Chapter 2: The Coffee Shop

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A week has passed since the strange encounter. Juliet sat on her dingy sofa in her college apartment. There was the pretense of studying, but the strange yet alluring woman from the other day clouded her thoughts. She could not get it out of her head despite her efforts.

There was something simply exotic about the woman. It was a terrible word, exotic, but it was the only one that fit. Was it her perfume? The woman smelled distinctly of shea butter. Incidentally, this was Juliet's favorite scent.

She felt like a dumbass upon realization of why that was.

That "woman" was far from anything human. Juliet felt that she knew the least about the aliens who ruled Earth. A quick search online yielded the signs of speaking to an alien. According to some sites, the aliens were incredibly tall, a height of six feet was actually quite small for a female of the Kyrion race. Their average was closer to 6'3 in height. Second, their social skills were robotic like. They spoke perfect and formal English because of the abilities of their technology that let them download languages into their brains causing them to sound robotic because although they spoke the language, they didn't speak with the same charisma and natural talent the humans possessed. Whatever accent they spoke in was unidentifiable.

Juliet somehow found this all to be amusing. You see, it took her eight years to become partially fluent in the French language meanwhile these idiots simply matrixed themselves out of any situation. Other than the height and the language, there was not much else to go by. Human knowledge was very limited about them and their way of being, but it is of no surprise they wanted it to be like this.

The search instead of giving answers only gave more questions. Was this humanoid form their real selves or did they hide their real figures underneath human bodies? Why couldn't they perfectly emulate human speech with their advanced technology the way they could download any type of language in existence into their brain?

Finally, she brushed it off and told herself that she must have been tired. This was only instinct, a feeling in her stomach. She never before had to go off of instinct in her life. With such an unpracticed skill, there was no way she would start now. What would an all powerful alien want with her? She was an average college student that was desperately hanging onto the scholarship that was awarded to her three years ago. Motivation was hard to come by in these trying times.

However, the woman was undeniably drop dead gorgeous. Juliet sighed in thought. Drop dead gorgeous women very rarely casted their eyes on her because the ones that did were always woefully straight or taken.

A knock on the door startled Juliet, successfully breaking her chain of thought. She lived alone and visitors were welcome, but very rarely did she get any visitors. Not because of anything bad, but because she has always been a shy little thing that never communicates with others unless necessary or when she has found the courage to do so which is very rare.

Juliet tiptoed to the door with careful steps to not alert the person on the other side of the door between them. She hesitantly reached to open the door and when she did, there was no one behind it. In fact, there appeared to be no one in the corridor as she looked around.

Although there was no one, there was something, a small box placed in front of the door on the floor.

Juliet bent her form and carefully opened the small package. Inside was a necklace with a tiny pendant that depicted an unidentifiable flower that was created by an impossibly intricate golden design. Golden swirls that were brought together by a simple point of white jewel.

She looked around once more as she felt the need to reject the gift. There was no way she could simply accept the gift. Juliet was left with no other choice, but to find the one responsible for this and return it to them. Fortunately for her, she wouldn't have to wait too long to find that person.

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