Chapter 33: Aloran's Vice Part 2

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[Previously ON JT]: 
> Juliet hatches plan to get Sarah out of the castle
> speaks to Aloran- who gives her a sneaky wristwatch portal thing
> evades Dee's suspicion for now

Enjoy! And thank you for coming back! 

There was only one thing left; the plan. Find Sarah. Open the portal. Push Sarah in. Close the portal. Make love to big alien girlfriend. 

As easy as one, two, three and four. 

"You look like an awfully suspicious human," a voice rang out from the opposite end of the random corridor that she was pacing back and forth in. She hoped the she hid the internal jump well enough. 

Dee was making her way towards her, with alarming speed and grace. Did Aloran tattle? She hoped she got sweetly punished and forgot about the thing altogether. 

"What do you mean?" she sounded nervous. 

"I feel something from you, a big apprehension," Dee sniffed the air. "Fear greater than I've known in you. What is it?" 

"Oh, you know, just thinking about the state of the world-" She gulped as Dee grabbed her wrist to inspect the watch. It rattled gently, her wrist barely big enough to fit in. 

"Where did you get this?" Dee asked. 

"Oh, it was just a gift from one of your servants," she replied. It was the truth...ish. 

"Really. Interesting," the Kyrion was no longer inspecting the watch, but Juliet's face. She was sure a shade of green was beginning to show. 

Yet, Dee was satisfied by this answer. Perfection, it seemed, was truly only for the gods.

"Lunch should be ready soon, will you join me?" 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she pecked her on the cheek. Open the portal. Push Sarah in. Close the portal. Make love to big alien girlfriend. That was all. Lunch waited for her at the end.

"Fifteen minutes, don't be late. I have just one more thing to attend to." Dee disappeared through the door at the end of the corridor. 

Juliet turned around herself, feeling like she was being watched. 

"Sarah," she hissed. The redhead stepped out from behind a pillar, a transport door closing behind her. Juliet ran over to her, watch in hand. There was a huge wall to the side. Her necklace felt like it was going to burn her any second. She placed the watch against the wall, and fiddled with the dial. Sarah told her address aloud when prompted.

The wall cracked open, and a living room appeared. 

"Now, go!" 

Time slowed down. Her head turned slowly to Sarah as she saw surprise mix into determination. Sarah lunged at her. One hand grabbed her scalp. The other wrapped around her waist. Juliet screamed, a piercing wail of grief. Being taken by surprise was a brutal thing. They were both falling through the portal. The last thing Juliet saw before it closed was Dee running towards them as fast she could. As they hit the ground, the watch was thrown and smashed into many little pieces.

 Anger struck Juliet like a red hot piece of metal. She sprang up and onto  Sarah, curling her hands into fists She landed two punches, screaming now out of anger. How dare she take her away from Dee? How dare she separate them? Her body felt like it was filled with emptiness and dread, a feeling so precise and painful that it left her shaking. 

The redhead fought back, hitting Juliet squarely in the stomach and in the chest. With the wind knocked out of her, Juliet rolled off of her and had to regain her breath. 

"What did you do?" Betrayal. Anger. Confusion. Emptiness. All emotions coursing through her body, making her feel sick. She was so far away from Dee, from her home. The coward couldn't even look her in the face. From the other room, Sarah opened a faucet. To Juliet's satisfaction, the nose was properly bloody.

"You better get ready, Jules. They're coming for you," she called. A condescending hateful Jules, spat from the bowels of her soul.


"Those who take away the traitors of our kind." 

"What the fuck?" Juliet crawled and sat up on the living room couch. It was an ugly beige monster, and this should been red flag enough for her. 

"Aloran told me everything. You should never see the light of day for what you have done against us." 

She pinched the bridge of her nose. Stupid idiot. The ex-lover did her in. 

"And what did I do?"

"Seducing the alien swarm queen is enough. But then you also gave her the inspiration to start conquering free territories."

"I don't even have the energy to explain anything to you. I'm so glad you'll believe any lie you've been fed." 

Sarah walked back out and sat on the opposite side of the couch. 

"I don't care what your role in this is. Your closeness to the Queen makes you complicit. Maybe she drugged you. Maybe she altered your genetics. Maybe you have Stockholm syndrome. Whatever. But after Aloran told me the truth- there is no doubt in my mind that you have to pay." 

"So Aloran told you to push me and destroy the watch?" 

"He's a good bug," Sarah said. "He actually cares for the Queen's wellbeing. He doesn't want her to take over humankind." That was absolutely not true. Aloran's dislike of humans was far greater than Dee's. They were nothing but an obstacle on Dee's agenda and he thought that Dee was going too slow. 

"Jesus Christ, the cognitive dissonance is killing me-" There was a bang on the door. "And you know what- fuck you. Fuck you for thinking you could control me. Fuck you for saying you loved me and then giving up on me. You're a liar. And fuck you for betraying me when I tried to help you. You're the only true traitor here."

A group of heavily armed tactical soldiers swarmed the living room. They did not receive any fight back- anywhere away from Sarah was a better place. 

I'm back! :D didja miss me? 

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