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After Dream explained everything to Ink, he was shocked and learned that she is Naru Uzumaki but a reincarnation. He didn't even know she can remember everything from her past. Ink also learned of a fate that caused her to be shunned by most of Konoha throughout her childhood, and he felt bad for her. After joining Team Kakashi, she worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgment all the while chasing her dream to become Hokage. She also told him that after she brought Sasuke back to the village, she was betrayed and killed. That is when she became reborn as herself, Dream.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you, Dreamy. But hey, you need a friend here like me. I happily accepted you for who you are."

Dream smiled at him as tears streamed down her face, almost crying. "Thank you, Ink."

"Hey, don't cry, kid."

Suddenly, she saw a gray shirt over-covered by a dark grayish one, dark pants, blue eyes, blue gloves, blue boots, and a scarf that comes out like a cape. Ink noticed what she was staring at, so he spun around and saw him standing in front of them. He saw a shocked look on his face.

"Blueberry! It's not what it looks like!"

"Ink, you shouldn't make the others cry." Blueberry scolded him.

Ink chuckle nervously, blushing heavily. He scratched the back of his skull.

"Did Ink make you cry?" Blueberry asked as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"No, he didn't. He saved me. I was happy that he accepted me for who I am." Dream said, smiling at him.

"Yeah, from a giant goopy octopus." Ink laughed out.

"Ink, he has a name," Blueberry said, giving him a look on his face but a sweatdrop.

"Well, it's not my fault that he's a 'nightmare'."

"Ink!" Blueberry yelled in anger as he punched him in the face, which made Dream laugh.

"Blue, calm down! Can we talk about something else!?" Ink wailed. While it was going, Dream was glad that she could make more friends. She knew her life has changed forever.

Reincarnated As Dream [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now