A Rescue Mission

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Dream and Blue we're alone. They sat on the bench as Dream was feeling more depressed after she found out the truth about Cross. She looked emotionless. She didn't say a word. She was heartbroken. Even though, she never believed she told Cross that she hated him. She never hated Cross. She cared for him. No taste of hate. She never will be a hateful skeleton. She was a loveable skeleton. Blue brought some tacos for his best friend to cheer her up.

Blue accidentally tripped over the bucket of paint, which caused him to fall into the ground and he was covered in paint.

"Blue, are you okay?" Dream asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay."

Suddenly, the black form sank, revealing a familiar person. They widened their eyes as they knew it was Ink.

"Ink!" Blue exclaimed happily.

"Hey, guys. Sorry for scaring you. What happened here?" Ink said.

Dream sighed. "My brother has destroyed Underswap."

He blinked. "He did? What else?"

"Ink... I met Cross a few days ago in Outertale." She revealed.

Ink blinked again. "Cross? You seen him?"

Dream nodded. "Yes. He's been so kind to me when he meets me up all the time. Otherwise, I helped him. I had given my love to him until I learned the truth about Cross after Nightmare has destroyed Underswap then he kidnapped Chara. Cross has been working with my brother Nightmare. A usual distraction."

"I'm sorry about what happened between you two, Dreamy." Ink netted her skull, cheering her up. He smiled at her, "But I've known Cross, too."

She blinked. "You do?"

"Yep. It's a long story. I should tell you this." Then Ink explained everything about his past with Cross. Cross's tears end up catching Ink's attention. Ink's constant visiting helped Cross control XChara within him. Later, he's met by Core Frisk who tries to take him somewhere safe, but he denies it, saying that his world was still there, despite Ink saying otherwise. Staying in his, however, allowed Error to get into his universe and take his soul. Ink tries to intervene but is knocked out when he saves crops from Error’s blasters. Cross has escaped from the void, leaving Ink alone until he meets Nightmare.

"I see. Poor Cross. Is his soul alright?"

"Yep. His soul was saved from Error. But hey, we are the Star Sanses and we're going to rescue Chara and then we'll fix Underswap."

"Of course, Ink. We should do that." Dream replied, "But I can't face Cross like that. What if he's still around?"

Blue hugged her. "Don't worry, Dreamy. We won't let Cross come near you!"

Dream forced herself with a fake smile. "Y-yeah..." She stuttered as she hugged him back. In fact, she didn't want to fight Cross. She knew this is wrong. She loved Cross and she never hated him.

After that, the Star Sanses are ready to save the day as Ink summoned the portal then they entered and went to go to another AU.

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