

Juliet had the urge to curtesy at her when she spoke. 

"Ah, Dinairresin, right on time as usual," a voice spoke from behind. It was the man from the hologram.

"I cannot afford to be late," Dee said. They deeply embraced, leaving Juliet a little bit uncomfortable. 

"And this is your alara. Welcome to the heart of knowledge of our people." Aloran went to embrace Juliet. She stepped back and offered a hand to shake, which he shook. 

"Thank you. It's pretty nice here." Her feet comfortably warm, Dee by her side. 

"You summoned to examine her. I expect you will be gracious and non-invasive?" 

Aloran nodded.

"I see she has already met The Council. Bunch of brutes, are they not?"

"It doesn't matter. They placed her through a palitern. They will understand their lesson in time," Dee said, a sharp antagonistic edge to her tone. 

Aloran raised an eyebrow, looking curiously at Juliet. She shyly smiled back.

"You are aware that there has been one human death already? It happened a couple hours ago. The Council decided to do a proper test...based on you," he turned to her. He had a piercing and sharp gaze, as though he could see through her every lie. "But you are not a reliable testing point, I see."

"What happened?" Juliet's stomach turned even before she heard the answer.

"The human's atoms simply did not re-configurate. He was vaporized," replied Aloran. 

Juliet felt sick. She remembered the way the sludge that forced her way into her mouth. Then... that feeling. The disintegration. Had she... had she been vaporized as well? Dee crossed her arms, her lips becoming a hard line. Her arms muscles were hardened and twitching,  murder on her mind.

"Well, all's well that ends well? At least for me?" She could feel that there was impending conflict, and tried to stay positive.

"No. There is no well. Riyuklanin should plead his Divine Choice before I find him."

Aloran nodded in agreement. Juliet was not sure if death was an equal punishment for ignorance.

"He didn't know," she said softly.

"He didn't know," the two Kyrions said in unison.

"There was a perfectly safe option," Dee countered.

"I was running away."

"You are but a human. It is easy enough for you to restrain a cat," Aloran reminded her. "You cannot be responsible for his actions. You are also, not responsible for what The Ruler chooses to do with him. He is nothing but vassal to Her will."

"Feudal times," Juliet said.

"It is what works. We are calculating and ruthless creatures. Without a proper structure of power, then cruelty always wins. Riyuklanin, for example, was granted power over a powerless creature and he abused it."

"He was just trying to do his job," Juliet said, remembering her erratic and zigzagging running.

"Why defend him? This is not his first offense against The Ruler. She has been kind to him thus far. If you were my alara," Aloran raised his eyebrows conspiratorially. "His insides would be hanging above the Council's meeting table."

"Perfect idea," Dee said, while Juliet took a hard gulp. For immortal creatures, they were immensely comfortable with killing.

"Now, the examination will take no more than a couple minutes. I have a little device-" a tiny square robot whizzed by, and stopped. It floated by his head. "which will take in various biometrics, and personality markers from you. Then, I will ask further questions if needed." 

"This sounds an awful lot like what happened already," Juliet hugged herself to calm down. "Are you sure this isn't already in your archive?"

Dee and Aloran spoke quickly in their language. 

"They already examined her? Without my permission?"  Dee wrapped an arm around Juliet as she said this.

"This is a grave overstepping of their power, an undermining of the Archive." 

"They have grown complacent and greedy in my absence."

"I have been telling you this. Their influence is growing by the Earthen day,"  Aloran said, trying to give Juliet a reassuring smile and failing spectacularly. 

"Besides. There is a reason they are interested."  Dee put a strand of hair back behind Juliet's ear.

"She is a human. And your alara."

"My biggest vulnerability,"  Dee rubbed Juliet's arm reassuringly. She was not reassured.

"You are Dinairessin's single point of vulnerability." Aloran said, addressing Juliet. "She should not have trusted them to take you." 

Dee and Juliet looked at each other in a kind of understanding. The Council didn't know about the Kulon, the connection Juliet had to Kyria. 

They could not find out. 

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Thank you for reading. 

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