XChara's Betrayal

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"Chara, don't! I thought we made a deal that you'll never kill anybody!" Dream pleaded with him as she tried to protect her older brother. Everyone was shocked seeing him smirking with a deadly cold look on his face.

"Deal? Nah, I dont make deals with the others. I only wanted to kill people for fun. However, when I'm free, when you released me from this chain, I will find my own home and then I'll be the one to be in charge in Xtale. I have to bring my friends back. But... You have to be careful who you trust."

"Chara, you have to stop this right now!" It was Ink who interrupted him when he brought his broom and then threw a pain at him. XChara was covered in pain as he exclaimed in disgust. They knew Ink was the only one to stop him from madness.

"Hey! Will you stop this already!?" XChara shouted at him.

"Nope." Ink replied. He snapped his finger then XChara was chained up by the cover of paints.

"Damn you!" He yelled. Then suddenly he forgot something in his mind there was a loaded smile on his face. Everyone didn't like that.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to teleport myself. Thanks for your abilities, Cross. We'll meet again." XChara said, smirking.

"No, wait!" Ink yelled, trying to stop him but they knew XChara teleported himself until he vanished.

Ink sweatdropped as he scratched the back of his skull. "This is bad..."

Nightmare chuckled when he stand up straight and faced them as he was surrounded by his partner Killer. At first, he stared at Dream, "We'll meet again, little sister." Then he and Killer teleported themselves when they didn't know they were still around.

Ink widened his eyes. "Now this is bad!"

"Does anyone responsible for releasing XChara from his chambers?" Blue questioned them.

Dream looked down. "It was me... I'm sorry, Ink. I've made a deal with XChara about how they can handle Nightmare and the others but turned out I was wrong. I'm sorry all."

"It's okay, Dreamy. We forgive you. You did the right thing to help us out." Ink said.

Cross walked and stand beside her. "Yeah, and besides, you are caring, strong, and you never give up on us. We owed you our respects. Especially since you were previous to us."

Dream blushed softly as a smile appeared on her face. She then embraced him softly. "Thank you, Cross." She said, "Thank you all."

"Now we need to find Chara, Nightmare, and the others, or else things will get worse." Ink reminded them.


"Yeah, dude?" Cross asked his best friend Epic.

"I wanna go with you, too." Epic said, "I can't let anyone get suffered by the others. So I thought I could go with you."

"Okay, dude. You're in." Cross said smiling.

"Welcome to the board, Epic." Ink greeted him.

"But what about Fell Frisk and Swap Chara?" Blue asked in a concerned voice.

Epic smiled. "Don't worry, guys. I sent my brother to watch over them. When everything is over, we'll make sure to fix the AU and then send the kids back where they belong."

Ink smiled. "Okay. Great idea." He said before he and the others could teleport, especially Kurama who transformed himself into a small fox when he landed on Dream's left shoulder, "Now let's go save the day, you guys."

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