Chapter 12: The Council

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Juliet stared at Dee in adoration, following her out of the bathroom and onto the dance floor.  She couldn't help it. Intoxication made the feeling in the pit of her stomach warmer, and tighter. Dee was the most beautiful thing, human or otherwise, the anyone could ever see. 

"Little one, if you keep looking at me like that, I might have to eat you just to have a little taste of what's inside."

"You have my utmost permission to eat me alive," Juliet said, inching their clasped hands towards her bottom hip. The alien made a hissing sound, pulled their hands up to her face. There was a murderously sexy grin on Dee's face. She pulled Juliet out of the club and stuffed her into the self-driving car. Juliet's laughing was raucous, not being to quiet the giggles of enjoyment. 

Dee was on top of her, kissing her. At first, her lips and tongue were gentle, unsure. Juliet begged for more, wrapping herself into Dee's hard body. It seemed that this was all the Kyrion needed. She softened her muscles, the more Juliet pushed their body together. 

"You don't want to wait until we get home," Juliet asked. This was a muffled murmur, spoken in the small moments between each successive kiss. 

"I have waited long enough," Dee replied, and snaked a hand under the dress. Deftly, it was pulled off. Juliet was left with nothing but a pair of pink panties. Dee spoke some sort of command to the car, and windows turned completely opaque. 

She peppered kisses all over Dee's face and neck, moaning softly from anticipation. God, what was happening? Nothing had even 'happened', yet. She was pushed back as Dee climbed back on top of her, eyes scanning her body. 

"All in one piece," Juliet said, squirming. 

"My alara, you are more than just a piece. You are mine, my piece, my whole, my half. You are so beautiful dressed, but what do they say? You are smokin' hot when undressed." 

Juliet laughed, and Dee looked self-conscious for a moment before kissing her once again. 

"I'll take smoking hot any day."

They couldn't get enough of each other. Juliet brushed her fingers through Dee's hair, tucked her hands under her shirt. Dee was smooth, made of gentle undulations. Her muscles flexed, and relaxed as Juliet touched them, reacting to everything. Dee was doing the same, running her hands up and down Juliet's body, stopping to gently play with a nipple or two before continuing an intrepid exploration. 

Dee made a loud raspy exhale as Juliet took off her panties. 

"You smell...sweet," Dee said. "May I? I must. May I?"

Juliet would have laughed if she wasn't so turned on. 

"Yes," she moaned, and the Kyrion placed mouth above her clit. Her tongue was warm and perfectly smooth. Juliet was squirming so much that Dee reached up and restrained her by the torso. This, of course, only made her more aroused. Under Dee, she disappeared. There was barely enough space for the both of them in the small car, but Dee took up most it, while tucking Juliet under her. 

Dee made quick work, and within what felt like moments, Juliet felt the buildup of orgasm.

"OH, my, god," she panted, gripping Dee's arm. 

"Your God has nothing to do with these matters," she said, and frustratingly halting the licking, and sucking. Juliet let out a frustrated moan. "You will only say my name, and my name only."

"It's just a figure of speech." Juliet reached to nudge Dee's head back in place, but the Kyrion caught the hand and placed it above her head.

"Ah, ah, ah, you seem desperate, I thought we could enjoy..."

"Argh, you make me desperate," Juliet interrupted. She felt a pang of fear as the Kyrion smiled and restrained her second hand above her head. She squirmed, but her grip was like a vice. It was futile to resist. Something she should have realized so much sooner. 

"All will come with time," Dee said, and kissed Juliet. This was all that was needed to melt once more into ecstasy. 

The car rolled to a stop, and Juliet realized with a frustrated sigh that Dee was just teasing her. Two could play that game. 

Once inside, Dee tossed Juliet some garments which were suspiciously the perfect size. Once she was dressed, she was handed a cup with a glowing blue liquid. 

"What is it?" 

"For your hangover tomorrow. It eliminates all intoxication," Dee replied.

She shrugged, then chugged. As soon as it hit her tongue, she felt an electric zing through her system. It tasted like a typical chemically blue colored juice. Her intoxication instantaneously replaced with fatigue. 

"What was that all about? With your friends?" With clarity comes preciseness. 

"Politics transcends species, and planets. There are just some Kyrion matters I must attend to." 

"Are you a normal Kyrion?" Juliet blurted out. Dee raised an eyebrow. "Like, are you like a normal Kyrion person, or are you like some warrior princess?" 

"I guess I would be the princess-equivalent. I am a little bit more involved in the decision making than most, I suppose."

That meant that she knew why they came. That meant that she knew what they were planning to do in the future. That mean that this alien controlled, or controlled part of, what was going to happen to Earth. 

"What's wrong, Juliet. Why does this information bother you?"

"Oh, no reason." Of course Dee was a princess-equivalent to a governing force that could be the end of her own species. Of course she made the decision to uproot human civilization and twist it for their own gain. 

"Don't lie to me."

"It's just that...why me? Why us?" Juliet meant the collective us, like humans. 

"I've already explained the daeestra to you."

"Why did you come to Earth? Why did you help us," Juliet asked. 

Conveniently, some sort of holograph hovered next to Dee. It made the most annoying, high pitched beeps that one could ever imagine. Dee looked intently into Juliet's face, deciding to ignore the question and answered the hologram. 

A tall Kyrion man dressed in colorful robes appeared. He inspected the human standing next to Dee while speaking quickly. His gaze sent chills down her spine. Juliet tried to sneak away but was grabbed gently by the arm. A gentle touch, but an iron grip. 

"The Council would like to speak to you," said the man, turning to Juliet. She jumped. "We are a scholarly governing body, and the subject of daeestra's are of particular importance to us. You shall be put into our records."

"That's not some code for imprisonment, is it?" Juliet said, nervously.

"We are all imprisoned in the machinations of the mind," was the answer. The hologram disappeared. 

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