Chapter 8: The Red Dress

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The necklace was back on Juliet's neck the next morning, nestling gently to the base of her neck. It reconstructed itself to fit so perfectly that she could not fit the pliers under anymore. It was undoubtedly alien technology and there was no way of escaping it or Dee. There was probably a tracking device in it, which made her uneasy. Hopefully, it was not hackable by other Kyrion.

She ignored all incoming texts from Dee because she did not feel ready to talk to her again. The feelings from the daeestra were powerful, but she had to think logically. Logic begged her to resist this a bit longer. Her life and safety were at stake.

A second thought would have done Alice some good before she fell into Wonderland. Would it even be possible to break up? The more she thought about it, the more nauseating the idea of leaving Dee became. The Daeestra infection began to spread at an alarming speed.

She could call the police, her parents or local politicians. Dee was not a malevolent force. Nothing about her behavior towards Juliet was dangerous, but there were some possessive remarks and the muscles of a predator. Juliet's intuition was not bothered by Dee. It was the role of the Kyrion on Earth that petrified her.

Most humans trusted the Kyrions' even though they arrived not even a decade ago. Their technology was unlike anything the Earth had witnessed, magical. They quickly gained an incredible understanding of the human species. They said that they were here to "put the Earth on the correct path", "right the woes of climate change" and "heal every current known human disease with the technology that would furthermore heal all future diseases.''

They said they were going to leave once they were done. Everyone witnessed the world trajectory reverse for the better. The Kyrions' rid the oceans of toxic waste. Then, all types of pollution and war were prohibited around the planet. It was unclear what their punishment for defiance was. They were in the process of installing different systems of human welfare, humankind united as one.

However, they were not sharing their knowledge, something they promised to do. This was an easy fact to forget when cancer was eradicated in just a matter of weeks. It was clear that they were teaching humans to be reliant on them. The world would end when they left, or it would end when they decided to stay for good.

Juliet did not want to step into the Kyrion world. She tolerated the Kyrion because they left her alone. Now, they could not even do that. Dee pulled her into a world she had no desire to be a part of.

She placed her head on the table next to her morning cup of coffee. The imaginary list was full of cons. And yet, there was the possibility of being... hers.

Juliet was enthralled by Dee. She was the most beautiful creature. This alien Goddess spoke eloquently, which was hot, and the fact she was a dominant woman made her even hotter. If Dee was a human she would fall recklessly into her arms.

There was so much good that it was hard to heed any of the warning signs. Dee was courteous and she respected Juliet's boundaries, never forced anything. She did scare Sarah away, but that was borderline forgivable. It was a doomed relationship, full of manipulation. Juliet just wished it ended on her own terms.

Then there was the Daaestra. The pull made Juliet need her, she would always crawl back to her. It made her think it would be a miserable mistake to not give a relationship with Dee a try. No one chose who they loved anyway, right? Was there anything she could have done to avoid this? No, absolutely nothing.

It was almost five p.m. by the time Juliet texted Dee: Wanna go on our second date? <3

Yes, where to? The response was immediate.

Let's go dancing. Do you know any good clubs?

I will pick you up. Be ready by seven p.m.


Wear the red dress.

Juliet furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She never purchased a red dress. When she went to look in her closet, her eyes widened in shock. There it was, neatly placed between her other club dresses.

Your magic tricks don't work on me.

I do not dabble in magic, much less magic tricks. I only dabble in you and if you do not wear that red dress tonight then I will show you exactly what kind of magic I have stored for you.

At those words, Juliet forgot the existence of the imaginary list.

Edited by the gracious -MissElle

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