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Cross stayed silent while frowning as he stared at the young female skeleton with a bracelet crown around her head and her yellow clothing with black sleeves. Cross looked unamused as he kept glaring at her. Even though, Dream was curious and wondered what he needs. She thought maybe he needed help. She began to approach him carefully.

"Can I help you, sir?" Dream asked repeatedly.

Within a minute, he spoke...

"Nothing..." Cross muttered.

Then he began to walk away, leaving Dream confused. She watched him further away as she knew he suddenly vanished. She wondered what was wrong with him and why he was being a total asshole, anyways. That doesn't anger her. She wondered why.

What's up with this guy? He's been acting strange lately. Dream thought. Then she decided to teleport herself to Outertale immediately.


A few hours later, Cross returned to the hideout and waited for Nightmare to arrive any minute. The sound of silence bored him. He couldn't take it anymore. Finally, Nightmare arrived and he confronted him.

Cross glared at him. "You finally done feeding off of negative feelings now?"

Nightmare glared back at him. "You done being an asshole?"

He scowled, rolling his eyes.

"Well? How did it go?" He asked.

"It seems like they were having time in Underswap. Except for Ink who was busy protecting the Multiverse."

"I see. Well, Cross, I'll let you take a break from your work, but I want you to be here at nine in the noon. When I didn't see you coming home, I'll shred you apart."

Cross nodded. "Yes."

When he left, a certain phantom young boy from Cross's side with black undercover, a white T-shirt, black shorts, white boots, and a white cape at his back.

"Geez, what a bastard he is. No wonder why you're working with him." XChara complained about why Nightmare is merciless and cruel.

Cross glared at that. "I know, but I better do what he says. He's our boss."

XChara groaned, annoyed. He cursed under his breath. Then Cross began to walk around in a different universe called Outertale.


Dream was at Outertale taking care of the monsters who were crying and screaming for help. She knew it was Nightmare who was responsible for causing them miserably. She couldn't believe Nightmare would do this, giving them negative feelings. While it was going on, she saw a familiar white skeleton walking alone. When she stared at him, she recognized him. She sensed he has no feelings. She saw him turning his head and began to stare at her instantly. He gave a glaring look. Then he continued to walk away.

Suddenly, Kurama's phantom appeared and glared back at him. "Grr, I don't trust this guy." He growled, "He might be working with your brother."

"I don't think he isn't a bad person. He looked sad because of his feelings. Yet, he looks greedy and reckless. I know deep down he was a good person."

Kurama gave her a look. "How do you know? You don't know him."

"To my depends, I believe he isn't a bad guy. He looked depressed and alone. I thought maybe I can help him feel better."

Kurama sighed. "I supposed you're right, Kit."

Reincarnated As Dream [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now