A Black Apple

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Fifteen years later...

Nightmare was outside thinking something. He wanted to feel positive feelings like Dream does. However, he needs a plan of how to handle the situation he has. He walked towards the big tree that has a black and golden apple on it.

"Hm, I wonder if I can become stronger, so I can have positive feelings." Nightmare muttered to himself before he reached it and then picked it up.

He gasped as he turned the golden apple into black. He stared at it for a few seconds. It looked like a forbidden fruit. He wondered if it would work, so he took the first bite and then chew it. When he swallowed it, he began to feel something unexpectedly.


"Nighty, I'm back." Dream called out for her brother as she approached the big tree. When she made it, there was something wrong. The golden apples have turned into black apples when black and golden apples are supposed to be separated from each other. When she can be to notice someone had eaten a black apple, she heard a chuckling voice and she spun around and saw a familiar skeleton covered in black ink with many tentacles behind his back. She even saw the whole villagers killed, and Dream was shocked. The whole hut was on fire. She glanced back at her brother.

"Hello, little sis." Nightmare greeted her evilly.

Dream widened her eyes in shock. "Brother... Is that you?"

He didn't reply. A tentacle first reached towards Dream and then grabbed her in the neck, causing her to choke. He lifts her in the air hand and made her suffocate.

"Brother... you don't have to do this..."

"I'm sorry, but I have to." Nightmare said with a smirk.

"Nighty, please. I know deep down you don't have to do this. If you kill me, you'll never forget it." Dream choked, struggling to break free from his tentacle.

Nightmare widened his eyes. He doesn't know what he was doing. What if she was right? However, he decided to release her from his tentacle. Dream coughed up for air before Nightmare managed to escape. When he left Dream and continued to destroy the village, she began to cry.

"Nighty... Brother, why?" Dream asked tears rolling down her face.


"Lady Dream! Please bring Nightmare back!"

"We need him!"

"We're terribly sorry for mistreating him!"

"We won't do it again! We promise!"

"Please bring him back!"

After she was being requested by the villagers for being her brother, Dream gathered up her courage and took a deep breath. It reminded her of when she was Naru Uzumaki, Sakura had begged her to bring Sasuke back to the Konoha, so she accepted that. She wished she should've to stop Sasuke before it happens to her death. Dream frowned as she stood before them.

"Everyone, please. Let us not panic. We shall forgive you for hurting Nightmare. However, I will bring Nightmare back when my mission was done, but I am not sure when to save him. Nightmare wasn't the same person that he used to be."

"We want him back to normal, My Lady!"

"Yes! Anything but that!"

Dream continued, "Like I'm saying, I will bring back to you when the mission is completed. I will return when I need you all."

Every villager bowed down to her. "Yes, Lady Dream. If you need anything, let us know. We promise we won't harm you."

Dream smiled at them. "Thank you all." Then this is how her journey begins when she could go find her older twin brother. She wasn't sure when her fate accepts this. Even though she hoped it wasn't a twisted fate when she will be killed again.

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