Encounter With Killer

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"What? Are you serious?" Blue exclaimed in shock.

"Alphys absorbed the Multiverse with the code?" Ink asked in a bit of shock.

"At least she uses a piece of paper." Core pointed it out.

After Dream and Core explained everything to them, everyone except Ink was shocked by the warning. Fell Frisk and Swap Chara we're listening as well while playing with their toys. Cross couldn't believe this. Xtale Alphys was still alive and so was XGaster. He couldn't remember how he disappeared during the breakdown against XFrisk. He wondered if there will be many of them who survived, but he had killed his friends in his timeline, including Xtale Papyrus. It was a heartbreak.

"I'm guessing XGaster was watching over us, but we didn't see him anywhere." Ink said.

Cross glared at him. "Do you know where he's hiding?"

"I have no clue. I couldn't find him then I realized he has disappeared into your alternative universe." Ink said, sadly.

Dream gazed at him. "Was he your friend?"

"Yes." Ink said.

"How long have you known him?" Cross questioned him.

"I've known him a long time right before I met you, Cross. After recently making a truce with Error, I went to go to investigate the AU, only to find XGaster and his two children, XChara and XFrisk. He learns of the problem and decides that I'll help the owner of this AU in the same way I used to help creators before they abandoned the multiverse. We became friends, with the latter showing him the multiverse for any ideas for his universe. I showed him and his two children many AUs, including Underswap, which helps give him inspiration for his own AU. Sometime during this trip, he is given a name: XGaster."

Everyone stared at Ink. Cross was a bit shocked but frowning at him. He wondered why he was being created by XGaster without knowing all of the memories.

"And then what? What happened to XGaster? When is the last time seeing him?" Cross asked.

Ink signed. "I was granted half of XGaster's soul for safekeeping from his experiment, XFrisk and XChara. Including you. I was worried if you might want his half-soul as well."

He shook his head. "Nah. I'm not interested anymore. I tried to find a way to escape from the void and make myself home."

"Speaking of home, where are Kurama and XChara?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, bruh. Where are they?" Epic asked.

Blue frowned, crossing his arms across his chest. "These two bakas went to Grillby's place. They also planning on something."

"Like what?"

"Like XChara might want to use the OVERWRITE button to create his new world," Blue complained.

Dream was smiling. "Don't worry. Kurama will keep an eye on him, making sure he doesn't escape. And don't forget XChara has a sacred necklace chain because keeps him from using his power."

"Oh," Blue said.

"I'm glad they didn't overhear our secrets." Ink sighed in relief.

"But right now, we dont have time. We need to get XChara and Kurama from Grillby's and then we'll leave Epictale." Dream said.

"Okay. Well, I guess this is goodbye, right?" Epic asked sadly.

"Epic, you wanna come with us?" Cross asked.

"Nah, bruh. I'm staying here. Besides, you guys can come back and visit us any time you all want to." Epic said with a thumbs-up as everyone chuckled until they heard screaming from Snowdin. Fell Frisk and Swap Chara we're scared as they are hidden behind their backs. The two were trembling in fear. Except for Core who looked panicked.

Everyone flinched in surprise.

"What was that?" Cross asked.

Dream widened her eyes. "Oh, no." She said quietly, "They're here..."

"What? Who?" Ink asked.

"Cross! I know you're here!" They heard a familiar voice from outside. They checked through the window and it revealed Killer Sans who ordered a villager. One of them widened their eyes in surprise.


"I know you're here with your damn friends!" Killer shouted, aiming at everyone who gets in his way.

"Shit! What are we gonna do?" Blue panicked.

Dream frowned. "We need Kurama and XChara. Surely they'll help us defeat Killer."

Everyone was concerned.

"Are you okay, Dreamy? What if XChara goes on a rampage? What if he wants to kill us all!?" Blue asked in a panic.

"Don't worry. We'll keep him in control. I also know how to control Kurama as well." Dream said before she teleported herself to Grillby's place.

"Dreamy!" Cross yelled out her name, trying to stop her, but he knew it was too late because Dream vanished.


When Dream arrived, she saw Kurama and XChara playing cards with the other monsters until she approached them giving them her attention quickly. While they were playing games, they saw Dream calling out their names.

"Kit, what brings you here?" Kurama asked with a smirk.

"Kurama, Chara. I need your guys' help." Dream said.

"What do you want our help for?" XChara asked. Then Dream explain to them their situation until she made a deal with his freedom from the necklace chain.

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