Chapter 49: Pour

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The military detected her presence immediately. Within moments, the sound of a large military vehicle accosted her ears. There was a new knowing-ness inside her which eradicated all fear. This event was another repetition of history. It happened over and over, regardless of time and space. The trespasser must fall. She arrived on the side of the humans.

Eradicate Dee. This was the strategy. Nothing else had worked. They understood Kyrions to be like a hive. Their elementary view surprised her. They did not want to admit that they were the inferior species.

The ground pulsed with a serene and expectant energy. She could feel the intensity with which Earth wanted to unite her with her lover. This was sign enough. Juliet understood that this was the path forward. It was a way towards understanding, peace and assimilation. Two planets merge into one.

This was not a good spot, though. Veins of energy flowed underneath, she could feel it through her feet. Juliet would have to walk a little bit to insert Kyria's soul into a larger basin of energy. It was like inserting an IV into an arm. One had to feel the correct spot. These large energy veins surrounded the castle. When they first moved in, Dee explained that she sensed this was the correct spot. A spot for Juliet. The roar of the military vehicle invaded her ears. She continued her search.

"Hands up! Stop moving or we will shoot!"

She raised her hands. She could feel them. The energy of the car, the humans and their guns pulsed. Their souls. A soul is nothing more than a ball of energy. It could not think or reason. It simply was. As the men pointed their weapons at her, she willed the car's energy to cease. The hum of the engine abruptly quieted.

"What in the-" the driver tried to turn it back on. It was no use. The two gunmen kept their guns pointed at her, convinced of their infallibility.

"Who are you," the one sticking out of the left yelled. He sent nervous glances to the driver who had given up on trying to start the car.

"Juliet! And who are you?" Her eyes continued to search the ground. It would be so much better if she could place her hands down. She was so close.

One of the soldiers perked up. "The alien whore," he whispered to his colleague. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, the alien whore. Now, I need to walk over there, is that alright?" She pointed a finger to her left.

"Where did you come from?"

"Kyria," she answered.

"What did you do there?"

"Was given the planet's essence and I will transfer it to Earth."

"Don't play with us. We shoot on sight."

"Why haven't you done so?" This genuinely confused her. There was no interference on the guns. The soldiers hands' trembled.

Finally, the one sticking out the right side of the vehicle told for her to do what she needed to do. Then, they would take her back to speak with the general. That suited Juliet fine. She walked approximately four meters and placed her hand on the ground.

Earth wriggled under her. She could feel everything, the soil, the air, the roots of the grass, the weight of the stone quarry nearby. It was not unpleasant. In fact, she wanted to cry from euphoria. Her body was doing what Kyria had designed it to, to commune with her planet. Finally, her hand started to warm. With a little bit of horror, Juliet observed Kulon dripping out of her pores. She closed her eyes for that.

Thank you, Juliet. Her body heaved a big sigh as Kyria left to be in her new home. A home that welcomed her, and soothed the excruciating pain of a slow death.

The soldiers crowded around her, watching her in awe. Something changed. They looked at her with reverence and peace. The weapons were forgotten in the vehicle. Tears dripped down their faces. This irritated Juliet for a moment, but the new knowing-ness did not disappear. On a level they could not comprehend, they understood.

"You will unite us. Everyone here," one of them said. "You have to."

Juliet stood up and wiped her hands. Surprisingly, they were completely dry. The feeling of Kulon seeping through her pores would forever haunt her.

"I'll try," she said. "I'll do my best. I'm ready to speak to your General and put this conflict to rest." The three soldiers followed her to the vehicle, which hummed to life the moment she got inside. 

We're nearing the end, guys. Buckle up! 

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