XChara and Kurama vs The Bad Sanses Squad

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When they arrived, Kurama and XChara joined the battle against the Bad Sanses. Cross joined the battle as well. After all, he was a traitor who took their sides and also Dream's boyfriend. Before the battle starts, XChara gives them a nasty smirk on his face. While he was smirking, Kurama does the same.

"Well, well, well. If it is Cross's phantom, XChara from Xtale. I can't wait for me to kill you." Killer said with an evil grin.

XChara chuckled softly. "Try me, bitch." Then XChara started to teleport himself until he summoned his red blades from his magic hands. He aimed at Killer and then ran toward him before Cross had a chance to defeat him.

Cross managed to kick him in the back of his skull, but he was missed as he landed on the ground carefully. Cross glared at him. He knew Killer has teleported quickly after trying to stop him.

"Long time no see, traitor. You still being weak as always, huh? You will never defeat Nightmare." Killer smirked.

"Shut your fucking mouth." Cross snarled. He ignored everyone and his friends watching him fighting against him.

"Give me Dream and no one else will be killed." Killer threatened him, aiming at him with his knife.

"No." Cross determined.

"Come on, Crossy. Nightmare will forgive your life so you can live in peace... Forever." Killer said.

While Cross was facing his former partner, he glanced at his eyes and saw a little girl crying for her mother's corpse, the pile of dust where Killer had killed her before it happens. Cross looked back and faced Killer. He can feel his left eye socket streaming down with purple tears.

"Aww, what's the matter, Cross? Did Dream make you this way? Or is it that she had brainwashed you?"

"Shut the hell up, asshole! This is your warning: get lost or die!" Cross threatened him in anger.

"Oh, come on, Crossy. I thought we were friends. We used to work together as a team." Killer said, "Aren't you going to hand me your girl or not? Surely Nightmare will spare your life if you hand her to me."

This is getting way serious because Cross became frustrated with his new enemy. He gritted his teeth sharply. "Last chance... Get lost."

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. Bring it on!" Killer said. That was going too far. XChara had enough of their conversation with an unbearable rage boiling inside of him, he continued to summon his red blades and threw them towards Killer until he finally got Killer.

After that, Cross brought out his two twin swords and then clashed them against Killer's knife. The two were facing each other's faces while they were fighting each other. XChara teleported again and slashed Killer in the back which made him scream in pain. While it was going on, they didn't see Nightmare was about to grab Cross in the wrist, but he was stopped by Kurama in his normal size form.

"Oh, hell no! I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kurama growled with a furious look on his face. He brought out his two tails then threw him across the area.

Nightmare growled back at him in anger. "Kurama, I should've known you were still around!" He said, "How is life, anyway?"

Kurama rolled his crimson eyes. "Oh, please. I was happy I'm free from this damn living prison house person. Now I can do whatever I want now. Especially I won't be controlled and imprisoned again by some damn Uchiha like you."

"You got me on my nerve, Kurama!" Then Nightmare summoned his tentacles as he aimed at the Nine-Tailed Fox, but he was interrupted by Dream's arrows. Of course, Dream and her friends came here to help the others out.

Kurama smirked at Dream. "Thanks, Kit."

"No problem." Dream said, smirking back.

Nightmare laughed evilly. "Sister, long time no see. I never expected you to see me here. How is your life with the traitor?"

"Even though you shouldn't speak to Cross that way. You are the reason you made Cross this way into a horrible person. Yet I was able to help him to get rid of his negative feelings and I was able to find someone who loves me for who I am." Dream suggested before she resisted battling her older twin brother.

Nightmare chuckled again. "You really trusted Cross to tell him our secrets, do you, little sis."

She didn't reply to him.

"I wonder if he knows everything about you after you've found out why Cross had worked for me." When Nightmare was about to attack Dream, he was attacked by Epic who joined the battle as well.

"Hey, bruh! You hurt her, you have to go through me first!" Epic shouted at him before he summoned his gaster blaster.

He scoffed. "How cute."

Then Epic blasted Nightmare almost killed him as well as Dream who moved in the way. However, while it was going on, Cross and XChara continued fighting against Killer until something happens. Cross was pinned onto the wall by Killer's magic and XChara was pinned down by Killer. As a result, XChara screamed in pain as he was stabbed in the left ankle by Killer's knife.

"You... bastard!" XChara grunted in pain. Then he summoned a purple button called OVERWRITE when he pressed it and switched them until XChara could finally defeat him immediately. He still felt the pain in his ankle. XChara then kept pressing the OVERWRITE button while torturing him until Killer was defeated.

XChara chuckled evilly. "That's right. You can go to hell for all I care." He said as he glanced his eyes at Nightmare who was still fighting against Dream and Kurama, "Now, next to the bastard."

When Nightmare kept struggling to fight the two, he was interrupted again by XChara who pressed the OVERWRITE button when he was being tortured. Dream and Kurama are shocked to see XChara torturing him until Nightmare was defeated instantly, but he wasn't get killed. Nightmare grunted in pain, wondering why XChara was the strongest, so he watched XChara approach him.

XChara summoned his blade and then pinned Nightmare's left arm down which made him grunt in pain more. "Now... what should I start with you, Nightmare?"

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