Chapter 43: Slave

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"Your face is so cute," Dee said, eating the last bite of her dessert. The Kyrion languished in the dinner chair. It was human furniture, too small. She splayed a leg over an arm rest, finding extra space in the empty air.

"I do not understand what is happening between us right now." Juliet was not to be wooed.

"This realization was inevitable. You are native to this planet and I am taking it from you."

"Why did you decide you needed it? It can't just be me."

"Why would you not be enough?"

"The recent aggression does not sound like love." Juliet reached for her glass, but the table disappeared into the floor. Dinner was over. "It sounds like desperation."

"I have shown your kind nothing but mercy." The snarl was righteous. Dee stood up, kicking the chair down behind her. "You, out of all humans, should understand that."

Juliet stared into her eyes. They were wide, brimming with emotion. The anger did not scare her. "I will not sit by while you subjugate my kind any longer."

Dee laughed, a pure laugh. Juliet smiled without thinking and was dismayed with herself. The connection between them had never been as strong, as personal, as she felt in that moment. Dee stopped laughing abruptly, falling to her knees before Juliet. Her shoulders were wide.The alien muscles rippled with intensity. Her hair was in a tight updo, but there were strands flowing down her cheeks to her breasts. Her brown eyes were dark, but they were speckled by flecks of silver. Long and twisting lines showed through the tight fabric. Wounds.

Dee had not undressed before her in a very long time, even when they were intimate. It had been so hot to be undone by someone clothed and composed. How could she hide this? Juliet reached out to touch her shoulder-

"No," the Kyrion snapped. Juliet's own scars throbbed even though they were no longer visible.

"You've been fighting," she whispered. The outstretched hand was frozen, a beg for mercy in all-consuming silence.

Dee took Juliet's hand and placed it gently down. "Stay away."

Juliet was about to say something when her open mouth was attacked. Her hands were encased by two palms, warm and familiar. Dee did not want her to explore. Her lips quivered. Juliet responded with strength and intensity. Their tongues danced, a moth meeting the flame it craved. There was no longer a clear distinction between who was the moth and who was the flame. The chair teetered as Dee found her strength and pushed her whole body against Juliet's. Juliet spread her legs and encircled the Kyrion's torso who was still on her knees. God, they needed this.

Dee placed Juliet's hands on the arm rests and snaked a palm under the dress.

She felt so naked and bared as the palm rubbed gentle circles. Beneath all the anger there was desperation and fear. This made everything go quiet.

Juliet let out a moan as the palm hit her clit just right. Dee seemed to inhale the energy into her mouth.

"You're so beautiful," Juliet said these words in the little spaces for breathing. They were starving beings given the chance to gorge. Each felt the absence of the other acutely. It felt burning. Juliet no longer wondered if the burning was good or bad, it just burned.

She whimpered when the Kyrion leaned away. There was a dazed look on Dee's face, enthralled by Juliet's body before her.

"You brought out the conqueror in me. I did not care much for it before. I was simply continuing what was started before me, but then you-" She stood up, towering over the sitting Juliet. She placed her hand around Juliet's chin, making her look up, "I saw you in that little bookstore. I was walking past. You were staring up at a shelf and shivering. It was strange that a human was not dressed for such cold weather." She pressed Juliet's head gently into the back of the chair. "You looked outside, past me, as if searching for someone. For a moment, I was sure that it was me you looked for. Once I was inside, I was sure that you were mine. That this whole goddamn planet was mine because you were in it." The other hand was back under her dress, spreading her open and entering her. "You are so tight." Dee's face was millimeters away, her breath tickling Juliet's lips.

"It's been a little while," Juliet managed. Every time it felt new. Her body forgot the intensity and incomprehensible experience of having sex with Dee. Then, it remembered everything all at once.

"Let me rectify that." Dee began the rhythmic thrusting. Her hands were so large and she could get so deep. Juliet felt like she was being filled up even though she was not. Her body welcomed the intrusion with contractions, wishing for the fingers to stay.

"This does not solve anything." Juliet said as her eyes rolled upwards, looking for somewhere to hide so that she could find release. The release which Dee had full control over.

"No, but it is a great reminder-," Dee thrusted harder deeper and all the while never moving from her spot in front of Juliet, both a participant and watcher. Juliet hated when she did that because it was just, "that you are fucking mine. This planet is fucking mine and you can only buckle under me. My little human, lover... slave."

She came to the word. The way it slid out of Dee's mouth with finality. It was the only right word to what she felt; utter helplessness and a slavish desire to please her contrasted by the warmth of knowing that Dee would always protect her.

"I'm not, ah," The Kyrion had bent down and was licking up all that came out, "your slave."

"No? Then why does it make you quiver so, little one?"

Juliet blinked. Oh! Like a sex thing. Sexually, yes she was her slave.

"I think you finally understand." Dee said and licked her fingers lazily. Juliet almost came just to sight of it.

 Edited by -MissElle <3

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