Unity Of Two Souls

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(A/N: Warning: there will be lemon in this story. If you guys dont want to read it, you guys dont have to. Go to the next chapter).

Cross and Dream were inside the hotel. She had turned on the lamp beside the big bed. She was nervous about doing this. Dream knew that she was going to make love for Cross. Even though when she stared at the bed where Cross was sitting at the edge, she thought it was huge. This hotel must be an interesting place, anyway.

"So, umm... I hope it's not... so romantic." Dream said nervously.

"The room is big. It reminds me of an apartment." Cross replied, chuckling.

Then she undressed slowly then drop it on the floor with a yellow cape, blue shirt, gloves, and white panties. She smiled at Cross softly. She blushed heavily, covering her upper ribs with her arms. She looked down and felt way too nervous. Dream thought it was a dream, but turned out it was real.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Is this what you want? I could hurt you," Cross said as he undresses as well.

Dream smiled at him. "I'm sure, but I can handle the pain."

Cross smiled at her softly as he was done undressing.



"Have you done this before? I mean, possibly, I was a little nervous about doing the traditional." Dream said with a soft blush.

"Don't be scared, Dream. I'll be gentle. If you want to do this, I promise I won't hurt you," Cross said.

She walked towards him. Dream pressed her lips against his, closing her eyes. Cross felt relaxed but close his eyes softly. He pulled her closer and placed his lips against hers. They began to lie on the bed slowly while kissing. He soon rolled them over, making him lay on top of her. Then he began to run his hands over her body. She wrapped her arms around his back. Cross gently held her right ribcage as he kisses the side of her right neck, finding her sweet spot. Dream moaned for the first time about what Cross was doing to her body. Then his hand snuck under the white sheet of the blanket and stroke her pelvis as he kissed down to her ribs. She arched her back at his touch and clench her hands on the blanket. Unexpectedly one of his fingers entered her so-called womanhood. Dream let out a loud moan of pleasure as Cross added another finger and started teasing her insides.

"Cr-Cross," she moaned out, breathing heavily.

"You like it, don't you?" Cross teased, smirking

Dream nodded, blushing heavily. "Y-yes."

"Does it hurt?"

Dream shook her head. "N-no."

At that moment, an unknown feeling entered her body and it felt like she was going to explore. Before Dream could scream, Cross pushed his lips against hers, and somehow her body released a hot yet relaxing feeling that left her out of breath. He then let go of her lips and let her pant heavily. Dream had never done this before.

"How was your first organism?" Cross asked.

"It feels... great," Dream breathed out, happily.

Cross kissed her lips softly. Before she could kiss him back, Dream felt him positioned himself at her entrance as she felt his member rubbing her pelvis when he was about to enter her, which caused her to whimper.

"This might hurt a bit, Dream," Cross said as she nodded in response. Placing his hands on her bone cheeks and kissing her lips again.

He then slowly shoved himself inside her insides which made her scream in pain. She felt her ginger eyes are filled with small tears from the unbearable pain inflicted on her insides. Dream kissed her and wiped the tears off of her face to cheer her up. She waited for the pain to dial down then ready to feel pleasure again. Within six minutes, she felt the pleasure and began to buck her hips signaling to him that she was ready. Cross then thrust slowly inside her as Dream moaned. She held onto the bedsheets when she kept moaning to feel the thrust cutting through her insides.

"Cr-Cross... go faster, please," Dream pleaded with him as Cross began to thrust faster to make her moan loudly.

Dream moaned loudly as she rolled her head to feel his member go deeper and deeper. She was closing her eyes tightly to feel the blood pleasure was giving her feel good. She wrapped her legs around his waist and turned her head to the left while moaning and blushing heavily. She felt her breasts moving when Cross kept thrusting her faster while he was grunting and groaning. A familiar feeling started to feel explode when she and Cross reached their limits.

"Cross!" When Dream cried out his name, she finally reached her limits to climax her insides.

"Dreamy!" Cross grunted as he pounded into her entrance a few more times then reached the climax. Dream felt his member filling her up with seeds as they both screamed out their names. She felt the pain in her tender neck. Cross sinks his teeth into the side of her neck which made her eyes gone widened. Dream knew he marked her as his territory but his mate. He licked her bite mark quickly when it started to bleed a bit. Her blood tasted delicious with sweet honey and iron. Before licking her blooded neck, he kissed her flesh bruises making the pain go away.

When they both panted for three more minutes, he pulled it out and lay beside her as he wrapped his arms around her. Cross pressed into her lips and tell her, "I love you, Dreamy."

Dream smiled. "I love you, too, Cross."

"Dreamy, be mine forever. I promise I will protect you from Nightmare." Cross pleaded with her.

She smiled and then nodded her head. "Yes, I will."

When she kissed him back on the lips, she laid on his strong chest and started to get some rest after they mated. Dream was very happy that she and Cross had done it. Although, she felt her lower region was in pain. It hurts so much because it was her first time. She is no longer a virgin. Dream started to rest up then fell asleep.

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