Dream Meets Ink

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Dream has been traveling to find her brother for two months now. She hasn't sensed his aura nor found him. She must be worried sick.

She eventually learned how to survive. After all, she had arrows with her and she learned how to be alive from salvation and death. Kurama even takes care of her as well. When she was so far away from her village, she couldn't help but think of Nightmare. She knew it was yesterday, but it's been two months since he has left the village after he has eaten the black apple and then destroyed their lives.

As Dream furthered away from the world, she spun around and faced the surface of the pine trees. She never felt so afraid of leaving her home, but she needed to find her brother. Dream wasn't afraid of everything. She must move on and take further steps. Dream wished she can stay in the village in peace, but he refused to give up by finding Nightmare. So she continued to move on, walking from the above surface of the pine trees.

When she walked further to the path, Dream ended up slipping the rock and falling instantly. She even dropped her arrows. She groaned in pain a bit. Dream quickly picked her arrows up until a figure skeleton approached her.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Dream spun around and saw a figure standing in front of her. The figure has a brown cape that wraps around his neck, a tan-colored shirt, a brown vest with straps, brown shorts, a jacket around his waist, his paintbrush, and finally a strap featuring all of his emotional vials.

"Who are you?" Dream asked.

"I'm Ink, by the way. I'm the guardian of AU."

"Oh, I see. I'm Dream. Nice to meet you, but may I ask you seen a young skeleton that has purple outfits and a moon crown around his head?"

"What's his name?" Ink asked happily.

"His name is Nightmare. He's my older twin brother." Dream replied.

"Nightmare? Look, kid. I don't know who Nightmare is with purple outfits, but I do know that one monster skeleton named Nightmare."

Dream gasped. "Really? Can you take me to him?"

Ink nodded with a smile. "Of course, but Nightmare is a total 'nightmare' who destroyed the AU and make everyone suffer slowly."

"So this is why I feel negatively in this area."

They gasped as they heard a familiar deep voice. They turned around and saw it was Nightmare who came and snuck on them.

"Nighty!" Dream called out his name.

Ink pulled out his giant paintbrush and aimed at Nightmare. ”Begone, Nightmare, or else I'll make you!"

Nightmare chuckled evilly. "It's impressive that you found out about my sister." He said, "You know, it's not fair fighting alone."

Suddenly, a black skeleton with blue streams running from his eyes, his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue captured Dream with his blue strings, which Ink was being distracted.

"Dream!" Ink yelled out her name. He aimed at a black skeleton with his giant brush, "Error, let her go!"

Error smirked. "Why should I, Ink? You know this one looks pretty. I thought I can have her for myself."

Dream glared at him. "I'll pass." She spat at his face, which angered him. Error suddenly hits her in the face which made Ink widened his eyes. Dream didn't scream or anything. She stayed calm. Yet, she grunted in pain.

"Alright, you ask for it, Error." Ink said. When he was about to summon his power, he saw Dream was summoning the Nine-Tailed Beast's chakra as Kurama appeared from her body then he grabbed Error in the neck.

"Hit her again, I'll kill you!" Kurama growled in anger. Ink and Error are shocked to see Dream's chakra power.

"Whoa, Dream! I didn't know you had a friend!" Ink laughed out before Kurama threw Error in the sky.

"Ink, take Dream and get out!" Kurama ordered him.

"As you wish." Ink said before he managed to help Dream escape. He painted it with a paintbrush, then he took Dream's hand and they ran through the portal quickly.

"Dammit, they got away!" Error snarled in anger, "Give me one reason I should've ripped their limbs off one by one!"

Nightmare smirked as he placed his hand on his left shoulder. "Don't worry, Error. We'll find them, but we'll continue to destroy the AU."


When Ink and Dream made it to another universe, the two panted for air heavily and they started each others' eyes.

"You okay?" Ink panted heavily.

"Yeah." Dream panted back.

He took a deep breath then he starts to speak to her. "So who is your friend who lived inside of you?"

She smiled at him. "His name is Kurama. He is the Nine-Tailed Beast. He's been living inside of me since the day I was born."

"I see."

"Well, somehow, I was someone else's reincarnation, because my name used to be Naru Uzumaki."

He was confused. "What? What do you mean?"

She sighed with a smile. "I guess I should explain it to you."

Ink smiled back as he sat on the rock and placed his hands on his cheeks. "Okay, tell me."

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