Chapter 3: The Subway

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Dee brought her lips to Juliet's. The intensity of the contact made Juliet lose her breath. Everything inside her came alive in such a way that you would think she was not alive to begin with. She could not help herself when she leaned in, begging for more. Her lips clenched in shock, feeling ashamed by her own reaction. Gently, Dee pried them open, a dance of tongue and lip.

In sharp contrast with the weather, Dee was warm, so warm she resembled a furnace. It made everything come into focus when Dee wrapped her arms around Juliet. Taking her away from the wall and into a full embrace.

Suddenly, it all stopped with inhuman speed as Dee stepped away. Coldness washed over Juliet like a wave. The streetlight behind Dee's face made her expression unreadable.

"Uh, ok. Are we done?"

God, the best moment of her fucking life and this was all she had to say? She fidgeted with the necklace inside her pocket. That's right she needed to ask Dee if she knew anything about it.

"We will never be done, my alara."

Kiss me again, Dee.

"Talking in riddles only makes a senseless conversation last longer, you know. Give it to me straight."

"I have nothing to give you that is straight."

Idioms? This woman didn't understand English idioms? What kind of software did they have in their heads?

"Tell me the truth without dancing around it." She tried once more.

"I am not dancing. I am standing as you can see." Dee's shadowy face pulled into a smile. Juliet was relieved to see the complete non emotion wiped from the alien's face.

"Are you playing with me or do you actually not understand?" Juliet demanded an answer.

"I could ask the same of you." Dee said.

"What?" Now she was confused.

"It is simple my alara. I want you therefore, you are mine. Are you feigning your internal misunderstanding?" Dee grabbed Juliet's coat collar and brought her closer. She pushed her away whilst wishing her safety did not demand such a reaction.

"That is not how this works. I am not anyone's and you do not have the right to claim me. You can ask for my number instead." Juliet angrily replied. It was time to walk away and never look back.

"It doesn't matter what you think. You, your body, your essence, and everything else that you are is mine, all mine."

"I don't know you and much less love you. I would never claim ownership of you even if I did." She started walking yet Dee fell into step beside her not getting the memo of wanting to be left alone.

"You truly don't understand." She began, "You are mine for the rest of your life. I feel the 'daaestra' for you."

"Destra? What the hell is that?" Juliet looked both ways before crossing a street. She refused to glance at the woman next to her. Since there was no outrunning her, ignoring her would have to do.

"Da-ae-stra is a life bond that can never be broken. It means that you are mine and I am yours. I am your protector and you are my slave."

At that Juliet halted to look up at Dee directly into her eyes.

"Slave? You're out of your mind. Tell me that you are human right fucking now. Leave all this bullshit behind." Dee's expression was one of humor. It was as though she was explaining something to a child.

"I am Kyrion."

"Oh fuck." Juliet placed her palms on her face. "No, this cannot be."

"Why not?" Dee starred as Juliet hopped from one foot to the other to expel some nervous energy.

"Let me get this straight. You are a Kyrion woman and I am a Human woman yet you want me?"

"Yes, I want you. You are mine."

Juliet mustered the sternest glare she could possess to direct it at Dee.

"I will not be yours. Good day, good evening, and good night. Thank you for your company, but I have better things I should be doing than having a freaking tryst with a freaking alien no matter how hot you are." She suddenly felt that she could not move. Her body tensed up like a steel rod.

Excruciatingly slowly, Dee leaned down to eye level with her.

"Wrong, you are mine, but I will give you time, human. When I cannot bear being away from you any longer, I shall take you. Then you will feel the sacrifice I am making, my alara."

Dee placed a kiss on Juliet's temple only to vanish the next second, literally.

Somehow, they had already been standing at the correct subway stop. She had no recollection of the past two blocks. Jeez, what a commitment. Life? Be someone's? Juliet would be hers like a slave, like a possession. There was no way that Juliet would be able to agree to that, ever. It was preposterous.

How was she supposed to think about the forensics class now? There was nothing, but research to be done at home and not the kind for class.

It was all one big hole, nothing conclusive. There was just conjecture from fanatics while on the surface everything was normal. Not one word about the Kyrions in the media, no Wiki page, and not even a fan one.

There were some shady forums. "fans" discussed encounters. They discussed things like their food and their technology. The more Juliet looked into it, the more discouraged she became. There was nothing on "alara" nor "daaestra".

You will feel the sacrifice I am making...

She rubbed her eyes.

Below her, the neighbors were yelling again. She hoped, in vain, that there would be a peaceful resolution. Dee's whisper played on repeat in her head.

The last thing Juliet heard before she fell asleep was a metallic clink as the necklace around her neck touched the keyboard before her face did.

Had she been the one to put it on?

Graciously edited by -MissElle

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