King Asgore's Castle and the Sealing Awaits

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Epic Gaster invited them to the King's castle. He told everyone it was the ball party because of the fourth of July. They thought it would be a great idea. However, Epic Gaster told Cross and Dream that they needed an appointment: to fix Cross's soul and help Dream to release Kurama from the sealing, which they were fine with that. Even though Cross thought it would be a bad idea when Epic Gaster released XChara from the sealing, he'll go mad and use the OVERWRITE button. But Epic Gaster can handle him because of his magic to stop him.

When they went to the king's castle, they were having dinner parties until they watched Cross eating a lot of tacos. While everyone was watching him, they continued eating the dish of dinner.

After that, Epic Gaster arrived and called out for Cross and Dream for the appointment, so the two headed their way to his office, hand to hand.

"Okay, Cross. I have brought you a half-monster soul, so you won't be the X-Event, anymore. When I removed the half determination, the X-Event will be released, and ill make sure he doesn't run around for freedom."

"Okay," Cross responded before Epic Gaster removed his soul. He was a little scared, but he chose to stay determined as Dream held onto his hand softly.

When it was done, XChara was whole again and he was finally free from his imprisoned body. He exclaimed for freedom, laughing like a maniac.

"I'm free...! I'm free! Now I can go back and overwrite my world!" He yelled as he was about to escape.

"Oh, no you don't! " Ink shouted. He brought out his giant paintbrush and threw paint all over him until he uses his magic to chain XChara up.

"Hey! Let go of me, bastards!" XChara yelled in anger.

"Sorry, C, but you're not going anywhere." Ink said with a smirk.

"Thank you, Ink. Now I must put a spell of subjugation." Epic Gaster said as he unleashed another magic.

"You wouldn't dare, fucker!"

"Watch your mouth, boy. This is your punishment for your actions." He said. When he was done putting a spell on XChara, he was now under his control. XChara looked down at his neck, noticing there was a necklace chain around his collarbone.

"What is this!? Get it off of me!" He yelled, struggling to pull the necklace chain off of his neck.

"You are under my control. When I put a chain on you, it stops you from using overwrite button and your determination soul. You will do as I say. No... you will do as we say." Epic Gaster said in a stern voice.

He growled as his eyes blazed in fury. "Damn you all!"

Epic Gaster spun around and smiled at them. "Now, Dream, I believe it's your time."

Dream nodded. "Okay."

"We'll take care of Kurama for you, just in case he doesn't rampage the world." He said before he managed to unlock the Nine-Tailed Beast's sealing until Kurama was free from the Jinnchuriki.

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