A New Childhood Journey

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Many years passed after Naru was reborn as Dream...

"It's him." A woman said in a bitter tone.

"Who?" Another woman asked.

"That demon child, Nightmare." The first woman said as she narrowed her eyes at a four-year-old skeleton boy who was sitting on the bench all alone. The little skeleton boy has night clothing with a crown around his skull. Eventually, he was scared of the bullies. He didn't know how to handle it. Suddenly, a younger female skeleton appeared when she overheard them talking to her twin brother. Then she summoned her sacred arrows and aimed at the two women. Although she doesn't want to hurt anybody. Two women flinched in terrifying.

"Listen, you two, I'm tired and sick of all of you for picking on my older brother. If you two ever talk to Nightmare like that again, you two will turn into dust, got it?"

Suddenly, she summoned a giant beast that she was surrounded by flames. It was Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast. They gulped in fear, nodding their heads.

"Now get lost and leave my big bro alone." Dream said before the two women managed to run away from her. When they were gone, Dream approached Nightmare and gave him a gentle smile as she petted his skull.

"Are you okay, bro?" She asked.

Nightmare nodded, smiling back at her. "Yeah."

"Good. Now let's go."

When they left the town, they headed towards the big tree full of negative and positive feelings. If you all know what happened to Dream and Nightmare's childhood. Well...

After Naru was reborn as Dream, the twins have grown into toddlers and they both lived in the big tree full of negative and positive feelings after their foster parents had died instantly. The two siblings have become guardians as well.

Dream is the protector of positive feelings. She has trained every day and studied every book and scroll. She was intelligent for her age. Unfortunately, her knowledge of maths was still hard to understand in her state of mind. She had top grades in the class and was quite skilled in archer bow and Undertale games.

Her older twin brother, Nightmare, is the protector of negative feelings. He always gets bullied a lot, but he was being protected by his younger sister Dream and the Nine-Tailed Beast who lived inside of her, Kurama.

The reason why Kurama was still inside of her will never die. Kurama doesn't die. He even didn't get killed by an Uchiha. He snarled for what he has done to Naru. After Naru died, Kurama was still living inside of her soul when it passed to her reincarnation, Dream. He always takes care of Dream and Nightmare when their parents were not around anymore. He was like a father to them. He always speaks to them when Dream summoned him with her powers. When their parents died, Kurama takes care of them beside the big tree.

The reason why Dream and Nightmare are close is that they've been siblings and best friends ever since they were babies. Dream loved her older brother and always was there to protect him. Nightmare loved her as well when he always be there for her side.

"Sister, why can't I fight back against them?" Nightmare asked sadly.

"I told you before, Nightmare, and I'll tell you again. You can't fight them because you might kill them. You are stronger than them. The only time you can fight them is if your life is in danger. Other than that, you can't fight them." Dream told her older brother.

"Yes, Dreamy." Nightmare muttered sadly.

"Come on, Nighty. Let's go get ourselves a fight." Dream said as she held onto his hand before they headed towards the village.

Nightmare smiled at her. "Sure, little sis."

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