A First Date With Cross

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Dream went back to Outertale making sure everyone has Positivity. She was playing hide and seek with them while having fun. People and the children loved her like she was her guardian angel. Within a few minutes, Dream was done playing hide and seek, so she decided to go to the same restaurant where Cross has tried to kill the monster. When she entered Grillby's, she didn't know she was being watched by Cross.

He was hidden behind the tree while watching over her. His face is filled with blush. God, why would he gain his crush on Dream? He has daydreamed of looking at her in his arms and wanted to kiss her so badly but held himself back and got to hold himself together.

He suddenly entered Grillby's Restaurant until he finally found her sitting next to the bar waiting for the food to arrive any minute. He stared at her as her positivity spread throughout the AUs.

What should I do? Cross thought.

XChara appeared again and glared at him, crossing his arms across his chest. You're not seriously asking her out, right?

He glanced down. I wanted to, but... I don't even know. Except she is Nightmare's younger twin sister.

I think you liked her, don't you? XChara asked, frowning.

He blushed softly. I think... I think I started to like this girl...

XChara groaned in disguises.


Then he heard a voice. Cross looked up and saw Dream staring at him curiously. He couldn't help but stare at her beautiful orange eyes. They were cute. Yet, he wanted to talk to her or wanted to kiss her so badly.

He gulped nervously as he backed away from her. "Dr-dream!" He stuttered as he sweatdropped.

"What are you doing here?" Dream asked curiously.

"Um..." He began. Cross scratched the back of his skull as sweat are forming into his face while he was blushing heavily. XChara gave him a rude look as he shook his head with refusal.

"I was looking out for you," Cross revealed.

Dream blinked in surprise. She couldn't help but smile. "You don't have to see me if you don't want to, Cross."

"N-no. I want to see you again. I was making sure you're okay." Cross said.

"That's sweet of you. Still, you really don't have to." Dream chuckled.

"So... aren't you playing with the kids?" He asked.

"I have to take a break." She replied.

"I see. Do you mind if I join you?"

"Oh, I don't mind at all. You can sit next to me. Do you want something?" Dream said.

He shook his head. "No, thanks."

"Okay." Then he sat next to Dream while they were having a good conversation. Yet, it looks like they were dating. While it was going on, XChara couldn't stand watching Cross dating Nightmare's twin sister, which grosses him out. He hoped worse won't get watching of watching them. Suddenly, he saw a giant Nine-Tailed Beast watching over them as well. He glared at the beast.

"What are you supposed to be?" XChara asked the beast.

"Name's Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast. I've been in jailer inside of Naru and her reincarnation Dream for many years ago since the day Naru was born."

"I see. So you and I were the same, huh?"

"Maybe, but we're different. What are you supposed to be, anyway?" Kurama asked.

"Well, it's a long story. I guess I should tell you what happened." Then XChara explained everything to him about what happened in the past. While he was telling Kurama a full story, Cross and Dream were having a great time hanging out together as she noticed Kurama was speaking to Cross's other side, XChara. She smiled at that as she knew he made a new friend.

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