Core Frisk

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A few minutes passed while they were searching for another timeline, Dream takes her friends immediately to the Omega Timeline, where they were greeted by Core Frisk. Cross blinked. He has met Core Frisk before. He knew this child was gold of heart when she was waiting for their arrival.

"Hello, Core Frisk. How are you?" Dream greeted her kindly.

"Doing well."

Ink gave her an excited smile. He kneels towards her. "How is Error?"

"He seems grumpy today, but he wasn't in a good mood." Core Frisk said.

"I see. Well, we need your help, Core Frisk." Ink said, smiling. He placed his hands on his hips.

Core Frisk stared at them. "And what do you need my help for?"

"Well, we need a safe place from the Bad Sanses. We were wondering if you help us find a different AU."

She spun around and pointed at a purple vortex with her index finger. Everyone looked up with a curious look. Their eyes gleamed.

"This portal will lead you all to the AU called Epictale. It's safe, so Nightmare and his squad won't find you guys there."

Ink smiled. "Thanks, Core Frisk. Care to come with us?"

"I suppose. Yes." Core Frisk nodded, giving him a warm smile.

"Okay. Then let's go." Blue exclaimed happily before they could enter the vortex.

"Hey, Dreamy."

"Huh?" Dream spun around and saw Cross approaching her with a shy look.

"Do you know this child?"

She smiled, nodding her head. "Yep. I've known her since a few months ago after I joined Ink's team. She is my ally."

"I see. Are you guys friends?" Cross asked.

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Hey, love birds! Come on! You guys don't want to be stuck in there, right!?" Blue called out for them.

"We're coming!" Dream called back. She grabbed his hand then they headed to the vortex when they were heading their way to Epictale.

Reincarnated As Dream [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now