The Revival of XGaster and the Betrayal of Ink

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After they accidentally break free his soul from the vial, XGaster proceeds to hand Ink a new paintbrush and trap Error in his dimension after he refused to negotiate with them. Reuniting the other half of his soul from the X-Event, he lets XChara die instantly when they saw his heart locket fall to the ground. Everyone stared at XGaster, they looked terrified. Except for Ink who became emotional.

"D-dad!?" Cross stuttered in shock as sweat appeared from his skull.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Nightmare asked, annoyed.

XGaster gazed upon them. They didn't like the look on his face. "I must proceed to put them to rest after the X-Event has done to your world."

Everyone was confused. But what they didn't know was that killing Blue and Nightmare and sending Epic back to where he belonged. Except for Dream, Cross, and Kurama who didn't get killed or send them back to their universe. Dream was shocked to see her older brother getting killed.


"Cross," XGaster said, "None of this was your fault."

"Huh?" Cross said. He then saw XGaster surrounded by one of his old friends from XTale, including his brother Papyrus who looked sad. Dream was surprised to meet his friends from his universe.

"I know it's hard to persuade, so I will let you choose if you will join me or not," XGaster said.

"Join you?" Cross asked in confusion.

"Take your time. We will prepare the essentials in the meantime. We will be waiting for, Cross." XGaster said.

He then clenched his fists when he gritted his teeth sharply. "No..."


"I said no. I don't want to join you. I want to be with someone like her. I'm not going with you... XGaster." Cross muttered when his voice went tone in anger.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I'd rather stay with my new friends and family. They were everything to me." Cross revealed as he glared at his creator, "I want my friends back, please. I know what you're planning on doing, but I can't let you do it."

He softened his eyes. "So you figured it out, don't you?"

"Then what are you all planning on doing then?" Dream questioned when she was determined to know.

He still gazed at them, "I offered you to join me."

"Excuse me?" Dream questioned him.

"Since you are the reincarnation of the human girl, Naru Uzumaki, the Jinnchuriki one, I need you to join us, so we can create our purpose. Perfection and failure."

Kurama growled at XGaster when he released his chakra from his body. "Buzz of, weirdo! We're not going anywhere with you!"

Then a smirk appeared on his smirk. "Then you have a week left. Join me or perish. It is your choice, Miss Uzumaki." Then he simply leaves them alone after reminding them to come and join his puppets. They looked over and saw Ink was still there.

"Ink, come with us. We have a week left until we need to stop XGaster from his plans." Dream said.

"I can't..."

"What?" They asked sharply.

"I can't do that. XGaster is my friend and I have to make sure he's okay." Ink said.

"But... Weren't we friends?"

Ink gazed at them. "Friends? You really think we were friends?" He questioned with an emotional look on his face, "I'm afraid not."

"What do you mean, Inky!?" Dream said.

"I could care less what happens to you. Do you have any idea how many of you there are? In the vast Multiverse? You, Cross, chose to live in another universe with your new friends and family. This is unexplainable. You don't belong in this universe. You are from XTale. And you, Dreamy, had chosen to leave your universe to decide to save your brother from madness. Well, think again, he's gone and he won't be the same person that he used to be."

Dream filled her eye sockets were filled with golden tears. She almost cries after almost hearing his speech. Ink was right. Nightmare wasn't the same person she cared about. He was gone. He has changed to be a madman. Even though he had eaten the black apple to feel positive feelings. What could of a younger sister who didn't be there to protect her brother from danger?

Cross was furious at Ink after hearing him. He wanted to get his hands on him, but he won't hesitate to look into his emotional eyes.

"Countless, endless, versions of you. Some, with only small variations, within the same timeline."

Kurama growled at him, but Dream refused to let him attack Ink when they continue listening to his reasons.

Ink continued, "You are... disposable. You're replaceable, a cheap toy. For my amusement. You mean... nothing to me."

All three of them gasped.

"It's all just a game. And I... am having the time of my life."

"You damn traitor!" Cross yelled at him before he summoned a gaster blaster to kill the traitor, but Dream stopped him from harming him.

Kurama growled at him in anger. "I knew you were somebody! We trusted you!"

"Goodbye, everyone." Then Ink left them behind when he teleported somewhere. When he was gone, Cross became angry and Dream became so depressed when she was betrayed again. Why do things always happen to her? Why does everyone keep betraying her!? Why does everyone hate her so much!? She never knew why she trusted traitors.

"Come on, Cross. We're going back to Epictale. We still need a plan to stop XGaster and his creations from harming the other universe." Dream said in a depressed voice.

Cross nodded. "Okay."

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