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"What are you?" XGaster questioned her.

"I'm Shattered." She answered. Now stronger with the power of the black apple's soul, she continues fighting XGaster, until emerging victorious. When she began to fight against him, Kurama used his chakra power to help her become stronger than XGaster.

However, she was being emerged by XGaster's tentacles, but too bad her powerful chakra destroyed his power with purification. No matter how she gets, she will never lose the battle. She was becoming a Shattered Jinchuriki monster. She summoned her crowd arrows and aimed at XGaster until she released it. But she missed it. XGaster summoned his razor hands as they approached her with his power. But one of his hands gathered up when a blast aimed towards her.

She teleported herself when she was being chased by the blast. However, she managed to block the blast. One of the blasts dashed toward her, but one of her tentacles blocked the attack as a shield. Shattered threw the spawn bones at XGaster, but he summoned the barrier in order to block it back.

When XGaster collapsed the barrier, it was Shattered's chance as she summoned a gaster blaster to blast one of his many razor hands, but he still used the barrier. Then it collapsed again. He decided to OVERWRITE Shattered, so she can be surrounded by him. Before he could, he felt a sudden pain in his back and he grunted in pain. He glanced at his eyes and saw it was XChara who appeared from nowhere.


"Chara, you came!" Shattered exclaimed.

"Yeah, I would say I would never betray someone like you. I thought I could help you guys out." XChara said with a smirk.

"Foolish human. You dare betrayed your own father." XGaster growled at him.

"You were never my father. In fact, you are just my creator who isn't my real father at all." Then he joined the battle with Shattered and Kurama as he was given the power of their chakra. When it settled in, they began to fight against XGaster.

XChara brought out his blades to slash one of the razor hands as he ran towards him. However, the two faced each other until Shattered had a chance to knock him out. XGaster summoned a gaster blaster, but they jumped in the air and Shattered summoned a gaster blaster to blast them. When she destroyed a gaster blaster, XChara slashed XGaster in the chest which caused him to grunt in pain, bleeding out more.

He glared at them. "It appears I'm reaching my limits." He muttered before summoning them more, "But I won't give up!"

The more he gets, XChara and Shattered slashed more of his razor hands and gaster blasters while continuing to battle against him.

XGaster became frustrated while seeing them go through this. "Why can't you all understand?"

He glared at him. "You never understand anything! All you do is overwrite our world and took our happiness away! That's all you ever done for!"

XGaster glared back at him. "You never understand how it feels to be alone." He continued as he summoned more powers to kill them, but XChara and Shattered still slashed them, "To be helpless... Abandoned!"

While they kept dodging his attacks, the three were surrounded by gaster blasters before XGaster could take their lives away.

"Forgotten!" XGaster yelled. Then he blasted his gaster blasters at them, but they still blocked his attacks instantly until XGaster attempted to pull a surprise attack on them but is subsequently killed by Shattered and XChara. 

"We did it! Now we can finally get rid of XGaster!" XChara shouted happily in victory before he could kill him.

Suddenly, Shattered was quiet as she stared at the helpless XGaster who lay there dying. She became emotional silently. XChara and Kurama noticed there was something wrong with her.

"Dream? Is something wrong?"

She began to smile. "You know, I don't think we shouldn't kill him."

"Huh?" They said in confusion.

"I mean look around us. We've been running around in the Multiverse. We even made new friends from their other universe. I felt like this is not what I wanted for a happy ending for all of us."

"What do you mean?" Kurama questioned her.

She summoned a RESET button before she could go back in time. Shattered gazed at the two of them.

"What I mean is... I want to fix everything. I want to start over again until I can make it right. That's all I ever wanted a truly happy ending for all of us." Shattered said with a smile. Then she pressed her finger onto the RESET button before he could go back to the start.

"No!" XChara and Kurama yelled. Too late, she had already reset the world until she could change the new timeline, her true happy ending.

"XGaster... what you wanted is perfection, but I will give you all a second chance, so we can start it over again. I will see you all around. I'll come back to you all, I promise."

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