Chapter 24: The King's Court, Part One

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The grand chamber opened up before Juliet like the gaping mouth of a whale, closing silently behind her. There was an audience, humans and Kyrions standing in orderly lines on either side of a main walkway. All were wearing a variation of blue, black and gold robes. The colors were reminiscent of the Dee's apartment décor. Natural light illuminated everything. The ceiling was a pulsating canopy, constantly changing but letting light through nonetheless. 

 All eyes were trained on them. Juliet had to fight her body, trying to keep her face from turning an ungodly color of red. She could feel all kinds of stares. There was curiosity, and reverence. There was also deep dissatisfaction, and puzzlement.  After a stealing a couple glances in the direction of the crowd, she decided to follow Dee's lead and not stare at anyone at all. At the end of the walkway was a throne. It was in the same style as the architecture, with tendrils reaching out in each and every direction. A woman with long brown hair and green eyes stood to the far left of the throne. 

Sarah. The doctor by the sea. The love before love. The woman was dressed in dark blue Kyrion robes, and had her hands neatly clasped in front of her. Juliet openly stared at her, refusing to take her eyes of the woman that had once had her heart, the one with whom an ending was abrupt and razor-sharp. She did not look back, her green eyes trained on the floor in front of her. Dee gave Juliet's shoulder a gentle squeeze. She returned her eyes forward, wondering what else the Kyrion had in store. 

Why? Why Sarah?

Shock made Juliet's face alight with a soft smile, which could be misconstrued for happiness. Finally, they approached the throne. Dee sat down and pulled her onto her lap, their size difference becoming so painfully clear. Juliet's feet dangled, and her head came only up to the Kyrion's shoulder. She could have sworn that Dee was much smaller at a different time. For a long while, she had been suspicious that these human forms were just that- forms. Dee never mentioned it. An uneasy rustling passed through the crowd. 

"Welcome to my palace, the final conquering of this Earth," Dee's voice was projected by something unseen, the dark timbre bouncing gracefully against the walls before escaping through the ceiling. Juliet could not look at the crowd. She trained her eyes on where the wall had opened. "We are entering a new era of my occupation of this planet. No longer will I stand in the falsehood of allowing humans to continue as they were. We have fixed your planet and found it compatible with our needs. It is compatible with Kulon, so we shall fill your crevices with it."

Juliet's heart slammed against her ribs painfully. In all of the love, the daeestra, the new gadgets, the food, she forgot one simple truth. Dee was an alien- an alien of a species far technologically superior humans. They are also smarter, and physically superior. She just hoped she was far enough away that no one could discern this realization happening on her face. So naive! She hoped for a "normal" life, for Dee to continue masquerading as a benign alien conqueror and fulfill only Juliet's needs and abide by the human moral code. 

"As for the Council, I understand that many have aligned their allegiances with them. Many of them are not present today, something which I will let my Guard take careful note of. However, it will soon become clear why this is a mistake. I have been preoccupied with the war in Kyria. It seems to many of you that I became complacent. Well?" Dee waved the arm not holding Juliet grandly. "Does this look like complacency to you?" 

Many Kyrions visibly paled at the gesture. 

"Let me remind the humans in attendance. I am not known to be a peaceful Ruler. However, you humans are not peaceful creatures either. We were not met with any sort of welcome, which I would have taken into consideration had that been the case. You stole your way through our trust, and murdered many of our kind. Then, you tried to send your nuclear missile to get rid of us like a cancerous legion. That is lesson no one of Kyrion kind will readily forget."

Juliet knew nothing of this. It had been successfully hidden. 

"We have prolonged the life of your planet, and may even be on the brink of understanding how to prolong the life of your star, and your human lifespans. Unfortunately, though I understand there was no choice to be had after your unsuccessful attempt to drive us away, this kindness is not free. First, your planet will become unequivocally ours. Any rebellion will be met with the full force of our weapons. Second, I take one of your own as mine. Do not mistake this for weakness. She is the reason my power grows. She has my full protection. If anyone so much as disturbs the top layer of her skin, you will be executed."

Fuck it, yes, let's make Juliet the pariah of every social interaction ever. 

"Lastly, let me welcome you to the first Earthen palace. I do hope you find it enjoyable." 

The hold on the crowd was released. Juliet watched Sarah scurry away, as did many other humans. 

"Servants," Dee answered the silent question. "Many came of their own accord."

"Sarah did not choose to come here," Juliet accused. Dee smiled, showing the perfect row of teeth. 

"No, she did not," and that was all to be said on that.

(*^_^)/゛ to all the new people- I see you and I hope you enjoy your stay here! Thank you so much for stopping by. Comment your favorite scene so far, if you're so inclined- would love to chat about it!

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