Wiping Away The Darkness

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Nightmare was shocked. Yet, he was silent while he was starting at Cross who was protecting his beloved younger sister.

He gritted his teeth. "YOU DARE GOING TO BETRAY ME, CROSS!?"

Cross glared at him. "What if I did? What will you do?"

"I'm going to kill you, Cross!" He roared as he released more tentacles. Nightmare's tentacles reached Cross, but they were being sliced by Ink and Blue who joined Cross as well. He knew they trusted him. All four of them glared at Nightmare. They prepared for another attack as they brought out their weapons. Nightmare smirked at this. His two henchmen, Killer and Dust, joined in as they prepared for a battle as well.

"Look what Dream has done to you, Cross. She is making you weak. And act like an idiot. I'll give you a second chance if you need me to rebuild your world." Nightmare growled in anger.



"Forget it. I don't want my old world back." Cross revealed.

XChara widened his eyes. "Cross, what the hell are you doing!?"

He ignored him. "Nightmare, I don't want to feel those old feelings anymore. I committed a big mistake working with you. You made me forget when I used to be happy. You made me a villain here. You made me think people despise me as I'm just a simple tool. But Dream... She is not like them. Not like you. She helped me. Made me remember the reason why I was created. Protect the right person and she's worth fighting for."

Nightmare narrowed his eyes. He started to laugh. "How beautiful. But I can't tolerate fucking traitors like you." Then his tentacles were back again as it speeds fast towards them and was about to demise Cross, but Dream managed to shoot it with the powerful saved arrow. She was protecting him. The more she shot with arrows, his tentacles were fading. But it keeps regenerating it back.

"Nightmare, this is your last warning! Release Frisk and Chara, or else I'll give you more pain!" Dream demanded him sharply.

He laughed. "How cute. Now, what should we do? Kill a traitor or my sister of mine."

"Why not we can kill them both, boss?" Dust asked, pointing at them.

He glanced his eyes at him with a glare. "You only need to kill one like Blue over there. I'll take my sister as my victim because she's mine."

"Okay." He said.

"Don't worry, little sis. I'll make sure Cross leaves this life when I finish you off first... just like way back then before I had killed you in the other life."

Suddenly, a giant gaster blaster appeared and it blasted Nightmare into pieces. They widened their eyes. They spun around and saw it was Cross who did it again. Nightmare regenerated again.


Chara and Frisk trembled in fear as they cuddle at each other. Unexpectedly, Ink hurriedly teleported to the kids and managed to help them escape. Nightmare, Killer, and Dust didn't see him though. They were facing Cross with consequences. However, when Ink was helping them escape, he didn't know what Horror just saw them doing.

Horror grinned at them. "And where do you three think you're going?"

Frisk and Chara gulped in fear. So does Flowey who looked terrified.

"In your information, please stay back, or else I'll give you a piece of me." Ink threatened him as he aimed at him with Broomie his giant paintbrush.

"Oh, really? Some idiot you are, Ink. I'm calling out for Nightmare."

"Oh, no you don't!" He shouted as he knocked Horror out. Then Nightmare spun around and saw Ink has knocked Horror out.

He widened his eyes. "What the hell!?"

"Now!" Blue shouted.

Dream nodded. She shot another arrow at Nightmare, Dust, and Horror. Then Cross and Blue managed to use gaster blaster to destroy them both, but they needed to keep them alive instead of killing them. When they blasted them, Dream created a portal so all six of them can escape. Little did they know, Killer was about to slice them, but he stopped and saw them vanish.

"Dammit! They got away!"

"Shit! You can't escape from me, Dream! You can run but you can't hide! WE WILL FIND YOU!" Nightmare yelled in anger as he was surrounded by his henchmen.


After they escaped, they were surrounded by night stars. Even though, it looks like a galaxy. Of course, this is the galaxy void where they were saved. All six of them were leading to the next AUs where they can hide from Nightmare.

"You guys okay?" Ink asked.

"Yeah." All five of them said.

"Don't worry, we'll find a place to stay where we can be safe." Dream said.

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